Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 153 Notes of Su Mo and the Spiritualist in Antarctica

Xia Liuqing was obviously used to Wang Zhenqiu's attitude of not being too big or too small.

"You brat, I brought these two people to you."

"By the way, have you really met Lao Du?"

Wang Zhenqiu nodded.

"Anyway, when I mentioned your name, the old man stopped beating me."

Xia Liuqing laughed.

"I didn't expect that this old guy is still alive, and I don't know what he has become after so many years."

After saying that, Xia Liuqing looked at Barron.

"Barun, after you finish your work here, you will take me to Dapu Temple to have a look."

"I also want to see this old friend of mine whom I haven't seen for so many years."

Barron nodded after hearing this.

"Okay, I'll take you to see it then."

Then Barron came to Zhang Chulan and the others.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Zhang Chulan looked at White very curiously.

"I wonder if Mr. White has found the Philosopher's Stone."

"After all, you looked very confident before."

After hearing this, White's face immediately became depressed, and he walked aside without answering Zhang Chulan's words.

But Barron laughed.

"Stop mentioning this. The more you mention it, the more depressed you will become."

Zhang Chulan suddenly understood that it seemed that Master White's trip to Flamel Academy was not going smoothly.

Then, Barron took out a notebook from his satchel.

The notes were well preserved, and the outer cover was coated with propolis to prevent insects.

"This is the notebook."

"Ever since I heard it last time in the hotel, I've been a little unforgettable."

"So I started to pay attention to this kind of notes everywhere. Didn't White say there was another one before?"

"So I went with him to an island country next to Antarctica and stole this notebook."

Island country? Antarctica?

Zhang Chulan blinked. He seemed to have heard similar place names somewhere.

It seemed that the spiritualists who had tricked the Quanxing sect had fled to a small island country on the edge of Antarctica.

Think of this.

Zhang Chulan's eyes were surprised.

Could it be that the original owner of the note had experienced something else in Antarctica?

If that's the case.

Then why wasn't it written down in the original notebook?

Barron saw Zhang Chulan stunned and asked immediately.

"what happened?"

"Do you know this notebook?"

Zhang Chulan shook his head after hearing this.

"No, not sure."

"But it may have something to do with some of the things I know."

"Sister Bao'er, come to life."

After saying that, Zhang Chulan took Barron's notes and handed them to Sister Bao'er.

There is no signal now, and the phone has been out of battery for so many days.

I can only ask Sister Baoer to write it down and then describe it to the company and my master.

Feng Baobao looked at the notes in his hand with some novelty.

This was the first time she had seen this kind of thing preserved with propolis, and the notes were kept very new, and the handwriting inside looked like they had just been written.

When Feng Baobao was preparing to read.

at this time.

Zhang Chulan's Beidou phone rang at her waist.


It was Xu Si's voice that came from the other end of the phone.

"Chu Lan, the baby is alive. The old man of the Lu family got a notebook from somewhere."

"After you finish your work there, come back soon."

"By the way, I looked at the satellite image and I see that Zhuge Qing is very close to your place. Please pay attention to safety when the time comes."

"that's all."

After Xu Si finished speaking, he hung up the satellite phone.

Zhang Chulan was left a little surprised.

Did Mr. Lu actually find a notebook?

It's really incredible.

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the distance.

I saw another off-road vehicle approaching from a distance. Looking carefully, I saw that it was Zhuge Qing who was in the driver's seat.

Maybe it's because I've been here before.

In addition, Zhuge Qing has a good memory, so he got up quickly along the way.

After parking the car, Zhuge Qing was a little surprised to see so many people.

"so many people?"

"What are you doing here?"

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan pointed to the notes in Sister Baoer's hand.

"did you see."

Zhuge Qing was also a little excited when he saw the notes.

"I'm going. It's better to come sooner than later!"

"Add me one, add me one."

"I haven't seen this thing in a long time."

"But speaking of it, what is this?"

Wang Zhenqiu was a little surprised when he heard Zhuge Qing say he had seen this thing.

The number of notes.

It seems that there is much more than I imagined!

When the time comes, you will have to ask Hao Yi to apply for it for you.

