Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 198: The real location of the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum mentioned by Xu Fu, Mount Kanchenjunga

Lu Ao?

Zhang Chulan was a little confused.

Who is this Lu Ao?

Then he looked at his master.

"Master, do you know who this Lu Ao is?"

"Even people of Xu Fu's level know him."

The Heavenly Master looked a little surprised after hearing this.

"I didn't expect it to be this person."

"This can be regarded as the most famous Qi practitioner in the pre-Qin Dynasty, because his deeds of seeking immortals and Taoism were so famous that various people in later generations used him as allusions."

"Li Bai's early sweat is all over Jiugai, and he is willing to take Lu Ao to travel to Taiqing. This is him."

"At that time, Qin Shihuang found many alchemists who were rewarded with doctorate positions to find the elixir of immortality for him, and this Lu Ao was one of them. However, history says that this Lu Ao fled like Xu Fu and did not return, but he did not expect to die in Got here.”

"But if he found Penglai Immortal Island, why didn't he take the elixir of immortality in the end, but died there?"

At this time, Zhang Chulan remembered that Wang Ye had told him about the Qi Bureau.

"Master, do you think this Lu Ao accidentally got exposed to the Qi Bureau? Even if he took the immortality elixir, there was no way to remove the erosion of the Qi Bureau."

"Then he was tortured to death by the Qi Bureau."

The Heavenly Master nodded after hearing this.

"Maybe. Immortals are not gods after all."

Hidden Dragon said with longing eyes at this time:

"Although I know that this Qi Bureau is extremely dangerous and almost no one can survive after entering, I really want to experience the power of this Qi Bureau."

"Let's see if this legendary Qi Bureau is really that evil."

Wang Ergou on the side heard this and stepped forward to hug Canglong's shoulders.

"I can satisfy you on this matter. When I went on an adventure to Bermuda before, I discovered a place shrouded in fog on the sea. The captain of the freighter at that time told me that that place was the Bermuda Triangle."

"Almost every ship that goes in is not destroyed. Even if the ship is not destroyed, all the people on it will die, and even the whole body will be left intact."

"The death scenes are each more miserable than the last."

"I think that place should be a natural Qi bureau. When the time comes, I will take you to the edge. If you are brave enough, go and study it."

Hidden Dragon was a little excited at this time.

"Okay, I'll try it."

"Anyway, there's nothing much going on recently. You can show me when the time comes."


After the two of them finished their discussion, Feng Baobao continued reading.

[Xu Fu told me that Lu Ao went to sea a month before him, but he didn't expect to find the Penglai Island before him. 】

[It is a pity to die like this just because of Qi Bureau erosion. 】

[Then Xu Fu wanted to let Lu Ao rest in peace, and at the same time he also told me a secret. 】

[That is where the real entrance to Qin Shihuang’s mausoleum was. There is a spring of immortality in the mausoleum of Qin Shihuang. People who drink it will be immortal as long as they do not see the sun for the rest of their lives. But if they see the sun, they will spontaneously ignite. I believe that There are many immortal substances in the water of Koufu Lao Spring. 】

[But at that time, Qin Shihuang did not want to see the light of day forever, so he asked many alchemists to go to sea to find the medicine of immortality. 】

[When I learned this secret, I was very shocked, because doesn’t this mean that if Qin Shihuang had stayed in the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum where he was, he could have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present? 】

Everyone was a little surprised to hear that Qin Shihuang might not be dead.

Zhang Chulan even exclaimed.

"If that's the case, isn't it possible that Qin Shihuang has lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present?"

"Then the history that Qin Shihuang died of illness while on tour was false?"

Hearing this sentence, others could not help but make random guesses in their hearts.

Feng Zhenghao said at this time:

"The history of the Qin Dynasty was compiled by the Han Dynasty, which means that the history of the Qin Dynasty may be artificially adapted."

"No one knows whether Qin Shihuang died of illness while on tour."

"But I think now that we know that Qin Shihuang may not have died, the story that he died of illness during the parade may be false news."

"It may not have been compiled by the Han Dynasty. It may have been promoted by the Qin Dynasty itself."

Zhang Chulan looked curious.

"If this is the case, then why did Qin Shihuang watch the Qin Dynasty perish?"

"After all, if he had come forward, he could have almost turned the tide and put the Qin Dynasty back on track."

Feng Zhenghao shook his head.

"I'm not very clear about this matter, because it's been thousands of years. If you want to know the specific truth of the matter, I'm afraid you have to travel back to the Qin Dynasty."

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but think that the owner of the note had the ability to travel through time.

If you use that cosmic disk to travel to the Qin Dynasty, you don't know what will happen.

At this time, Feng Baobao continued to read the rest of the notes.

[I asked Xu Fu where the real entrance to Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum was, and Xu Fu told me that he had also observed the outside world over the years. The place used to be called Heixu, but its current name is Kanchenjunga Peak. 】


Zanglong was surprised.

"Isn't this place an expedition's nightmare?"

"That is the third highest peak in the world, on the border between Nepal and Sikkim, which is the eastern section of the Himalayas."

"The altitude there is 8,586 meters, and humans only reached the top of the mountain for the first time in 1955."

