Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 158 Notes Finale, the Final Destinations of the Ancients and Shoggoths

Everyone was shocked when they heard that these four ancients could breed an entire tribe.


They are so fertile!

Barron spoke at this time.

"The reproductive ability of these ancients reminds me of the wild rabbits in Australia."

"I have been there before. It can be said that the wild rabbits are rampant. The history can be traced back to the 18th century. An immigrant from Eagle Country brought 24 domestic rabbits and raised them on the farm."

"Later, some of the rabbits ran away and reproduced rapidly in the wild."

"Because there are no natural enemies of rabbits here, coupled with a pleasant climate and abundant grass, rabbits soon began to reproduce in large numbers."

"By the last century, the number of rabbits exceeded more than 10 billion."

"It can be said that it has completely become a nightmare for Australians."

"If these ancients are allowed to reproduce, it is really hard to imagine what the number will be in the end."

Everyone seemed a little worried after hearing this.


If these ancients become rampant, I am afraid they will be no less than these wild rabbits.

Wang Zhenqiu spoke faintly at this time.

"Fortunately, these ancients did not appear during the era of human cold weapons, otherwise, with their physical fitness, they would have crushed humans in that era."

"From the current results, these ancients did not leave the Antarctic continent in the end."

"I don't know what the owner of the notebook did to them."

"Or did he restrict these ancients and let them stay there forever."

Zhang Chulan thought of the five members of the US expedition team.

"Perhaps, the five members of the US expedition team later notified the United States that such existence that may pose a huge threat to human rule must be cleared out."

"Perhaps, those ancients and shoggoths have been destroyed now."

"Or, some of the ancients and shoggoths were destroyed, and they deliberately preserved some for research."

Hearing Zhang Chulan's words, everyone felt that this was indeed possible.


This is the best way to deal with the ancients and shoggoths.

At this time.

Feng Baobao has continued to read the notebook.

[After learning about the amazing reproductive ability of the ancients, the members of the expedition team who came with me were a little worried. ]

[Because in their eyes, once these ancients multiply, they will definitely pose a huge threat to humans. ]

[But I am not too worried. ]

[First, modern human technology can easily crush these ancients, and the other point is that I still have use for these ancients. ]

[I want them to go to the bottom of the sea for me to find their former cities. ]

[As for how to control these ancients, I have already made plans. I will get eight kitchen utensils from Yakan. ]

[These ancients are essentially living things. They will eat what I cook and be obedient. ]

[As for these five expedition members, they are also easy to deal with. They will just eat some food and then put them back. ]

[So I told the necromancer to lock up these five people after returning, and I will come back again. ]

[While controlling the ancients, we must also control all five people. ]

[After all, this is a serious matter, and there is no human touch at all. 】

【If they let the existence of the Ancients and the Shoggoths leak out, then things will not be so easy to solve. 】

When everyone heard the owner of the notebook deal with it this way, they breathed a sigh of relief.


Only this way of dealing with it can be regarded as the best way.

Zhang Chulan said:

"If this is the case, then these people from Miskatonic University are definitely the deepest chess pieces planted by the owner of the notebook in the United States."

"After all, these people from Miskatonic University can contact Congress. From this point of view, the status of these scholars and professors at the time was definitely much higher than those of today."

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, Barron on the side said: "Indeed, such scholars and professors were scarce talents in that era. Even if they didn't want to teach, they could still hold important positions in the United States. The status of scholars and professors today is definitely not comparable."

After Barron finished speaking, everyone was quite envious of the high status of scholars and professors in that era.

And Feng Baobao had already read this last paragraph.

【After arranging all this, I took the necromancer, the Shoggoth, and the five people back to the island country. 】

【The necromancer asked me what he would do if another American came over? 】

【And I told him that if he met another American, he would sabotage them secretly and prevent their scientific expedition team from going to Antarctica smoothly. 】

【If that doesn't work, then kill them all. 】

【In short, there must be no variables before I control the Ancient One! 】

【After the necromancer agreed, I left the Shoggoth here to help the necromancer guard it. 】

【Although the person who spied on me has not been found yet, the harvest this time has far exceeded my imagination. 】

【Next, we can only wait, wait for the day when the person who spied on me can no longer hold back. 】


Speaking of this, Feng Baobao has turned to the last page and finished reading the last paragraph.

