Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 111: The old Taoist priest descends the mountain, the Twenty-four Sections Valley

Seeing Grandma Jinfeng's insistence, Zhao Fangxu didn't force herself and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I agree."

"When the time comes, please give Xia Liuqing more advice. At such an old age, it's okay to be a little softer."

Hearing this, Jin Feng nodded silently.

Nowadays people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

"Okay, then I'll persuade him to be more careful and don't let him get into trouble!"

Longhu Mountain.

Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao are both here at this moment.

And Nadoutong didn't know where he got a transport helicopter that could refuel midway.

The battery life is a thousand kilometers.

Master Laotian took Zhang Lingyu, Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao into the helicopter.

With the roar of the wings, the group began to fly towards the direction of the Twenty-four Knot Valley.

On the road.

Zhang Lingyu looked at Zhang Chulan with a bad expression.

Naturally, Zhang Chulan would not put a hot face on such a cold ass.

The old Heavenly Master looked at the scenery below the helicopter and couldn't help but feel a little emotional in his eyes.

"I don't know how many years I haven't flown in a helicopter."

"It's really a unique experience to see Longhu Mountain from here."

Zhang Chulan echoed after hearing this.

"Master, this is also my first time to fly in a helicopter."

"But speaking of which, Master, when was the last time you took a ride in this helicopter?"

There was some reminiscence in the eyes of the Heavenly Master.

"I can't remember the exact time. It should have been around 1940 when we were fighting the Japanese."

"It was the latest helicopter donated by a wealthy overseas businessman. It was very advanced at the time."

"The helicopters at that time were not as refined as they are now. Everything was very rough, but they also helped us behead many Japanese soldiers, such as General Dazuo."

Hearing these words, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but feel yearning.

"Master, you are really amazing."

"Ha ha!"

The Heavenly Master couldn't help laughing.

Looking at the unsmiling Zhang Lingyu, the Heavenly Master stepped forward and patted him on the head.

"Lingyu, why don't you speak."

Hearing the old Heavenly Master's question, Zhang Lingyu smiled awkwardly and didn't know what to say.

Although the Heavenly Master was dissatisfied when he saw this, he didn't say anything harsh.

"Lingyu, be happier in the future and don't worry about yourself."

Zhang Lingyu nodded quickly after hearing this.

"Yes, Master."

Then his tense body relaxed at this moment. Looking at this scene, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but feel that his junior uncle was really too tired from his life.

It was already four hours later when we arrived at Qinling Mountains.

Due to the special magnetic field of the Twenty-Four Knot Valley, the helicopter cannot enter directly, so it can only park at a set location.

At this moment, Huang Boren, Taoist Master Yunlong from Wudang, and his disciple Wang were already waiting here.

Seeing the old Heavenly Master and the others coming down, the three of them rushed forward to greet them.

Taoist Master Yunlong was very respectful when facing this supreme figure, Lao Tianshi, and immediately raised his hands and said:

"Wudang Yunlong, pay homage to the Heavenly Master."

And the king behind him also gave up.

"Your Majesty, please pay homage to the Heavenly Master."

The old Heavenly Master was a little surprised when he saw Taoist Master Yunlong.

"Taoist Master Yunlong, I didn't expect that your realm has reached this level. I'm afraid it's only one step away from Shenying being restrained."

Taoist Master Yunlong was a little embarrassed when he heard the compliment from the old Heavenly Master.

"The Heavenly Master has promoted me. I know my level and cannot reach the hall of elegance."

And Zhang Chulan couldn't help but be curious when she saw Wang Ye coming.

"Wang Ye, why are you here today?"

The king also screamed.

"Harm, who made me expose my strength?"

"People from all sides are looking for me now. My master saw that it was not easy for me to hide here and there, and he happened to have this mission, so he brought me here."

I saw the king saying the same thing.

Zhang Chulan also realized that it was caused by Wang Ye's Eight Magic Skills.

Huang Boren, who was hanging aside, said at this moment:

"Let's go in first and be careful not to get separated. If we fall into the trap, it will be difficult for the gods to save us."

Everyone looked stern when they heard Qi Bureau.

This kind of Qi situation generated by heaven and earth can cause unparalleled damage to people.

Don't even think about being able to escape safely from the Qi Bureau.

It didn't take long.

Two company staff members ran over.

"Mr. Huang, everything is ready, you can go now."

Huang Boren nodded.


After saying that, Huang Boren looked at Lao Tianshi and the others behind him.

"Master Tian, ​​let's go."

Afterwards, everyone followed Huang Boren towards the Twenty-Four Festival Valley.

On the way, Zhang Chulan and the others discovered that a very clear spray-painted trail appeared under their feet.

Huang Boren explained at this time:

"After our extensive experiments, we have found that the places where spray paint is placed are safe, and other places cannot be passed. Once passed, unimaginable disasters will occur."

Wang Ye was observing his surroundings seriously at this moment.

