Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 159 The truth about the Great Black Buddha, the whole story from the mouth of the Lankavatar

Hearing that that person was actually a prisoner in Zhang Chulan's world, the Three-Eyed King suddenly understood.

"I just said that this person looks cunning, and even wants to instigate a war between us and the outside world. It turns out that he is a prisoner from the outside world."

"It all makes sense."

"Wait a moment, Lord God, I will take you there right now."

After saying that, the Three-Eyed King led Zhang Chulan and the others towards the underground prison.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief when they saw that the three-eyed man was not in cahoots with that Dharma King Lanka.

However, a new question emerged from everyone's mind.

If Dharma King Lankavatara was able to come to the Three-Eyed Kingdom and cooperate with the Three-Eyed King, he must have the confidence to come here.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have foolishly come here to seek death.

Just don't know why.

His so-called trump card will actually become invalid.

That's why it became what it is now.

Although everyone was confused, no one took the initiative to ask.

Still following the same route as last time, Zhang Chulan and the others were led to the underground prison by the Three-Eyed King.

Dharma King Naranga was not locked up on the outside, but in the innermost part of the prison.

Looking at the empty underground prison around him, Zhang Chulan looked curious.

"Three-Eyed King, where is Ma Chenguang?"

"Why is he missing? He must have died of old age and been buried by you."

Hearing Zhang Chulan's inquiry, the Three-Eyed King sighed helplessly.

"Since you guys left, this horse Chen Guang has disappeared, and I don't know how it ran away."

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised.

"Will we disappear after we leave?"

"The prison guards didn't notice at all?"

The three-eyed king nodded.

"Yes, I didn't find anything at all."

"But later through analysis of the scene, we felt that the horse Chen Guang was rescued by someone, but we just don't know who it was."

"Angel, is it possible that there is someone else secretly following you behind your back?

Hearing what the Three-Eyed King said, Zhang Chulan shook his head.

"No, not really."

"But no one can say for sure about this kind of thing. Maybe there really is a tail behind us."

Zhuge Qing recalled this and shook his head.

"I didn't notice it either."

"If even I don't notice it, then the person behind this ass is definitely far more powerful than all of us."

After hearing Zhuge Qing's words, Zhang Chulan also understood what he meant.

Zhuge Qing was naturally very talented in Xunfeng magic, and he even said he was very good at it.

Even for people who are much more powerful than him, it is very difficult to hide from him.

The only possibility of causing this phenomenon is that the people following them are many times stronger than them.

But now is not the time to dwell on that.

Ma Chenguang, to be honest, is just an old guy who is about to die of old age. He will be killed by the flow of time after he goes out.

There is no need to care at all.

Think of this.

Zhang Chulan looked at the Three-Eyed King.

"Ignore this old guy, let's go see that Dharma King Lanka."

"Okay, envoy, please!"

After the Three-Eyed King finished speaking, he led Zhang Chulan towards the place where Dharma King Lankavatara was imprisoned.

It didn't take long.

They met the so-called Dharma King Lankavatara at the place where the armored guards were originally imprisoned.

It is different from the fat monk Zhang Chulan imagined.

Dharma King Lankavatara is a very thin old man. His eyes are neither too big nor too small, and he is shrewd from the inside out.

Seeing Zhang Chulan and others walking in from outside, Dharma King Lanka seemed to have seen a life-saving straw, and he stepped forward to beg for mercy regardless of his dignity.

"Are you people from the outside world?"

"Please take me out!"

"I am Dharma King Lanka of Dapu Temple. I can give you even billions when the time comes."

The reason why he begged Zhang Chulan and the others regardless of dignity was because if he couldn't get out this time, he might really be imprisoned by these three-eyed people for the rest of his life.

By then, let alone the things that the Buddha promised to me, I am afraid that even what I have now will not be able to keep it at all!

At this moment, Wang Zhenqiu stood up from behind Zhang Chulan.

"King Langa, I didn't expect you to be imprisoned here!"

After seeing Wang Zhenqiu, Dharma King Lanka was stunned.

He didn't expect to see someone from the company here. The person in charge of Hao Yi's company had brought this guy to his temple before.

But I was so prosperous then, but now I look so miserable.

No matter how thick-skinned Dharma King Lanka is, he still feels a little helpless at this moment.

Cover your face with your clothes and stop showing it to others.

"No I'm not, I don't know what you're talking about."