See what extra notes the company has produced.

After Zhuge Qing finished speaking, he pointed at the Pu Ling star next to Wang Zhenqiu.

The people from Pulingxing were a little angry.

Having lived on earth for a long time, I naturally know that things are not good adjectives.

"What what?"

"I am nothing."

Wang Zhenqiu said:

"This is my partner, from Puling."

"Don't worry about so much for now, just listen to the notes."

"Haha, that's okay too."

Zhuge Qing then acted like he was listening attentively, but the corner of his eyes was still glancing at the Puling people from time to time.


Very interesting!

Puling people were a little scared by being looked at.

This guy seems to be very interested in me.

It's not a good sign!

You have to be careful of this guy!

Then, Feng Baobao held the notebook and began to read.

[I decided to write a separate notebook to record this experience. The experience in it made me feel more and more insignificant and limited. ]

Hearing the first sentence at the beginning, everyone immediately felt a little puzzled.

What kind of experience is worth recording in a separate notebook, and even on such an island country.

[After knowing that the necromancer could not find the existence that had been spying on me, I began to give up. It would not be too late to explore it when I am stronger in the future. ]

[And this scientific expedition team from the United States aroused my interest. ]

[It is said that there is an area with an abnormal magnetic field on the Antarctic continent. Some expedition teams from various countries have never come out after entering. ]

[They came here to investigate that place, but encountered strong convective weather on the way here. Unfortunately, the plane also sank into the ice and needed a lot of manpower to drag it out. 】

【And their rescue team will have to wait at least a week to arrive, but by that time, the daylily will be cold, so they come to ask for help from the necromancer. 】

Zhang Chulan listened to the contents of the notes and his eyes were clear.

It turned out to be what happened in the years since he returned from Eagle Country.

Baron, who was standing by, knew that Zhang Chulan must know something, and then stepped forward to ask.

"Zhang Chulan, you seem to know something."

"I don't know if you can tell us. If it's too important, it's not necessary, but if it's not so important, please help explain it."

Hearing Baron's words, Zhang Chulan hesitated.

Wang Zhenqiu, who was standing by, had also heard the notes during this period when he was in Tangmen, and knew his concerns.

Then he said to Baron:

"Actually, this is what happened after the owner of the notes returned from Eagle Country. He felt that he was being spied on, so he wanted to find someone to help, and finally found the South Pole."

"In fact, that's all, and the other content has nothing to do with this."

Baron immediately understood after hearing it.

"So that's how it is."

White asked curiously, "Could it be that the former messenger of the gods on that island country was from your country of Long?"

Messenger of the gods?

Everyone was stunned.

Wang Zhenqiu then realized that White was talking about the necromancer of Quan Xing.

"Oh, yes, he is from our country. He committed a crime and was afraid of being investigated, so he ran to that small country to bully others."

Heard that such a powerful person actually ran away.

White was also a little shocked.

"I have heard of the legend of that messenger of the gods. It is said that he can summon the ancient heroes, and the Hall of Valor built by Odin, the king of the gods, will always be open for him."

Zhang Chulan was also surprised to hear that there was such a legend about the necromancer of Quan Xing abroad.

It seems that some people abroad were still very simple at that time.

Xia Liuqing laughed.

"The necromancer actually became a divine messenger in a foreign country. If Xue Fan heard about it, he would probably not stay in Quanxing anymore and would immediately go to that country to be a charlatan."

White also realized at this time that the divine messenger he mentioned was not very popular in Longguo.

"What is the ability of this divine messenger? Can you tell me?"

"I have studied the magic of communicating with ancient heroes for a long time before, but in the end I only summoned Alduin."

Hearing White say this, Xia Liuqing also put away his smile.

"Speaking of which, the ability of this necromancer is very powerful."

"As long as he is given a personal item of a former alien, he can summon that alien to possess him."

"I think he must have bought a lot of foreign antiques when he went abroad, so there is a legend that he can communicate with Valhalla."

White was still surprised after hearing this.

"This ability sounds like it's no worse than communicating with Valhalla!"

"If I can get this ability, I can communicate with all the powerful magicians and even demon messengers in history."

