Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 163: Get rid of the python and lead Li Muxuan into Taoism

When they heard that the blood droplet had not been obtained by the python sky dragon, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

If so.

Then it is absolutely certain that the owner of the notebook will get rid of the Python Tianjiao!

Zhang Chulan spoke at this time.

"I didn't expect that this drop of blood was actually a magic weapon turned into essence."

"Now it seems that everything in the world can become a spirit!"

Hearing what Zhang Chulan said, Su Zaiqiao said:

"Actually, this can be regarded as a glimmer of hope left by heaven and earth for these creatures. Although human life is rare, it is not impossible to obtain it."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"I once read these four words left by a senior somewhere. I didn't know what they meant at the time. Now that I think about it again, I really feel enlightened."

After hearing this sentence, the old master in the video immediately understood what Zhang Chulan was talking about.

"Yes, human life is rare."

"If we look at it from the perspective that it takes these elves and monsters five hundred years to cultivate a human body, then a human being is born with five hundred years of Taoism."

"And those elves and monsters have a lot of hardships in cultivating themselves as human beings."

"You need to open up your spiritual wisdom, cultivate your abilities, and endure thunder and calamity."

"If you can get over it, get over it. If you can't get over it, you have to start all over again."

"Hundreds and thousands of years of time, the hardships involved, we as human beings cannot understand."

Hearing what the Heavenly Master said, everyone felt sad.


This kind of thing is like a person knowing whether drinking water is warm or cold.

Human beings who want to empathize with these monsters and elves are not in that state of mind.

Only people like Lao Tianshi, who have gone through hundreds of years of hardships and stood at the top, can have such compassion.

The old master in the video said again at this moment:

"I heard someone from the Mu family say before when I was in the Northeast that these immortal elves need to find horse disciples to form relationships with and accumulate merit after their death."

"After discussing with the Xian family, it will be considered as a court agreement."

"However, some immortal families have been harmed a lot by some disciples with evil intentions. If they provoke those who shouldn't be provoked, they may even be implicated to the point of death."

After hearing what the Heavenly Master said, everyone truly realized the importance of these four words: human life is rare.

At this moment, Zhang Chulan suddenly thought of the two brothers Deng Youfu and Deng Youcai.

"If Feng Xingtong hadn't saved Liu Kunsheng back then, I'm afraid that Liu Kunsheng would have died as a result of being implicated by his disciples as my master said."

Hearing this sentence, Lu Linglong, who had participated in the Luotian Dajiao, said at this time:

"Yes, at that time I almost thought that Liu Kunsheng was going to be eaten by that king."

"I just don't know what's going on recently. The Feng family and the Wang family are really on good terms. Many of the Feng family's properties are transfusing blood for the Wang family. Even because of this incident, the market value of Feng Zhenghao's Tianxiahui has shrunk by five hundred. More than 100 million!”

Hearing this, Lu Jin laughed.

"These two families have a history in the past."

"But it's not appropriate for me to tell you about this. You will know the reason later."

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Chulan and others suddenly looked confused.

Feng family and Wang family.

What happened?

While several people were confused, Feng Baobao had already continued reading.

[I successfully left the Underground Qing Palace with two drops of blood. 】

[Soon Daji and I launched a new round of offensive. 】

[Under the influence of the blood drops, we refined the little demons one after another into demon elixirs. Upon seeing this, Daji also collected them all, saying that they would be reserved for our daughter to take after she was born. 】

[After getting rid of all the little demons, Daji has collected more than 800 demon pills. Such a large number of demon pills can even take Daji's current state to a higher level. 】

[But a pregnant woman seems to be different. Now she is only thinking about her child. To Daji now, she herself is not as important as this child. 】

Lu Linglong's eyes suddenly darkened after hearing these words.

At this moment she thought of her mother.

Back then, she watched her mother die at the hands of others.

Although she was only over a year old at the time, that scene was like a nightmare and would appear in her dreams from time to time.

This also led to her initial rejection when she joined Fujiyama.