It seems that he wants to feel the changes around him.

Zhang Chulan had only heard about this matter from Master Tian Jinzhong before, but Master Tian's story was not complete, so he had always been curious about what this Qi Bureau was like.

"Wang Ye, do you know what this Qi Bureau is?"

Wang Ye shook his head after hearing this.

"This is also the first time I have seen this kind of Qi formation generated by heaven and earth. However, some previous books on art have said that the so-called Qi formation is formed by inanimate objects, and then relies on the innate Qi of living things to run and flow, and finally forms some special functions in certain places."

"From a microscopic perspective, our human body itself is composed of various organs, and then with the innate Qi flowing in our body, it can also be regarded as a pattern."

"And putting each of us in this world, everyone's rules of action and goals are a long line of cause and effect destiny. No matter what we do, it is from cause to effect."

"Of course, the length and thickness of each of our destiny lines are different. The longer and thicker the person is, the greater the impact on our entire human society, and vice versa."

After Wang Ye finished speaking, he drew his finger in the air.

A white wind line composed of a breeze was seen entwined around his fingertips.

"Everything in this world is a community of destiny, and everyone's threads are tightly entangled like a tangled mess."

"This Qi Bureau is natural and artificial. For example, those Feng Shui masters who make a living by Feng Shui are people who can skillfully use the Qi Bureau."

"Feng Shui masters can build the Qi Bureau with special effects they want by adjusting the structure and airflow of the time and place."

"The characteristics are to attract wealth, call for marriage, and achieve academic success, which can make people more fortunate."

"But manpower is limited, and the duration of Feng Shui Qi Bureau depends entirely on fate."

"No one knows how long the Qi Bureau can last, and it is even extremely difficult to extend it for a day."

When he said this, Zhang Chulan suddenly looked at Sister Baoer.

"Sister Baoer, it seems that you spent 20,000 yuan to invite a Feng Shui toad before."

Feng Baobao looked at Zhang Chulan blankly.

"Ah? Really?"

"I forgot."

Seeing Feng Baobao like this, Zhang Chulan also scratched his head.

Sister Bao'er's habit of spending money recklessly.

Must be changed.

At this time, Wang Ye looked around and carefully observed every plant and tree.

"But this natural Qi Bureau is different."

"Because it is an internal circulation pattern generated in a fixed place."

"Once a new Qi Bureau breaks in from the outside, it will be affected by the entire Qi Bureau."

"The more precise and powerful this Qi Bureau is, the deeper the impact will be."

"And the Qi Bureau of our human body can be said to be the most precise and complex, and the impact it receives can be said to be boundless."

"The impact of the Qi Bureau on people has surpassed the time dimension and directly started from the changes in people themselves, so once we accidentally step into the Qi Bureau, we will no longer be who we are now."

Hearing this, Zhang Chulan was a little confused.

"What do you mean we are no longer who we are now?"

Seeing that Zhang Chulan was very confused about this matter, Wang Ye also patiently explained.

"It's normal that you don't understand since you haven't read the book on numerology."

"After entering the Qi Bureau, the long line of fate and cause and effect that belongs to you is extracted from the changes of all things in this world, and then kneaded into a point."

"In other words, after entering the Qi Bureau, you are the sum of the present you, the past you, and the future you."

"The cause in the past determines the result in the present, and the cause in the present determines the result in the future."

"Without these causes and effects, you will have no past, present, and future, and you will not belong to this world, and the world will not be able to accommodate you."

"So the price you pay is to completely disappear from this world."

Hearing Wang Ye say this, Zhang Chulan shuddered.

"What you said is too scary."

Wang Ye smiled.

"Scary? I don't think so."

"On the contrary, I think it is a great practice to be able to grasp the huge changes in it."

Zhang Chulan was amazed.

"I don't know how the first person who discovered this place came in through the right path."

Wang Ye looked up at the sky.

It seemed that he was observing the starry universe outside the sky.

"If a person who has transcended the time dimension comes here, he can see the rules and enter here."

"Didn't you say before that this is the cave of Ziyang Zhenren Zhang Boduan?"

"If it is a fairy like Zhang Boduan, it would be easy for him to come here."

After listening to Wang Ye's story, the old Taoist priest on the side couldn't help but think of the way his father came here.

Drive a large group of monkeys in and directly make a way to survive.

This method may be what normal people can do.

Huang Boren on the side was also a little fascinated at this moment. He didn't expect that this small Qi Bureau actually had so many details.

But he didn't forget the purpose of coming here.

"Everyone follow me first, it won't be long before we can see that canyon."

"The staff are waiting there."

"When the time comes, please observe it more, Taoist Yunlong, and it would be best if you can restore the valley to its original appearance."

Taoist Yunlong nodded immediately when he saw this.

"Don't worry."

"Sancheli, I'm most familiar with it!"

The author is too sleepy, brothers, please continue to ask for monthly tickets!

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