Seeing how King Langa was deceiving himself, Wang Zhenqiu said:

"Actually, we are here to rescue you this time."

"King Langa, as long as you confess the facts of your crime, we can immediately apply to the Three-Eyed King to release you."

After hearing this, Dharma King Lanka was immediately unhappy.

"Crime facts?"

"What crime facts?"

"What crime have I committed?"

Wang Zhenqiu sneered.

"Do we have to tell you about your deal with the big black Buddha?"

"You know, the things you did to undermine the stability of the alien world are serious crimes!"

Hearing Wang Zhenqiu's words, Dharma King Langa was a little unsure for a moment.

It's not clear whether he really knows what happened to him.

Seeing that Dharma King Langa was still indifferent, Wang Zhenqiu had no idea of ​​continuing to argue with him.

"Chu Lan, let's go."

"It seems that Dharma King Lanka is unwilling to cooperate!"

After saying this, Wang Zhenqiu winked at Zhang Chulan, and Zhang Chulan immediately understood.

Since this guy refuses to tell the truth.

Then stretch it.

To save him, he is still living in fantasy.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan stopped writing.

He turned to look at the Three-Eyed King on the side.

"Three-Eyed King, since this guy refuses to cooperate, let's leave."


The Three-Eyed King naturally obeys the orders of the divine envoy Zhang Chulan 100%.

"In that case, then you can come with me to have a meal and take a bath."

He took them out of the underground prison.

Zhang Chulan looked at Wang Zhenqiu on the way.

"How long are you going to keep this old guy waiting?"

Wang Zhenqiu thought for a while.

"Well, this kind of thing can't be rushed. Wait for him for a few days before talking about it."


Listening to Zhang Chulan and the others talking, the Three-Eyed King was very happy.

"Angel, last time you stayed for a day and then left. You have to stay here well during this time."

"You don't have to worry about all kinds of life problems at all. Even if you miss a woman, we will send you the most beautiful girl."

Zhang Chulan waved her hands quickly after hearing this.


"Just take care of our food, drink and a place to live."

"We'll have to ask you to take us to the dungeon again then."

The Three-Eyed King knows very well what Zhang Chulan and the others are thinking.

"Okay, let's not let that human eat during this period. He will only drink water. We will starve him for a few days before we talk about it."

Hearing the Three-Eyed King being so kind, Zhang Chulan also nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, I'll do as you say!"

Then, for the remaining few days, Zhang Chulan and the others ate and slept every day, played when they woke up, and ate when they were tired from playing.

I experienced all the different customs and customs of the Three Eyes Country.

Among them, the one who had the most fun was Wang Zhenqiu, who almost seemed to be having a bit of fun.

By the way, I also used the Godhead Gloves to collect a lot of faith and will power that could not be collected outside.

According to Wang Zhenqiu.

The faith and will of these three-eyed people are extremely pure.

The god that can be summoned and possessed is a three-eyed god who can spit out the true fire of samadhi.

Using this kind of faith and will to use the godhead mask consumes very little of the body.

Even said.

No harm will be done.

Zhang Chulan was naturally envious of this matter.

Because this means that Wang Zhenqiu has another trump card.

Almost five days later, everyone returned to the Three-Eyed King's palace to reflect on what they had played today.

have to say.

The Three-Eyed King and the residents of the Three-Eyed King's City tried their best to please them.

So every time they go out to play, they come back with a lot of fun.

at this time.

Zhang Chulan suddenly realized that it had been a long time since he visited Dharma King Naga.

"Wang Zhenqiu, should we go see the Dharma King Lanka? It seems he hasn't eaten in five days."

Wang Zhenqiu's happy face suddenly solidified.

The fried cakes in my mouth no longer taste good.

It took a long time before a word came out of his mouth.

"I forgot to clean it up..."

When everyone followed the Three-Eyed King to the dungeon, King Lanka was sitting cross-legged on the ground meditating with his face exposed.

As the Tantric Dharma King.

There is a method for inescaping grain.

But no matter how hard I eat, I will still be hungry if I can’t eat anything.

"You are here."

Seeing the crowd approaching, Dharma King Lankavatara's voice became weak.

Wang Zhenqiu stepped forward at this time.

"His Holiness, have you thought about it? If you still refuse to say anything, we will really leave."

"Also, I forgot to tell you that Drakpa was very familiar with my master before he became a monk. If you are gone, the company will consider fully supporting Drakpa to become the Dharma King."