Because she often has a self-destructive tendency to bleed all her blood out.

In the end, she had no choice but to worship Quanzhen to cultivate her character and see if she could make up for her character flaws since childhood.

But from the recent nightmares, it seems that joining Quanzhen has not made up for her character flaws, but has tended to make them worse.

Think of this.

Lu Linglong sighed quietly.

I just hope that a solution can be found in the future.

at this time.

Feng Baobao's voice continued.

[After killing all the little demons, the python sky dragon finally couldn't help but show up. 】

[It has to be said that this Python Heavenly Jiao with 2,500 years of Taoism is completely incomparable to those previous monsters with more than a thousand years of Taoism. 】

[His strength can be said to be the strongest person I have encountered since time travel. 】

[However, I have the blessing of the Dragon-Slaying Sword and Dragon-Slaying Technique, which can be said to be double damage to this python sky dragon. 】

[Cooperating with Daji and my own Samadhi True Fire, I finally killed the python sky dragon to Chu Longyin. 】

[On the day when the Python Tianjiao died, blood rained from the sky. I don’t quite understand where this guy came from. 】

Everyone was surprised when they heard that the great demon Mang Tianjiao was raining blood when he died.

Zhang Chulan looked at the Heavenly Master.

"Master, what on earth is going on?"

"Why does it rain blood from the sky when this snake dies?"

The Heavenly Master frowned after hearing this.

"Generally speaking, only when ancient saints die will there be strange phenomena in the sky."

"This is like when Confucius died, the lotus flowers in the entire lotus pond near his home declined."

"There is also Zhuge Liang, who is praised as the greatest stranger. Before his death, a red meteor fell from the sky. This meteor was very strange. When it was about to fall, it suddenly rose again. It went back and forth three times before it finally fell."

"According to legend, Zhuge Liang was borrowing his life from heaven, and it was only because he didn't receive it in the end."

"But the python heavenly dragon actually had visions even after it died. Could it be that this python heavenly dragon is the reincarnation of a certain immortal!"

Because they knew about the existence of immortals, no one showed any surprised expressions.

Su Zaiqiao said at this moment:

"Grandpa, this immortal's blessings are endless. Even if he is reincarnated into a beggar's family, I am afraid he will not be reborn as a snake."

"So I feel like this guy must have used some magical power before he died, just like the magical power of making clouds and rain, which he used to bluff people."

Su Zaiqiao's words immediately opened up a new way of thinking for everyone.


This situation can indeed be explained by this situation.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why the Python Tianjiao's treatment is so high.

at this time.

Feng Baobao continued reading.

[Daji seemed very worried about the blood rain, because it often means that death has a great influence on the entire world. 】

[I reassured her that she didn’t need to worry, as we, Old Su, were also protected by immortals. 】

[When the Python Tianjiao died, I took out its soul and used it to refine a magic weapon as a birth gift for my daughter. 】

[However, it is difficult to find the original body of the refining magic weapon. It can even be said that it is extremely difficult to find materials that can match the soul of the 2500-year-old Taoist python. 】

[In the end, Daji took a magical conch from the South China Sea as the body of this magic weapon. As long as the sound of this conch is powerful enough, it can spread to any place you want. 】

[The original material of the body has such miraculous abilities, so the magical weapon that will be refined next will definitely have even more miraculous power. 】

[After driving the soul of the python sky dragon into the conch, I started to sacrifice the soul. 】

[After seventy-seven forty-nine days, a brand new conch weapon appeared in front of me. 】

[After testing, the conch magic weapon not only gave birth to a new consciousness, but also exerted an extremely powerful sonic attack. The range is the same as the previous simple function, and it can spread as far as the true energy. 】

[Of course, if you want to use the previous ability, you can also use it. Overall evaluation, it is a good super-wide-range destructive weapon. 】

When they heard this sentence, everyone looked extremely horrified.

This magical weapon sounds too scary.

If it is used by ordinary aliens, it will be fine. But if it is an alien like Lao Tianshi, one person can fight an army!

at this time.

