Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 199 The owner of the notebook reversed the third level of rebirth and transformed his whole

Everyone was shocked to hear that they would lose their fertility after becoming immortal.

Canglong touched his crotch.

"The price of immortality is too high."

"I actually lost my fertility directly."

The old Taoist priest laughed at this time.

"All Taoists will eventually reach this point. It is normal to lose fertility after killing the red dragon and capturing the white tiger."

"After all, if you want to become an immortal, you must refine your essence into qi. The red dragon and the white tiger are the essence and qi. You can't leak a single bit!"

Canglong knew the theories of the old Taoist priest, but he was still glad that he practiced Qimen Dunjia.

Zhang Chulan's face darkened after hearing this.

Could it be that after practicing Taoism, you will lose your fertility at the end?

But how come his grandfather is fine.

It seems that he can't take the position of Taoist priest. He still wants to enjoy the happiness of family life!

Wang Ergou was a little curious at this time.

"Didn't Xu Fu have seven sons before?"

"How did he give birth to these seven sons if the elixir of immortality sterilizes him?"

Zang Long knew about this.

"Xu Fu had these seven sons before he went to sea, and he took them on board because he was afraid that he would be killed by Qin Shi Huang if he could not come back from the sea."

After hearing what Zang Long said, everyone suddenly realized.

It turned out that there was this reason.

At this time, Feng Baobao had continued to read.

【After learning that the elixir of immortality would make one infertile after taking it, I apologized to Princess Yu Shu, but Princess Yu Shu did not blame me, because she could live forever now, and now that I am back, she will not be lonely in the future. 】

【I asked where Qin Shi Huang went since she was the only one in this tomb. 】

【Yu Shu told me that Qin Shi Huang was not buried here at all, but was buried somewhere unknown by me at the time. 】

【Under this Kanchenjunga Peak is a dragon vein with royal aura. If Qin Shi Huang was buried here, his blessings would continue for generations to come. 】

【The Qin Dynasty would not have perished in the second generation. 】

【From the results now, it seems that Qin Shihuang was not buried here. I don't know where he was buried in a poor mountain and bad water place. 】

【I asked Yu Shu where the immortal spring was. Yu Shu told me that it was at the bottom of the tomb, that is, at the bottom of Mount Kanchenjunga. 】

【As Yu Shu brought me to the immortal spring, I also saw the true appearance of this legendary spring. 】

【This is a pool of blue and green mixed spring water, with a glow from the bottom, like a gem inlaid at the bottom of Mount Kanchenjunga. 】

【For the rest of the days, Yu Shu accompanied me to study this immortal spring water. I have to say that this boring research is happy with the company of a beautiful woman. 】

【And I also extracted a lot of longevity substances from this immortal spring water. Compared with the longevity substances in the immortal elixir, this longevity substance can be said to be more lively and unstable in nature. 】

【If it touches the sun, it will explode, and people who rely on it for immortality will also spontaneously combust. 】

【In a way, if a person with a strong body who is not afraid of spontaneous combustion and explosion drinks this spring water, he can not only gain the ability of eternal youth, but also gain the ability to use this longevity substance to attack the enemy. 】

【At the same time, because of its lively nature, the longevity substance in this spring water will not make people lose their fertility. 】

When everyone heard that this so-called spring water would not make people lose their fertility, they were all shocked.

These two different longevity substances.

There are really pros and cons.

【However, the two longevity substances in the spring water and the longevity elixir are not compatible. Yu Shu told me that she has drunk a lot of water in the water over the years, but her body is firmly occupied by the longevity substances in the longevity elixir. The longevity substances in this spring water will be excreted from the body soon after drinking it. 】

【I have to say that the discovery of two different longevity substances made me very excited. 】

【I tried to find the source of the Fountain of Youth, but in the end I found that the Fountain of Youth had no source, as if it appeared here out of thin air. 】

【Or in other words, it was intercepted from another parallel space, the main body is here, and the source is in another world. It is a spring that never dries up. 】

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan was a little surprised.

