Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 154: The race that once defeated Is in Antarctica

Everyone started to have doubts after hearing this.


Has there really been civilization?

Zhuge Qing suddenly looked at the Pu Ling people next to Wang Zhen's legs.

"Don't we have an alien here?"

"Puling people, right? You aliens are definitely better developed than our Earth. You are definitely the one who knows best whether there is civilization in Antarctica."

Hearing that Zhuge Qing suddenly shifted the topic to him, the Pu Ling people were shocked.

"How can I know? Our planet has not studied the history of the Earth."

"Even if there was civilization in Antarctica, it must have been tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years ago."

"We Pu Ling people have only developed for tens of thousands of years. I'm afraid only those races with a long history can know the specific situation."

Hearing that the Pu Ling people have developed for tens of thousands of years, everyone was also a little surprised.

Zhuge Qing was also horrified.

"It has only taken humans a few hundred years to develop from the steam engine to the present."

"Then your current technology must be unimaginably advanced."

Hearing this, the jelly head of the Pu Ling Starman shook like a rattle.

"Of course not."

"The development speed of humans is one of the best in the universe. For other ordinary races, it would be very good if they could develop to our level in tens of thousands of years."

"But we don't care much about technology because we have the ability to parasitize others and control them."

When everyone heard that the Pu Ling Starman could actually parasitize others and control them, they looked like they had seen a ghost.

Good guy.

This ability is simply unheard of.

At the same time, everyone looked at the Pu Ling Starman with more fear.

This ability.

It is indeed too terrible.

Wang Zhenqiu hurriedly explained at this time.

"He can only control some ordinary people and weak aliens, so there is no need to be so nervous."

"A slightly stronger alien can be driven out by Zhenqi."

The Pu Ling star was also a little dejected at this time.

"Yeah, who knew that there was such a thing as Zhenqi on your earth."

"There is no such thing on other planets, and it is much easier to control than you."

Hearing what the Pu Ling star said, the vigilance in everyone's heart also subsided a lot.


If it is Zhenqi that can be defended, there is really no need to be too afraid.

Wang Zhenqiu also said at this time:

"Everyone doesn't need to worry too much about this kind of thing."

"The planet where the Pu Ling star lives is far away from us, and Lao Pu's coming to Earth now is just a coincidence."

After saying that, Wang Zhenqiu looked at Feng Baobao on the side.

"Baby, you continue reading."

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing it, and then continued reading with the notebook in hand.

【After seeing my ability, the five members of the expedition team can be said to respect me as if I were a god. 】

【We chose a sunny day and headed towards that area. 】

【There are still 79 days of polar day in Antarctica now, so their plan is to stay in Antarctica until the last few days of polar day and then come back. 】

【The plane carried a lot of supplies, which were specially funded by the Pickman Foundation. In addition, there are many supply stations built by various countries in Antarctica, which are enough for us to use for half a year. 】

【With the existence of two superhuman beings like me and the necromancer, they are very confident about this expedition. 】

【One of the biologists even wanted to study Antarctic penguins for several months. 】

【Soon, we arrived at the first stop, which was a supply station built by the German Germans, very close to the place with abnormal magnetic field. 】

【When we got off the plane, we quickly cleaned the inside, and there were also letters left by the previous expedition team. 】

【The content of the letter records in detail every detail before they came here. The mood described above is exactly the same as ours, all of them are full of confidence and hope, looking forward to solving the mystery of that place. 】

【According to the professor of Miskatonic University who led the expedition, the previous expedition team can be said to be fully equipped with supplies and equipment, and there are 12 people, and even a voodoo wizard is accompanying them. 】

【But after entering the area with abnormal magnetic field, they never appeared again. 】

【The appearance of the letter cast a layer of haze over the team's head, but I have a feeling that there may be a kind of Qi Bureau like the Twenty-Four Sections Valley. 】

【If it is really a Qi Bureau, then I must leave, because even now I don’t have the ability to break the Qi Bureau alone. 】

At this time, Zhang Chulan thought of the scarred man he met before.

He has the ability to break the Qi Bureau, and it even looks very easy.

Zhang Chulan knew very well that if it came to fighting power, the scarred man was definitely not a match for the owner of the notebook.

But realm is very mysterious.

It has nothing to do with fighting power, so Zhang Chulan felt that it was probably because the scarred man who claimed to be his uncle had a very high realm, so he could enter and exit the dragon vein, a place that receives cosmic energy.

While Zhang Chulan was thinking, Feng Baobao was still reading.

[We parked the plane at this supply station, took the supplies and started walking towards the death zone. ]

[There was nothing between me and the necromancer, but these five scholars who were usually not exercising were already exhausted. ]

[In order to make these five guys faster, I drew the Armor Horse God Travel Talisman on them all. ]

[With the blessing of the God Travel Talisman, the five people were able to catch up with our speed. ]

[Everyone admired this mysterious power from the East from the bottom of their hearts. ]

[Just when I thought everything was going well, a blizzard came unexpectedly, and violent clouds covered the sky. I even saw thunder rolling in these clouds made entirely of snowflakes. ]

[Soon, a blizzard came, and our speed slowed down again. Even I had to retreat in the face of such a violent natural disaster. ]

After hearing this, everyone felt nervous about the experience of the owner of the notebook.


Even the most powerful aliens are somewhat powerless in the face of natural disasters caused by the world.

