Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 110: Yakan’s unique skill, the immortal body of the fire boy!

Hearing that there is such a place in the Twenty-Four Sections Valley, Zhao Fangxu was very confused.

Because the company's people didn't find it.

"It seems that there are still many places in the Twenty-Four Sections Valley that we haven't discovered."

Hearing Zhao Fangxu say this, the people in the board of directors also started to think.

The people who went to the Twenty-Four Sections Valley have searched all the corners, but they still didn't find anything about the place mentioned by the owner of the notebook.

It seems.

It is still necessary for a top master like the old Tianshi to go there to find that place.

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but look very confused.

"Why didn't you find it? Is there any secret room or secret passage there?"

"Granny Jinfeng, have you seen that place?"

After hearing Zhang Chulan's words, Jinfeng shook her head.

"The headmaster may not want to tell me about that place."

"I still remember that when the headmaster took me there, it was after the 36 sworn brothers became sworn brothers."

"At that time, all the righteous people who had sworn brotherhood with the headmaster were hunted down."

"Many people died."

"Only eight people were left."

"And when the headmaster took me there, he happened to send the other eight people out of the valley."

After hearing what Grandma Jinfeng said.

"Eight Wonders!"

Zhang Chulan blurted out with a flash of inspiration.

Everyone was stunned when they heard what Zhang Chulan said.

I didn't expect to hear about the Eight Wonders at this time.

But Zhang Chulan felt that he had touched a trace of the truth at this moment.

But because of the lack of clues, Zhang Chulan could no longer speculate.

Seeing Zhang Chulan scratching his head in pain, Feng Baobao was a little worried.

"Chulan, don't think about it if you can't figure it out."

Zhang Chulan grinned after hearing this.

"Sister Baoer, I know."

When they heard Zhang Chulan say this, everyone stared at him with curiosity.

I don't know what he figured out.

Zhang Chulan spoke slowly at this moment.

"Yes, the Eight Wonders, that's the Eight Wonders."

"Didn't I say before that when the Eight Wonders appeared, it was as if they appeared out of thin air."

"After the Eight Wonders appeared, all the martial arts of the martial arts schools in the world were completely defeated, just like the upgraded version of their martial arts!"

"Considering that the Twenty-Four Sections Valley can make people realize the truth and create the law, it is very likely that this Wu Gensheng led them to comprehend the Eight Wonders in the Twenty-Four Sections Valley!"

"That is to say."

"If you want to get the same power as the Eight Wonders, you only need to go to the secret place in the Twenty-Four Sections Valley to comprehend and you can get it!"

"That place is simply a paradise for extraordinary people!"

When Zhang Chulan said this, everyone present was shocked.

They didn't expect that the Eight Wonders could actually be born from the Twenty-Four Sections Valley!

Jin Feng seemed to have known about this for a long time and did not show much reaction.

Zhao Fangxu noticed Jin Feng's expression.

"Granny Jinfeng, you don't seem very surprised."

Jinfeng saw that there was nothing to hide, and then said:

"Yes, I'm not very surprised, but I didn't know it beforehand."

Everyone was a little curious when they heard Grandma Jinfeng say this.


Jinfeng continued to speak.

"Because the headmaster is very loyal, if he finds this kind of thing, he will definitely share it with the people he recognizes."

"And the thirty-six people who can be sworn brothers with the headmaster are the ones he recognizes."

"It's just a pity that if those so-called upright people didn't launch a hunt, then the headmaster would take all the thirty-six people to the place where they can be enlightened."

"At that time, it will not be eight strange skills, but thirty-six strange skills!"

After Jinfeng finished speaking, everyone fell into thinking.


With the comprehension talents of those thirty-six people back then, it would not be too easy to comprehend the strange skills that suited them.

But the people on the board of directors all had extremely solemn expressions.

Different positions.

The places they think about are naturally different.

For them, these so-called eight wonders and thirty-six wonders are meaningless.

Stability is the hard truth!

And for them, these eight wonders are just a way to cause chaos!

I can't see any positive meaning at all!

In addition, there is now a place like the Twenty-Four Section Valley that can produce eight wonders in batches.

Dangerous, this place is too dangerous.

Zhao Fangxu has made up his mind.

After the previous lines are restored, let the company completely ban it, and never let people outside the company get it.


This world of aliens will really change!

How can the company suppress this group of lawless aliens.

After all, these aliens will only appear honest when there is a company.

Once there is no company.

It won't take long for the world to turn upside down!

Seeing that everyone was silent, Feng Baobao continued to read his notes.