"Could it be that there are other parallel spaces in this world we are in?"

After hearing Zhang Chulan say this, Canglong on the side spoke up.

"According to Buddhism, there are three thousand big worlds and three thousand small worlds in the world, such as the more metaphysical saying of one flower and one world."

"And everyone has heard of the Peach Blossom Spring. The fisherman came to a place that did not belong to his dynasty, and he couldn't find it when he went to look for it later."

"I am more inclined to believe that the fisherman mistakenly entered a parallel time and space. After leaving there, the entrance to the parallel time and space was closed, so he couldn't find it when he took the government officials to look for it later."

"And the mirages that appear from time to time in our world are completely different from ours. Even if you look for them all over the world, you can't find the same one."

"So I think that the mirage reflects the buildings in other parallel worlds."

After hearing Canglong's explanation, everyone was surprised.

Could it be that there are really parallel worlds in this world?

If so, who intercepted the immortal spring water from the Kanchenjunga from other worlds?

At this moment.

Feng Baobao has continued to read.

[There is no longevity substance in my body. I suddenly have the idea of ​​trying whether my body can withstand the explosion of the immortal spring water. ]

[Plus there is the blood expulsion method. Even if it cannot withstand the explosion of this longevity substance, it can be expelled by the blood expulsion method. ]

[After drinking the immortal spring water, I just felt that my whole body began to become full of energy. I did not feel any sleepiness after seven days and nights of tossing and turning. ]

[And the recovery speed of the true qi in the body is more than three times faster than before. If I used up all the true qi before, it would take more than seven hours of meditation to recover, but now it only takes two hours to replenish all the consumed true qi. ]

[Even, my ability to use toxins has also been enhanced to an epic level. In the past, I could only destroy a small city at most with my vitality, but now, as long as I have enough time, it is only a matter of time to destroy a large city with a population of hundreds of thousands. ]

[For this situation, I can only say that this longevity substance is an absolute tonic for aliens. If an alien drinks this immortal fountain water, then his strength will definitely double! ]

When everyone present heard that the effect of this immortal fountain water is not only longevity, but also can double one's own combat power, they were all very excited.

This immortal fountain water sounds so much like the legendary alien's precious medicine Da Huan Dan.

Feng Zhenghao's face was a little regretful.

"It's a pity that you can't see the sun after drinking this immortal fountain water, otherwise, I really want to try out the specific effect."

Feng Xingtong was a little curious.

"If that's the case, then people with strong body training can drink this immortal fountain water?"

"After all, for them, their bodies are so strong that it shouldn't be a problem to bear this immortal fountain water."

Feng Zhenghao smiled and shook his head after hearing this.

"Xingtong, you are too naive about this matter."

"Because after drinking this immortal fountain water, the long-lived substances will spread all over the body, and will also enter the blood, internal organs and even our most vulnerable brain."

"If there is no way to protect the brain and internal organs, no matter how strong your body is, the inside will still be easily broken."

"I just don't know what realm the owner of the notebook has reached now. He must have thought of the disadvantages of this, but if he can choose to use it, then there must be a way to protect the brain and internal organs."

Feng Zhenghao's words reminded Zhang Chulan of the various skills of the owner of the notebook. Among them, the sky snake bone change and black dragon bone growth, nine-color jade butterfly, and reverse three-fold skills may be able to withstand it.

After all, he has heard of it.

The reverse three-fold practice reaches an extremely high level, even if the head is cut off, it can regenerate.

However, when Zhang Chulan was thinking, Canglong thought of something.

"The three-level reverse life of the Sanyi Sect back then could not have blocked the erosion of this long-lived substance, and even if it spontaneously combusted, it could be reborn at will."

"If destruction and rebirth reach a balance point, wouldn't it be safe to live under the sun?"