"I didn't expect that during the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum was built in that place. No wonder Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum has not been discovered for thousands of years."

Wang Ergou was a little confused.

"How can we say that the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang has not been discovered, and what happened to those terracotta warriors and horses."

Zanglong shook his head.

"That's not the case. Some scholars now suspect that the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang we discovered may not be the tomb of Qin Shihuang, but the tomb of Empress Dowager Qin Xuan. These terracotta warriors and horses may also be buried with Empress Dowager Qin Xuan."

"I won't be able to explain the specific reason for a while, but one thing is certain, that is, if what is said in the notes is true, it means that Qin Shi Huang installed the Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum in Kanchenjunga Peak."

Feng Xingtong couldn't believe it.

"Xianyang was probably a hundred and eight thousand miles away from Kangchenjunga. Besides, this place was not the territory of the Qin Dynasty at that time. Why did he quietly build his tomb on Kangchenjunga?"

Hearing this, Zanglong adjusted his glasses.

"This may be due to the lack of history."

"After all, hasn't the Sanxingdui incident never appeared in any historical documents?"

"But he still showed up, which shows that a huge part of our history is missing."

Wang Ergou no longer questioned when Canglong mentioned Sanxingdui.


Many things have no truth at all.

You can only rely on your own reasoning to guess what happened in history.

At this time, Zhang Chulan thought of something that Barron once mentioned.

“This Kanchenjunga, one person I know has been there before, and he was the only one to escape unscathed.”

"According to him, he was the only one from the expedition team he was part of to return."

"I have a guess, that is, Kanchenjunga Peak is probably a natural Qi bureau. Only if he found the right way would he not have died. Otherwise, Qin Shihuang would not have had the need to build that place as his own mausoleum."

After hearing this sentence, everyone hesitated.

Is it possible?

Is that place really a natural Qi bureau?

No wonder the expedition teams to Kanchenjunga over the years have almost never come back alive. The original reason is here.

When everyone is guessing.

Feng Baobao has continued reading.

[The Black Ruins, which is now Kanchenjunga Peak, has a natural Qi bureau, so the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang was built there. 】

[However, just having a natural Qi bureau is not worthy of Qin Shihuang building his mausoleum there. The most important thing is the spring of youth at the bottom of Kangchenjunga Peak. 】

[With the fountain of youth, as long as Qin Shihuang wanted to, he could live in the tomb forever. 】

[I am very interested in the spring of youth in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang. 】

[Since we are talking about the spring of immortality, it means that this spring must have a source, and this source may be the source of immortality. 】

[After bidding farewell to Xu Fu, I went straight to Kanchenjunga Peak. 】

[However, Kanchenjunga is too far away from where I am now. It took ten days and ten nights to successfully reach Kanchenjunga. 】

[At this time, there were many expedition teams from the United States at the foot of Kangchenjunga Peak. 】

[Nowadays, the United States is strong, there is no war in the country, and the economy is developed. Americans like to explore everywhere. The Antarctic and Arctic centers were also explored during this time. 】

[But I didn’t go with these Americans, because in my opinion, these Americans had death written all over their faces. 】

[There is a natural qi bureau on Mount Kanchenjunga. These reckless Americans are destined to be swallowed up by the qi bureau. I don’t know how lucky I have to be to find the right path by accident. 】

[After passing the natural Qi turret of Kanchenjunga Peak, I began to look for the entrance to the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. 】

[Due to the Qi Bureau, I cannot use the Earth-Escape Centaur at will, so I can only search slowly. 】

[However, I was not short of time and finally found the entrance to Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum under a boulder on the top of the peak. This boulder can be said to be the highest point of the peak, and I directly pushed the boulder down to Kanchenjunga Peak. Although it caused many avalanches, due to the scarcity of lives, there were no casualties except for a few Americans. 】

[After opening the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, I hid my energy and headed towards the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang. 】

[The first thing you enter is a long stone corridor. Both sides of the corridor are lined with various murals, all of which depict the great achievements of Qin Shihuang, which can be said to be from the beginning of his accession to his death. 】

After hearing this sentence, everyone was a little surprised.

Zhang Chulan said:

"If the murals in this mausoleum really record the deeds of Qin Shihuang, doesn't it mean that the history of the Qin Dynasty is on them."

“There’s no need to look through history books for research, just go over and take a few photos.”

Hearing what Zhang Chulan said, Canglong nodded.

"I can indeed do as you say."

"After all, this is Qin Shi Huang's tomb mural."

"Even if there is some exaggeration of achievements, the authenticity and credibility are much better than the history of the Qin Dynasty compiled by the Han Dynasty."

Hidden Dragon's words made Feng Zhenghao very excited.

"If that's the case, I would like to invite a group of strangers to take a look at Kanchenjunga Peak to see if they can still find the murals in the tomb of Qin Shihuang."

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but start to remind him when he saw this.

"President Feng, there is a natural energy bureau in that place. There is no way to detect the specific route, so I'm afraid it will be lost there."

Feng Zhenghao laughed after hearing this.

"I think you are worrying too much about this matter."