[I asked Yakan what the immortal body of the fire boy was, and Yakan told me: "All dharmas are originally empty, dust and disaster are like fire wheels, enter my heavenly fire path, and become an immortal body." 】

【This method is like the third level of reverse birth. If it is activated, the whole body will be transformed into innate true fire, and any attack received will be invalidated. You can even stay young forever in this state. 】

[But the Fire Boy's immortal body is not immortal in the true sense. 】

[Once the power is dissipated, all previous attacks will be applied to the body. If you cannot withstand it, you will die. 】

[In terms of effect, it is almost equivalent to Zuo Ruotong's current state. 】

[It’s just that the practice of the Fire Boy’s Immortal Body is extremely simple. You only need to learn the Fire Painting Technique and the Fire Swallowing Technique of the Huo De Sect, and then throw in the Fateful Talisman to learn Fire Escape, and then you can learn the Fire Boy’s Immortal Body! 】

[On the other hand, this fire boy's immortal body is more like the ultimate method of Huode Sect, but it has been lost. 】


Everyone was extremely surprised when they heard the effect of Fire Boy's immortality.

I didn't expect that there is such a technique.

If you don't let go, wouldn't you be invincible?

At this time, Zhang Chulan immediately thought of the huge role of the fire boy's immortal body.

"According to what is said above, wouldn't it be possible to go to the Chinese medical masters to heal their injuries immediately after the battle?"

"You know, I don't know how many people died after being injured because they were not treated in time. If they can be treated in time, it is actually very easy to cure."

After hearing this sentence, everyone suddenly realized.

This is indeed the case.

Zhang Chulan said again at this time:

"Although this sounds inferior to the ability to grow severed arms and legs on its own with the third level of reverse life, on the other hand, it is also better than the third level of reverse birth."

"That means the fire boy's immortal body is invincible after it is activated!"

"If the two fight tooth and nail, it will be clear who lives and who dies."

"Isn't it true that the third level of reverse life is incomparable?"

Everyone nodded in agreement at this moment.


Judging from the fact that this fire boy's immortal body is immune to all damage, it is indeed much higher than the third level of reverse life.

Because the immunity of the third level of reverse life means that you can recover very quickly after being injured.

But this fire boy's immortal body is directly immune.

It can't cause any harm at all.

When fighting, it is clear who is strong and who is weak.

Xu Si sighed a little at this time.

"I really don't know how crazy Huode Zong would be if he knew that there was such a secret method in history."

"After all, this is a unique skill that can directly sublimate their overall strength!"

Seeing Xu Si say this, Xu San on the side also said:

"This is like the Chen family's Sixth Transformation Tianhuang."

"If a congenital stranger knew about it, he would be very crazy."

Xu Si was very emotional when he heard this.


The emotion was followed by silence.

Feng Baobao continued reading.

[I asked Yakan for the method of cultivating the fire boy’s immortality, and warned him that he could not teach it to anyone except his close relatives in the future. 】

[If the people of Huode Sect knew that he had this kind of skill, they would never think about living a happy life. 】

[Since there are still many things to do at the Yakan Cuisine Club, I asked him to go back first. 】

[And I kept thinking in the cave all day long, thinking about the power above the true energy. 】

After Feng Baobao finished speaking this sentence, he found that the notebook had turned to the last page.

Then no more reading.

At this time, everyone also had an unfinished expression.

Dr. Xia’s eyes were filled with emotion.

“You really can’t listen to too many notes like this.”

"I don't know how many notebooks like this there are in the world."

Zhang Chulan on the side heard this and immediately remembered when White told them that he also knew the whereabouts of a notebook.

If White could be caught, he would definitely be able to find out the whereabouts of the notebook.

at this time.

Zhao Fangxu stood up and looked at Huang Boren aside.

"Old Huang, make arrangements to go to the Twenty-Four Festival Valley as soon as possible."

"We also need to find the secret room left in the twenty-four sections."

"We will hold a meeting to discuss the specific matters when they are found."

Huang Boren nodded.

"Don't worry, I will make arrangements."

Zhao Fangxu nodded after hearing this. He was still very confident about Huang Boren's ability.

Zhao Fangxu then looked at Bi Youlong.

"Lao Bi, I'd better trouble you to go to the Five Immortals Sect."

Bi Youlong's eyes were determined.

"Don't worry, I will make those two lamas spit out everything they need to spit out!"

After arranging all this.

Zhao Fangxu looked at Jinfeng.

"Grandma Jinfeng, it's hard for you to accompany us to meetings at such an old age. If there is nothing else, you can leave now."

Jinfeng suddenly became anxious after hearing this.

"What about Xia Liuqing?"

Hearing Xia Liuqing, Zhao Fangxu looked a little embarrassed.

"According to our information, Xia Liuqing was also involved in the last time Quanxing caused a big disturbance in Longhu Mountain."

"We still need to ask him some things. If he actively cooperates, I believe it will come out soon."

However, Jinfeng knew very well that Xia Liuqing was a person who was soft-hearted and not hard-hearted.

If the company uses force on him.

Just don't get him to cooperate.

Thinking of this, Jin Feng immediately spoke.

"In this case, if he doesn't leave, I won't leave either."

"If you want to interrogate him, let me listen. As long as I'm here, I believe he won't fail to cooperate!"

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