Feng Zhenghao also figured out some of the things as if he had been enlightened.

"I heard that the head of the Sanyi Sect, Zuo Rutong, had been running the three-level reverse life for some special reasons, and even his appearance remained the same as when he was young."

"If this Zuo Sect leader drank the immortal fountain water, maybe he could really resist the side effects of the immortal fountain water."

Zhang Chulan was a little curious at this time.

"If this Zuo Zhangmen can always open the three levels of reverse life, how did he die later?"

"After all, according to the legend at that time, the Sanyi Sect was almost the largest sect at that time, and Zuo Ruotong was also the first person in public. If it is true that he was killed by Quanxing Sect Leader Wu Gensheng as Mr. Lu said, it means that Wu Gensheng has the fighting power to kill Zuo Zhangmen."

"But after the death of Zuo Zhangmen, Wu Gensheng was not called the best person in the world at all."

The old Taoist priest spoke at this time.

"This Wu Gensheng's strength is good, and his horizontal training skills have almost reached the level of the current tiger."

"But if you say that he killed Zuo Zhangmen, I don't believe it a hundred times."

"After all, I have seen Zuo Zhangmen, and that realm is now few in the world can catch up."

"The people of Sanyi Sect knew the inside story at that time, but they refused to tell the truth when we asked them."

"The specific reason, I guess only Old Lu knows it now."

After hearing this.

Zhang Chulan finally understood.

"So that's how it is."

After hearing this, everyone secretly kept this in mind.

The truth of what happened back then might be more than that.

The older generation is getting fewer and fewer, and the specific things may just be buried in the dust of history.

[In order to ensure the success of this experiment, I almost activated all my life-saving methods. It can be said that even if I was bombed by a missile before my true energy was exhausted, I would be unscathed. ]

[After arriving at the exit of the tomb passage, the first thing I tried was to use my palms to touch the sunlight outside the tomb. After my final observation, I found that the longevity substance in the Fountain of Youth was extremely active in the sunlight. According to the Western scientific community, , that is, it can react chemically with various rays in the sun and blast and destroy my palm. 】

[It’s just that with the blessing of my various techniques, the damage caused to me can be said to be minimal. 】

[At the same time, I found that among these exercises, the third level of rebirth was the most helpful to me. Although this kind of exercise cannot reach the heavens, it can be unparalleled in the world. 】

[Over the years, I have not continued to practice after completing the second level of the three levels of reverse rebirth. My current state is worse than that of Oucheng Zhen. 】

[Perhaps you can try to practice the third level of reverse rebirth. After reaching the third level, a qualitative change may occur. 】

When they heard that the owner of the note was going to cultivate the three levels of rebirth to the third level, everyone looked forward to it.

Hidden Dragon spoke at this time.

"I once saw Mr. Lu perform the third level of rebirth, and his whole body was covered in white."

"The skin, flesh, and internal organs have all been transformed."

"Looking at his state, he should have reached the second level of the third level of reverse rebirth. I just don't know what the third level of the third level of reverse rebirth is like."

Upon hearing this, Wang Ergou on the side said:

"If this is the case, then the third level may be that the whole body has been transformed into energy. If the whole body has been transformed into energy, then the longevity substance of the Fountain of Youth may not cause much harm."

"Maybe it's not even harmful."

Hearing what Wang Ergou said, everyone looked curious.

I don’t know what will happen next if the owner of the note really breaks through the third level of reverse life to the third level.

at this time.

Feng Baobao continued to read the notes in his hand.