"So it's up to you to take care of this matter."

Hearing the words of Venerable Drakpa, Dharma King Langa gritted his teeth.

"I've known for a long time that this guy has no good intentions!"

"Now my ambition is exposed as soon as I leave."


Dharma King Lenga thought for a long time and finally decided to listen to Wang Zhenqiu.

"In that case, I will tell you."

"But this kind of thing is still a bit bizarre to say."

After hearing what Lengya Dharma King said, Wang Zhenqiu then took out a fried cake wrapped in oil paper.

"It's hard to hear you talking. Let's eat something first before talking."

Then Wang Zhenqiu threw the fried cake in front of Dharma King Lanka.

Seeing this, Dharma King Lanka did not care about his dignity, picked up the fried cake and bit into it.

He is not an ascetic.

Tantric monks who have successfully practiced supreme yoga can even go without food or water for half a year.

But he can't.

As a Dharma King, there are so many worldly things to take care of, so naturally you don’t have to suffer this burden.

After finishing the last bite of fried cake, Dharma King Lanka gave a burp of satisfaction.


"It tastes really good, better than any fried cake I've ever had."

Wang Zhenqiu squatted down at this time.

"Now, you can tell me the whole story."

Dharma King Lanka nodded.

"Okay, speaking of which, I have lost this Buddha's relics, so what else can I hold on to?"

Thinking of this, Dharma King Lankan obediently told the whole story.

through his narration.

At this moment, everyone finally understood the cause of the matter.

It turned out that two years ago, Dharma King Lanka and his disciples drove to the home of a financial sponsor to exorcise evil spirits and pray for blessings.

But a huge deep hole was discovered on the road.

They had walked on this road many times before and had never seen such a big pothole before.

So Dharma King Lankan asked his disciples to stop the car, and he walked over to the pit.

When he came to the pit, he saw a big black Buddha with black Buddha light all over his body. The Buddha told him that as long as he found eight kitchen utensils, he could lead Tantra to glory.

And he will also be guided by the Buddha Kingdom and enjoy eternal bliss.

After the Great Black Buddha disappeared, he also left him a Buddha relic. This Buddha relic was left behind when the Great Black Buddha passed away.

Through the guidance of the relics, he found two kitchen utensils: the Greedy Wolf Pot and the Magic Bronze Sacred Artifact.

Zhang Chulan and the others also knew what happened next.

That is, in order to obtain the Lingzang Treasury, he sent his two most proud disciples to rob it.

In the end, it attracted people from the company and failed.

The only thing Zhang Chulan noticed was the Buddha's relics mentioned by Dharma King Lanka.

"How did you lose this Buddha relic? According to me, you should regard it as life."

When Dharma King Lanka heard this, he felt regretful.

"Yes, I protect it as my life, but just before I came to the Three-Eyed Kingdom, my relics were snatched away, and I couldn't even see my face clearly."

"This matter has always been painful in my heart. Even the enemy did not see it clearly."

"It's a pity that I am ashamed of the Buddha. Even the three-eyed man he mentioned did not choose to help me."

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan immediately realized that things were not that simple.


What the Dharma King Lanka saw was not some big black Buddha.

Maybe it's the snake god.

After all, these three-eyed people once believed in the snake god.

If the snake god comes in person, these three-eyed people might really surrender. By then, it won't be as easy to solve as it is now!

Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan was really grateful to the mysterious person who took away the relic.

But this kind of thing cannot be discussed here.

Then, Zhang Chulan looked at Wang Zhenqiu.

"This is a matter on your territory. The rest of the matter will be left to you. However, the two kitchen utensils obtained by Tantric, the Greedy Wolf Pot and the Magic Bronze Sacred Artifact, I think this matter should be reported to the company."


"I will deal with it with Hao Yi next."

"There are also many tasks in your area, so I don't need to trouble you."

"As for whether the Dharma King Lanka has committed any crime, the company has to decide everything."

After hearing what Wang Zhenqiu said.

Dharma King Lanka on the side was a little angry.

"That's not what you said just now."

"Didn't it mean that nothing would happen after I said it?"

Seeing Dharma King Langa like this, Wang Zhenqiu quickly shook his head.

"I never said anything about this."

"It's your lackey."

After saying that, Wang Zhenqiu took out a long silver needle.

"Dharma King, I will have to wrong you next!"

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