[Just after we rushed out of the center of the blizzard, we accidentally discovered the camp left behind by the previous expedition team. 】

【We thought that the extreme weather had caused the death of the previous expedition team in Antarctica, but what happened later proved me wrong. 】

【In these people's tents, we saw all the people from the previous expedition team. 】

【No, it should be the bodies of all the people. 】

【Their bodies were cut by a sharp weapon, and all the flesh and blood tissue on their bodies had been removed. At the same time, the internal organs were also hollowed out, leaving only the intact head and the white bones below. 】

【The eyeballs in the eye sockets of the head were very prominent. It was obvious that all the flesh on the body was removed in some unknown way while the consciousness was clear. 】

【Seeing this scene, all five members of the scientific expedition team retreated and began to vomit. 】

【I thought of the scenes of killing pigs during the New Year in some rural areas. I don't know what kind of cruel torture these people experienced before they died. 】

【The soul caller began to cry for the funeral. During the process of crying, the souls of these people were all led over by him using the soul call flag. 】

【Although the souls in this state cannot speak, they can show us the way. 】

【Under the guidance of these souls, we came to a pile of stones that formed a strange five-pointed star, where we saw drying poles on the stone pile. 】

【And on these drying poles were hung dried meat and internal organs pickled with salt. 】


Wang Zhenqiu was a little surprised after hearing this.

"So, the previous scientific expedition team was killed and eaten by some intelligent creatures?"

"Could it be the cannibals in Antarctica?"

When he heard about the cannibals, White shook his head.

"So far, I haven't heard of cannibals in Antarctica, but this phenomenon in the notes is indeed too surprising. They know how to divide corpses and use salt to pickle meat."

"I'm afraid there is really an intelligent race."

"I just don't know if it's human or something else."

Thinking that there might be civilization on the Antarctic continent in the past, Zhang Chulan started to speculate.

"Could it be the remnants of the previous civilization?"

"You know, there is a remnant across from us!"

After hearing Zhang Chulan's words, Wang Zhenqiu felt that this was possible.


"But the remnants of a civilization that likes to eat human flesh don't sound like good things after all."

"Plus, it's so old, it's still unclear whether they are human beings."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Indeed, if they are not human beings, this is very uncomfortable."

"Sister Baoer, keep reading and see what's next."

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing it.

Then she continued reading.

[The leading professor told me that the meat and internal organs of these people have been dried for more than three weeks according to the shrinkage degree. ]

[And three weeks ago, they lost contact with this expedition team. ]

[If this is the case, they were killed by the unknown creatures hidden here in less than a day after entering here. 】

【After the professor finished speaking, the souls led by the necromancer began to become a little restless, constantly looking at a mountain with black soil on the surface next to it. 】

【I climbed up the ladder to heaven and looked from a distance. There were many dense holes in the mountain in the distance. These holes did not seem to be naturally formed, but were artificially dug. 】

【But who would do such a project on this uninhabited Antarctic continent? 】

【After I walked down, I led the necromancer and others to search forward. 】

【As we gradually approached forward, some plant-like life forms also appeared in front of us at this moment. 】

Like plant life forms?

Everyone was surprised.

Could it be that these plants dismembered the previous expedition team members?

If so, wouldn’t it be that the plants have become spirits?

【These organisms look like a kind of cylindrical plant, with a head like an anemone, and the overall shape is a radiating five-pointed star structure, surrounded by many different plant tentacles. 】

【When it saw us, it walked towards us slowly as if it saw prey. 】

【The members of the expedition team were terrified when they saw such a monster for the first time, and they all pulled out their pistols and shot. 】

【But the pistol bullet did not cause any damage after hitting the gray skin of this plant life form, and there was even no trace at all. 】

【The defense of these plant life forms is far beyond my imagination, and it is almost comparable to that of a well-trained martial artist. 】

Hearing this, everyone was also extremely surprised.

What on earth are these?

And the Pu Ling star seemed to have thought of something at this time, and his eyes gradually began to panic.

However, no one noticed this scene except Zhuge Qing.

Looking at the reaction of the Pu Ling star, Zhuge Qing was sure that the jelly must know something.

But now the information revealed by the notes is still very little, so now is not the time to show off.

Feng Baobao's voice continued.

【I have a strong interest in these plant life forms. These plant life forms must come from a place or era that I don't know. 】

【There are five of these plant life forms in total, and I tied them up with a ladder to heaven. 】

【To my surprise, these five plant life forms are extremely powerful, and they can hardly be trapped when tied together. 】

【After some research, the professor told me that these five plant life forms only look like plants, but are actually animals like us. 】

【I just don't know how these plant life forms evolved. 】

【Because in human history, we have never seen or heard of similar races. 】

【At the same time, these plant life forms have been talking, but because the language system is completely different from that of humans, he has no way to decipher what these plant life forms are saying. 】

【The necromancer then told me that he had a way. 】

【And his method is to kill one of the plant life forms, and then invite its soul to possess his body, so that he can temporarily obtain their language ability. 】

【Then he will do the simultaneous translation. 】

【I agreed to the necromancer's request, and then killed one of the plant life forms, and the necromancer successfully summoned its soul to his body through a rusty iron knife on the plant life form. 】

【After obtaining the translator, we also learned the specific content of the language of these plant life forms. ]

[The necromancer told me that these plant life forms called themselves the Ancients, and that they were once a highly technological alien race. They came to Earth many years ago and established a civilization on Earth. ]

[In the end, the entire tribe suffered a devastating blow due to the rebellion of their subordinates, the Shoggoths. ]

[In addition, the necromancer told me that these Ancients had a protracted war with a race called Yis, and they won. ]

[The Yis, the great race that conquered time, was defeated by this race, which really shocked me. ]

[But the level shown by these guys is no different from that of primitive people, and even their weapons are rusty iron knives! ]

By the way, there is no Cthulhu, but the alien race setting in it is very good, so I took it and used it

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