Everyone felt that they were not satisfied.

Zhang Chulan was very curious about being able to peek into the existence of the owner of the note.

"I don't know who this person is, but he actually forced the owner of the note to do this."

Wang Zhenqiu looked relaxed at this moment.

"I don't know, maybe it's just for fun."

After speaking, he glanced at Zhang Chulan.

Zhang Chulan looked at Wang Zhenqiu like this and immediately felt as if he was being targeted by a snake. Isn't this guy's curiosity about him over yet?

At this moment, Xia Liuqing looked at Wang Zhenqiu.

"Zhenqiu, I want to go to Dapu Temple to see Lao Du now. Do you want to come with me?"

Wang Zhenqiu shook his head after hearing Xia Liuqing's words.

"We still have some tasks here, so you can go over there first."

Xia Liuqing nodded after hearing this.

"Okay, then you will do the task first."

Barron and White had already gotten into the car at this time, and they did not choose to take the note away. Now that they knew the content of the note, the note left in the Dragon Kingdom could be regarded as returned to its original owner.

When Xia Liuqing was about to get in the car, she seemed to have thought of something, and then she said:

"By the way, there's something I think I need to tell you."

"That is Gong Qing, our acting head of Quanxing. He also has a notebook like this in his hand."

"I have been looking for ways to decipher it recently. This little girl needs to pay attention to her own safety."

After hearing Xia Liuqing's words, Wang Zhenqiu and Feng Baobao were not nervous, but Zhang Chulan became nervous.

"Mr. Xia, what is going on?"

"Where did you find the notes in Quan Xing's hand?"

Hearing Zhang Chulan's question, Xia Liuqing laughed with few teeth left.

"It's strange to say that it was found in the same place where Wu Gensheng led Wu Man to break through the barrier. Along with this notebook, there were two other spells. As for what they are, I can't tell you."

Speaking of this, Xia Liuqing said:

"By the way, there is one thing you must pay attention to, that is, a deeply hidden force has recently appeared in the alien world."

"Our acting head accidentally got into trouble when he was taking us to find notes. If I hadn't discovered something was wrong and led the others to find it, I would have been seriously injured by now!"

Hearing Xia Liuqing say this, Zhang Chulan immediately thought of Ma Xianhong.

I don’t know if this has anything to do with the forces behind Ma Xianhong.

However, Zhang Chulan did not show it on the surface, and then nodded.

"Okay, I will pay attention to this matter. Thank you very much, Mr. Xia."

After hearing Zhang Chulan's words, Xia Liuqing smiled and said nothing.

Then he got into Barron's car.

Along with a plume of smoke, the three Barrons drove their car and disappeared into the distance.

I saw several people had left.

Zhang Chulan looked at Zhuge Qing.

"Zhuge Qing, what happens next is up to you."

Zhuge Qing nodded after hearing this.

"Okay, let's see!"

After Zhuge Qing finished speaking, he reopened a passage according to the method he used to get here.

Looking at the opened passage, Wang Zhenqiu looked curious.

It was his first time there.

I don’t know what those three-eyed people look like.

Zhang Chulan then took out a bite bag and directly released the armored guard.

The armored guard had just woken up and before it could react, Zhang Chulan gave it an order.

"Iron Armor Guard, I'll leave it to you later."

"If there's any danger, come and give us a backup."

The armored guard was a little confused after hearing Zhang Chulan's order.

"You don't usually call me, why do you ask me to fight when you call me?"

Zhang Chulan said quickly:

"Don't worry so much, remember to be behind when the time comes."

Seeing Zhang Chulan like this, the armored guard didn't care too much and nodded immediately.

"Okay, just let me take care of you."

Afterwards, the group of people walked towards the passage.

When they came to the passage where they were before, Zhuge Qing discovered some different places around him.

"This place seems a little different."

"There seemed to have been a fight before."