[After returning to Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum, I used the blood exorcism method to expel all the immortality substances from my body. 】

[After returning to normal state, I began to practice the third level of rebirth. 】

[Cultivation of the third level of reverse life is not difficult, but it is not that simple. The most important thing is to be familiar with every inch of your own flesh and skin, muscles, bones, internal organs, brain, etc. 】

[Then use the true Qi of the third level of reverse life to reconstruct the flesh, skin, muscles, bones and internal organs. 】

[Because of my own understanding, it only took me half a year to practice the third level of rebirth to the peak of the second level. 】

[However, after I reached the second level of cultivation, I found that I encountered the same problem as Zuo Ruotong, that is, I needed a Taoist companion to tear apart my third level of rebirth at will before I could move to the next level. . 】

When he heard the news again that Zuo Ruotong was looking for a Taoist companion, Zhang Chulan seemed to have a flash of inspiration in his mind.

"Wait a minute, Sister Bao'er, don't read it yet!"

Seeing Zhang Chulan like this, the people around him couldn't help but be curious.

"What's wrong, Zhang Chulan, what did you think of?"

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Yes, I thought of some questions."

"That is, we already know that the rootless divine spirit can return all things made of true energy to their original state."

"Does that mean that Wu Gensheng was invited by Zuo Ruotong to become a Taoist companion?"

"After all, he needs his three levels of reverse life to be constantly torn apart before he can reach the next level."

After hearing Zhang Chulan's words, everyone was shocked.

They understood what Zhang Chulan wanted to express.

Feng Xingtong spoke at this time.

"Zhang Chulan, what you mean is that the left head of the Trinity Sect invited Wu Gensheng to be his Taoist companion, and then Wu Gensheng had an accident while tearing him apart, causing the left head to The leader fell and passed away."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Yes, that's what I mean!"

"After all, this is the only way to explain why Mr. Lu hates Wu Gensheng so much. In other words, Mr. Lu most likely saw this scene and mistakenly thought that Wu Gensheng killed his master Zuo Ruotong!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

Zanglong shook his head after hearing this.

"If that's the case, the truth of the matter will be clear."

"The death of Zuo Zhang was probably just an accident, but it was interpreted that way by the Trinity Sect."

"Speaking of which, it's really unfair that this Wugensheng has been hated for so many years for no reason."

"When I go back this time, I will tell Lu Linglong our guess. Let her decide whether to tell Mr. Lu or not."

"But I think Lu Linglong doesn't want Mr. Lu to live in hatred."

Zhang Chulan nodded slowly.

"Well, this is good. At least it will allow Mr. Lu to sleep more peacefully for the rest of his life."

"Okay, Sister Bao'er, please continue reading."

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing this.

Then he continued reading from his notes.

[Zuo Ruotong's way of finding a Taoist companion is really a stupid way. Now that technology is so advanced, it is much better to blow yourself up with a few bundles of explosives than to search for a Taoist companion everywhere. 】

[Then I went to the nearby warlord's arsenal and picked up some explosives. 】

[After the violent explosion of explosives, my three layers of reverse life were continuously torn into pieces. At the same time, during the continuous construction and reorganization, my three layers of reverse life were getting stronger and stronger, and the speed of construction was getting faster and faster. 】

[Finally, after several days of explosions, I successfully broke through to the third level of the three levels of reverse life! 】

【After reaching the third level, I realized that the third level of reverse life completely restored me to the innate Qi, which also meant that I had stepped into the realm of semi-immortals with both feet, and my body also became a semi-immortal body! 】

Wang Ergou's eyes lit up.

It was indeed like this.

My guess was right!

【After breaking through to the third level of reverse life, my ability to save my life has increased a lot. It can be said that I now regret not breaking through the third level of reverse life to the current state. 】

【Then I took Yu Shu out. Next, I planned to let her go to Ahriman to live first, and let her see the world now. 】

【After all the Qi Bureaus in Penglai Fairy Island are cracked, Yu Shu and other wives will be taken to Penglai Island. 】

【However, on the way there, I met an old Taoist named Beiyan Shanren. He came to see me and said that he came for a bet. 】

Thanks to Brother Yinyue Canglang for the reward! ! Thank you, brothers, your monthly tickets are so awesome!

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