"This ability is really amazing. I feel more and more that the use of black magic is too restrictive. It seems that I must study the ability of your country when I have the chance in the future."

Xia Liuqing looked at White's weak magician body and suddenly smiled evilly.

"Of course, and if you want to learn, I can teach you."

"I don't have any sectarianism. For me, I will never refuse anyone who wants to learn my skills."


White was a little happy.

Barron saw Xia Liuqing's thoughts.

"White, don't listen to him. His skills are too burdensome to the body. You can't bear it."

"With your body, I estimate that it won't take more than three minutes before your blood vessels burst and you die."

White was shocked when he heard Barron's words.

He then moved away from Xia Liuqing.

This old man is just like a devil.

Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Baoer, keep reading and see what the owner of the notebook will do next."

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing this.

Then she continued to read the notebook.

[I have never lived near Antarctica, so I started to think about living here for a while. ]

[By the way, follow this scientific expedition team to see what is on the Antarctic continent. 】

[There are five people in this scientific expedition team. The leader is a professor from Miskatonic University in the United States, and the other four are also his students. 】

[This time they were invited by the US Congress to come here for inspection. 】

[As for their talk of investigating areas with abnormal magnetic fields, I absolutely do not believe them. I used the soul-leaving technique to have a slight impact on their spirits, and I learned the truth after deliberately guiding them. 】

[It turns out that the United States not only discovered an area with an abnormal magnetic field in the Antarctic, but also discovered many incredible things there. 】

[They don’t know what it is specifically. 】

[But all the expeditions and inspection teams that went to that place did not come back. 】

[It was even said that not even a radio signal was transmitted. 】

[They are all people who are extremely bored with life, and only endless exploration in the field of knowledge can make them feel a little happy. 】

[The area discovered is just enough. 】

[But I didn’t see any happiness in their expressions. Instead, I saw the look of death on their faces. 】

[The endless exploration and pursuit of knowledge is essentially knowledge chasing you, which is profound and ruthless, like an eagle chasing a rabbit. 】

When he heard this, Zhang Chulan felt a chill down his spine for some unknown reason.

“It’s not you chasing knowledge, but knowledge chasing you?”

"Why does this sentence sound a little scary to me?"

Zhuge Qing narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing this.

"It seems like this is true. To a certain extent, knowledge is like tempting people to chase it, and finally fall into the trap of knowledge."

"When you want to get out, you will find that you are in too deep and you can't extricate yourself."

White on the side sneered after hearing this.

“Is it still wrong to pursue knowledge?”

"In my opinion, the more knowledge a person has, the better, until his mind can no longer hold it!"

"This way he can understand the whole world."

Hearing this, Zhuge Qing did not refute.

"It can only be said that each has its own advantages, and the current knowledge is all created by people. Maybe its original appearance is not like this."

White shook his head.

"I don't understand."

“Is there any harm in having more knowledge?”

Listening to the conversation of several people, everyone also started thinking.

Past experience, even the education received, and the aphorisms of ancient sages all speak of the importance of knowledge.

But now such a conclusion that goes against common sense has appeared, which is indeed unacceptable for a while.

I don’t know what kind of mental state the owner of the note was in when he came to this conclusion.

Or rather.

I noticed something.

At this moment, Feng Baobao had continued reading.

[One of the five people, a geologist, told me that the Antarctic continent was not like this before, because he analyzed rich nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium from the Antarctic soil brought back by some expeditions. and other elements. 】

[These are all essential elements for plant growth. At the same time, only after a large number of animals and plants die, such highly nutritious soil can be produced through artificial filtration and fermentation. 】

[So he concluded that there must have been civilization on the Antarctic continent. 】

[After I learned about this, I also became interested in Antarctica. If there had been civilization in Antarctica, how far had they developed? 】

[I used a ladder to pull the plane out for them. After some maintenance, the plane was still able to fly normally. 】

[Then, the spiritualist and I also joined the Antarctic expedition with them. 】

Thanks to brother Mou Yinfeng for the generous reward! ! ! After reading the news, the author’s waist no longer hurts!

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