"Didn't Hidden Dragon say that before?"

"In 1955, an expedition team successfully climbed up. In other words, in the past few decades, the members of this expedition team had already sacrificed their lives to build a safe route."

“You only need to find a few people who have gone to Kangchenjunga and escaped unscathed to know this safe route.”

Hearing what Feng Zhenghao said, Zhang Chulan thought of Barron.

Maybe Barron knew about this.

However, he did not tell Feng Zhenghao that the location of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum must be told to the company, and it would not matter if the world rushed there first.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan sent a message directly to Xu Si.

"Entrance to Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, top of Kanchenjunga Peak."

Seeing Zhang Chulan's actions, Feng Zhenghao didn't stop him.

Anyway, he intends to compete fairly, and everyone will have to rely on their abilities when the time comes.

At this time, Feng Baobao also continued reading.

[After passing through the corridor, I came to the interior of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin. The Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin almost hollowed out the entire Kanchenjunga Peak. The top of the tomb was filled with luminous pearls to serve as the sun, moon and stars, which also led to this The mausoleum is as bright as day, and all the decorations are extremely luxurious. 】

[I have to say that the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum is indeed huge, but one thing that is strange is that all places are connected by iron locks, and there are no street stairs or the like at all. I don’t know what method was used in the previous era to build his own mausoleum to this extent. It is simply much more outrageous than the pyramids of Egypt. 】

[When I walked into it, I discovered that for some unknown reason, the gravity here was different from that of the outside world. It only took a small amount of power to make myself jump very high. No wonder there were all iron locks here, and there was no one. ladder. 】

[Just when I was about to explore here to see where Qin Shihuang and the Spring of Youth were, a woman dressed in white appeared in front of me. She was an extremely beautiful woman, wearing long white gauze sleeves. It looks like banishing an immortal. 】

[I didn’t see Qin Shihuang, but saw a woman. This made me a little curious. Could it be that Qin Shihuang was not buried here? 】

Everyone was shocked when they heard that instead of seeing Qin Shihuang in his tomb, they saw a woman.

This is different from what they expected.

Could it be that this woman is the concubine of Qin Shihuang?

With curiosity, everyone continued to listen to the remaining notes.

[To my surprise, this woman called my name as soon as she came up and rushed towards me as if she knew me. 】

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Could it be that this person knows the owner of the note?

Feng Zhenghao was even more surprised. He didn't know what this meant. Could it be that the owner of the notebook had lived for thousands of years?

[I asked her who she was and why she knew me, and this woman told me that she was Princess Yushu of Tuan Kingdom. She almost married Qin Shihuang, but I appeared later and rescued her, and she became my wife. 】

After Zhang Chulan heard this sentence, he was basically sure that the owner of the note must have traveled to the Qin Dynasty. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why this woman from the Qin Dynasty knew him.

Tsk tsk tsk.

It can only be said that the owner of this note is really merciful.

Fortunately, Sister Qiao didn't come with her today, but went to Xiangjiang to meet her grandfather's friends beforehand. Otherwise, I don't know how wonderful her expression would have been.

Then Zhang Chulan looked at Master Tian and felt relieved when he found that there was no reaction.

It seems that my master is already in ruins.

I know what kind of person this note owner is.

At this time, Feng Baobao continued reading.

[I was dubious about what this woman said. It wasn’t until she told me that I had three moles on my chest that I realized that what she said was not empty talk. 】

[I asked what I had done in Daqin, and she told me that she didn’t know the details because she didn’t participate in anything I did. She only knew that I fed her an elixir of longevity. , and placed her here. I also told her to keep her waiting here and I would come back to find her later. 】

[But she has been waiting for more than two thousand years. It can be said that she is looking forward to me coming to her every day. 】

[When I learned about this, it was completely unexpected. I never expected that I would go to the Qin Dynasty later. 】

[It’s just that I don’t know why I want to go to Qin Dynasty. After all, Qin Dynasty doesn’t have what I want to know now. 】

[It seems that in the near future I will encounter some problems that will force me to go to Qin Dynasty. 】

Go to the Qin Dynasty?

Feng Zhenghao, Feng Xingtong and Feng Shayan are all extremely smart and can make sense with just a few words.

The note owner said that he would go to the Qin Dynasty so easily. Does that mean that the note owner has the power to travel through various dynasties at will?

After thinking about this, Feng Zhenghao suddenly felt a storm in his heart.

if it is like this.

The father of this old Heavenly Master was too powerful.

It’s even a bit magical!

Just when Feng Zhenghao was shocked, Feng Baobao had already continued reading.

[I asked if there was anyone else in Princess Yushu's tomb, and Princess Yushu told me that there was no one else except her. Fortunately, I taught her a method of dreaming before I left, so she could relieve her boredom by dreaming, so she had not been too lonely for more than two thousand years. Now that I am here, I naturally don't have to rely on this method to get rid of loneliness. ]

[I saw that she was not lying, but asked her if she was pregnant with my child. Princess Yushu shook her head because after I gave her the elixir of immortality, she, as an immortal, had lost her fertility. ]

[Because once you are immortal, you don't need children to continue your life! ]

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