After hearing Zhuge Qing's reminder, Zhang Chulan and others also started to observe.

I found that this is indeed the case.

There are obvious signs of damage from external forces in some places.

Zhang Chulan murmured to himself.

"Is it possible that Dharma King Lanka met someone when he came here?"

After saying that.

A shadow of a person suddenly appeared in Zhang Chulan's mind.

It was the scarred man who claimed to be his godfather.

I don’t know if Dharma King Lanka met him and a fight broke out.

"Zhuge Qing, open the door, let's go inside and see what's going on."


Zhuge Qing then cast a spell on the void in front of him, and soon a space gate was torn apart and appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the scene in front of me.

Zhang Chulan walked in first, and soon Wang Zhenqiu, Feng Baobao, Su Zaiqiao, Zhuge Qing and the Pulingxing Iron Armor also walked in.

As the smell of the tropical rain forest hit their faces, Zhang Chulan and the others returned to the three-eyed country again.

Because he was protected by armor, Zhang Chulan was not very worried about encountering Dharma King Naga.

"Let's go and see if those three-eyed people have seen Dharma King Lanka."


Wang Zhenqiu and Pu Lingxing were very curious about the surrounding environment because it was their first time here.

Tear off a large leaf and observe it carefully.

"I didn't expect there was such a place hidden in the Kunlun Mountains. I don't know how the space here was opened up back then."

Hearing Wang Zhenqiu's words, Zhang Chulan thought of the three-eyed people's magical eyes.

"Perhaps, these three-eyed people opened it up with their special powers."

"Don't worry about it for now. We'd better leave as soon as possible."

"The mosquitoes here can bite people."

Then, Zhang Chulan walked towards the place leading to the three-eyed city according to his previous memory.

When they walked out of the tropical rainforest, the three-eyed city also appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the city in the distance, Wang Zhenqiu was a little surprised.

"Is this the three-eyed city?"

"It looks so majestic. Where did the water veins under the city come from, and where will it flow to in the end?"

Hearing Wang Zhenqiu's questions one after another, Zhang Chulan shook his head.

"I don't know, maybe it flowed into the dragon vein."

"Okay, now we should go."

"These three-eyed people have patrols, and they will see us soon."

"We have been here before, and they will think we are messengers of God when they see us."

The armored guard on the side said at this time:

"Speaking of which, it has been a long time since I came back. The souls of these three-eyed people are much purer than those of you outside. I can feel my mood empty when I stay here."

Zhang Chulan looked at the city in front.

"Okay, let's not stand here, let's go."

Then, a group of people walked towards the city in front.

When they were about to approach the city, the three-eyed guards guarding the gate saw Zhang Chulan and his group.

"It's the messenger of God!"

"The messenger of God is back!"

The next moment, a beam of light shot up into the sky, which immediately attracted the attention of the whole city.

They put down their work and ran to the city gate.

Seeing such a grand ceremony.

Wang Zhenqiu was a little incredible.

"Good guy, are these people so fanatical about you?"

Zhang Chulan smiled.

"Speaking of which, it's all thanks to my master's father."

At this moment, surrounded by the crowd, the Three-Eyed King walked over to Zhang Chulan.

Then he knelt on one knee.

"Lord God's Envoy, you're here."

Zhang Chulan hurriedly stepped forward to help the Three-Eyed King up when he saw this.

"Don't be like this. This time I came here to ask you one thing, that is, whether there was an old monk who came here some time ago."

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, the Three-Eyed King suddenly remembered.

"Are you talking about the old man who broke in here?"

Zhang Chulan was delighted when he heard it.

"Yes, that's the man. Where is he now?"

The Three-Eyed King then said:

"This man came and said he wanted to cooperate with our Three-Eyed Kingdom, and then go to the outside world to rule everything."

"For this kind of lunatic, we just locked him up in the dungeon."

"By the way, is this man your friend, Lord God's Envoy?"

Zhang Chulan hurriedly shook his head when he heard it.

"No, no, of course not."

"This is the wanted criminal outside. Take me to see him. We are going to take him away this time!"

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