Zhang Chulan's eyes were filled with longing.

"It would be great if I could obtain such a magical weapon. In terms of attack power, it sounds no worse than the Zhuge Divine Machine!"

"Even more than that."

"This is impossible! I am the strongest!"

After Zhang Chulan finished speaking, a girl's voice sounded next to Feng Baobao.

Hearing this sentence, everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

Someone is talking.

Feng Baobao raised his wrist blankly at this time.

A gorgeous bright bracelet was on her hand.

"It seems like my bracelet is talking. By the way, it's Zhuge Shenji."

Zhao Fangxu from the board of directors couldn't help but darken his face when he heard that the one on Feng Baobao's wrist was Zhuge Shenji.

"Xiao Si, why wasn't this matter reported?"

"I thought Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao found a notebook after they went to the United States."

Xu Si smiled awkwardly after hearing this.

"Of course not."

"The Zhuge Shenji on the baby's side has never spoken, and it can't be taken off. It's the same as not getting it."

"I was still thinking about waiting until Zhuge Shenji speaks before telling the company."

Hearing what Xu Si said, Zhao Fangxu also lost his temper.

"Okay, I'll report it after I finish reading this note."


After Xu Si finished speaking, he looked at Feng Baobao.

"Baby, when you came back from the United States, didn't you hear Zhuge Shenji's speech?"

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, that's what it is."

After speaking, Feng Baobao looked at the bracelet on his wrist.

"I want to use it, but she won't let me use it."

"But it keeps pumping my true energy."

"I have a lot of real energy, so I can whip it out for her."

Zhuge Shenji looked aggrieved at this time.

"In fact, you can't blame me for this situation. The main reason is that I stayed in that energyless space for too long. If this little girl didn't have so much energy, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to recover even now."

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but feel a little scared after hearing this.

"You smoke Zhen Qi, you!"

"If I let you whip me every day, why don't you beat me to death!"

Zhuge Shenji suddenly became arrogant after hearing this.

"If it were you, you would be drained by me in less than half a day!"

"If you let me smoke, I won't be able to smoke easily."

Hearing that Zhuge Shenji disliked him so much, Zhang Chulan wanted to get angry but was helpless.

"Okay, if you don't like it, just dislike it."

Feng Baobao didn't care about anything else, but looked at Zhuge Shenji.

"Then can you let me use it next?"

"Okay, but I have only restored one function now: Canglong Shakes the Earth."

"That's enough."

After Feng Baobao finished speaking, he didn't ask anything else, and then began to read the rest of the notes.

[After leaving the conch to Daji, I counted the days and found that I had been away for three months. At this time, Li Muxuan should have started. 】

[So I used fire escape to return to Trinity Gate. 】

[At this time, there were three more little boys in the outer courtyard of Trinity Gate. One was Liu Deshui, who wore glasses and looked honest, the other was Li Muxuan, and the last one was Lu Jin, who had white hair but was the most adorable. . 】

[Speaking of which, I seem to have met other Lu family members. 】

Hearing the note owner say that Lu Jin looked the cutest when he was a child, everyone couldn't help but look at Mr. Lu now.

Lu Linglong immediately said:

"It's a pity that the photography industry was not developed at that time. The earliest photos of my grandfather at home are all from his teenage years."

Lu Jin blushed when he saw this.

"Speaking of which, I was really cute when I was a kid!"

Hearing what Lu Jin said, Zhang Chulan asked curiously:

"Mr. Lu, did you communicate with the owner of the note at that time?"

Lu Jin looked a little nostalgic after hearing this.

"When it comes to communication, we have communicated many times. I even thought about becoming his teacher at that time, but it's a pity that he didn't accept me."

"Instead, I wanted to recruit that guy Li Muxuan, which made me very jealous at the time."

Hearing what Lu Jin said, everyone was even more curious.

Zhang Chulan asked.

"Mr. Lu, can you explain it in detail?"

Hearing this, Lu Jin nodded.

"What you say can be said."

"I still remember that when I was a child, my father sent me to the Trinity Gate and directly entered the outer courtyard, and there was already a Liu Deshui in the outer courtyard."

"He started working more than a month before me. All he does every day is chop wood and carry water."

"After I entered the outer courtyard, what I did every day was chopping wood and carrying water."

"Almost a month after I came, Li Muxuan came. When we first met, he was very polite. It could be said that he was so polite that it made people feel embarrassed. He even started calling me senior brother."

"I told him that the disciples in the outer courtyard have not yet started, so there is no need to call me senior brother."

"But what happened later made me feel that Li Muxuan was not that kind of honest child."

"Because Liu Deshui tried his best to carry water and chop wood. He was very tired every day."

"I try my best to fetch water and chop firewood. I will stop when I feel tired. This does no harm to my body."

"And this Li Muxuan just carries water when he wants and rests when he wants. He doesn't care whether this is an assessment or not."

"Although we were curious about what he was thinking, he wouldn't tell us every time we asked."

"Later I found out that he went to the mountain gate every day to observe the daily consumption of Trinity Gate, and then carried water and chopped firewood based on the daily consumption of Trinity Gate. I have to say that this kid is a thief. ”

Hearing that Li Muxuan was such a person, others were also very curious.

I don’t know what became of this man.

Zhang Chulan quickly asked:

"Mr. Lu, what happened next?"

"What happened next?"

Hearing Zhang Chulan's question, Lu Jin shook his head, obviously not wanting to say anything.

"Let's listen to the notes."

Seeing that Lu Jin didn't want to say anything, everyone was too smart to ask.

Then Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er, continue reading."

Feng Baobao nodded and continued reading.

[At this time, Shuiyun of Trinity Gate was looking at these three little guys. When he saw me coming back, he quickly saluted respectfully. I told him that I had been traveling outside for too long and had not been in contact with Trinity Gate affairs for a long time, so It's better for me to keep an eye on these three little guys. 】

[Although Shuiyun had scruples, I was Zuo Ruotong’s junior fellow apprentice, and I had raised another 2 million U.S. dollars, so I had a high status in the sect, so I didn’t choose to stop him. 】

[When it was my turn to look at these three little guys, Li Muxuan looked extremely surprised, because he did not expect that I was also a member of the Trinity Sect. 】

[That night, Li Muxuan found me and asked who was stronger between me and Zuo Ruotong. If I was stronger, then he agreed to become my disciple. 】

When they heard this, everyone couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Is this the kind of mind a child can have?

Zhang Chulan looked at Lu Jin aside.

"Mr. Lu, how old was Li Muxuan when he was sent here? He was so thoughtful at such a young age."

Hearing Zhang Chulan's words, Lu Jin also sighed: "Li Muxuan was only eight years old back then."


I heard that you could play so many tricks at the age of eight. If you were alive to this day, wouldn't your whole body be full of tricks?

Who can beat him?

While everyone was shocked, Feng Baobao had continued to read.

[For Li Muxuan's attitude of respecting the strong, I knew that if I told him that I was stronger than Zuo Ruotong and then accepted him as a disciple, it would not only fail to lead him into the Tao, but would make him more and more obsessed with combat power. ]

[So I told him that although my combat power was not as high as Zuo Ruotong, my realm was much higher than Zuo Ruotong. ]

[After hearing that my realm was only higher than Zuo Ruotong, Li Muxuan really chose to refuse to worship me as his master, and went back to his room to sleep after saying goodbye. ]

[It must be said that it is a very difficult thing to lead Li Muxuan into the Tao. ]

[But thinking of the entrustment of Nanhua Laoxian, and the benefits promised by Nanhua Laoxian to become an immortal again, my expectations for Li Muxuan rose again. ]

[No other reason, the reward was too generous. ]

[Wait until the next day. ]

[Zuo Ruotong suddenly found me. 】

【The first thing he asked was: "Junior brother, what is your realm now?"】

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