Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 102 Wait a minute, I’ll ask your ancestors to come down and talk to you.

Under the leadership of Xu Yuan, the temporary workers were very happy.

It's hard to say whether they were forced to do so or whether they took this opportunity to release their natural instincts.

Not even the king could escape, and at the call of a wish, the king also participated.

With a look of despair on his face, he waved his hands along with other temporary workers, and his movements became more and more skillful...

These pieces of material are really all crazy...

Be a shaker, be an undefined shaker!

Wang was also very fortunate that he had been expelled from the Wudang Sect before, so he never continued to wear Taoist robes.

Otherwise, if the Patriarch found out about his degrading behavior, I am afraid he would be so angry that he would descend to the mortal world and have his legs broken...

Hey, that's not right. Can't you just ask the Patriarch to get on you if you make a wish? If you want to be beaten, you should make a wish and get beaten first!

But it's a pity.

The indifference of the above-mentioned people, let alone this group of 250 temporary workers, would not be able to bring them along even if Wu Bai came.

All the superiors looked at the temporary workers standing opposite them with dark expressions on their faces.

Fu Rong lowered her head and asked Chen Duo beside her with a black line on her face.

"Master Chen Duo, is Nadutong a formal company?"

Chen Duo:......

She looked at the temporary workers who were shaking their heads wildly and constantly switching between different styles of shaking their heads, and they were also confused.

It seems that they are different from the company staff in her memory. She remembers that the staff in South China are all serious, but they do seem to be very interesting...

After being silent for a long time, Chen Duo gave an answer that was not what was asked.

"Natcom is a state-owned enterprise."

Fu Rong also fell into silence. After another moment, she looked at Chen Duo with pity.

"Master Chen Duo, I seem to know why you defected from Nadutong Company. Working in the company must be very stressful, right? The mental state of these people is really... difficult to cope with!"

Chen Duo did not respond to Fu Rong, but watched silently as the temporary workers swayed even more energetically in the warm atmosphere. No one knew what she was thinking.

The song "Foreigner DISCO" ended, and the temporary workers became quiet again.

But Xu Yuan looked at the temporary workers with a look of satisfaction mixed with a little pity.

What is satisfying is that he finally participated in this famous scene personally.

What's pitiful is that these temporary workers have already focused on the opponents they are interested in in the root device.

Brother Xiao kept staring at Zhao Guizhen with hungry eyes.

Sister Baoer also has her eye on Qiu Rang... the gold-plated Ruyi pinned to her lower waist.

Even Wang Zhenqiu is eyeing Liu Wukui, who has a special fate.

Not long after, Zhang Chulan and Ma Xianhong returned to the entrance of the village.

Obviously, Zhang Chulan could not convince the stubborn Village Chief Ma, and all he could do was reach an agreement on peaceful coexistence with Village Chief Ma.

This is under the premise that Village Chief Ma doesn't know that their real purpose is actually his precious stove.

Just like what Ma Xianhong said to Wang Ye before.

Only the inheritors of the Eight Magic Skills would be regarded as the same kind of people by him...

Well, maybe making a wish can also be called an alien, but Ma Xianhong still needs to confirm...

As for Zhang Chulan?

Maybe there is a bit of face due to being a company employee, but... not much!

"Everyone, Ma Xianhong refused to let us take Chen Duo away, but agreed that we would temporarily stay in Biyou Village."

Zhang Chulan returned to the temporary workers and told everyone about the results of their communication.

"As for Grandma Jinfeng..."

Having said this, Zhang Chulan turned his attention to making a wish.

"He agreed to release Grandma Jinfeng, but he made a request to talk to Xu Yuan alone."

Wishing shrugged.

"I have no objection, but I think we can also take the opportunity to collect some intelligence. Not everyone in the village is worthy of being killed. It is true that temporary workers are used to take the blame, but we cannot take the blame ourselves."

"We are temporary workers, not mass murderers massacring the city."

The temporary workers all agreed with the wish-making proposal.

Regardless of the fact that these temporary workers are non-staff members of the company, they specialize in handling tasks that are inconvenient for the company.

But even a "controlled" knife needs to have a bottom line.

Not only is the company's bottom line for them, it is also their bottom line for themselves.

Just like Brother Xiao determines whether a "delicious food" can be eaten, he also uses company regulations as the criterion.

This is to prevent yourself from going astray!

After communicating with each other, a group of temporary workers carried their luggage and entered Biyou Village.

Village Chief Ma also completed the communication with the superiors. Although the superiors did not like the temporary workers of these companies, they still let them go and arranged residence for them in the village.

As for Village Chief Ma, he took the initiative to make a wish as soon as possible.

"Here you go, make a wish. Grandma Jinfeng is here."

As soon as Ma Xianhong entered the room where he made a wish, he threw him a bite bag.

Xu Yuan glanced at the bite bag and saw Grandma Jinfeng who had already fallen into a coma in the bite bag.

A small golden phoenix mother-in-law.

The space in the capsule is not small, but there is nothing in it except the unconscious Grandma Jinfeng.

Obviously it is specially used for Grandma Jinfeng.

Although the capsule is magical, it also has certain limitations in its use. For example, in addition to normal items, it can also be loaded with life forms, but it cannot be loaded with conscious life forms.

"Don't worry, Grandma Jinfeng is just unconscious due to Master Chen Duo's poison. Release her and you will wake up. As for this bite bag, consider it a meeting gift from me."

Ma Xianhong continued to add.

I have to say that if it weren't for Biyou Village and Xiuxian Furnace, Ma Xianhong would really be the best person to be a friend with.

Not only is he sincere but also very generous.

Even if you make a wish, it's hard to deny this.

Xu wish thought for a moment, but in the end he did not choose to release Grandma Jinfeng. He directly put the capsule containing Grandma Jinfeng into his pocket.

The current situation in Biyou Village is unknown, and it is not suitable to release Grandma Jinfeng.

Although Granny Jinfeng is also an older generation like Old Man Xia, she also has supernatural powers, but her strength...

forget it!

Not to mention how much I can help, if we really want to fight in Biyou Village, it would be nice to be able to protect ourselves!

Although Wang Ye helped him get a bite bag before, and now he has two bite bags in his hand, he still gave Ma Xianhong a wish.

"Thank you, Village Chief Ma."

For the sake of swallowing the bag, Xu Wan now really hopes that the matter in Biyou Village can be resolved peacefully. After all, the real mastermind behind Biyou Village should be Qu Tong!

After all, as the heir to the magical machine, Village Chief Ma’s logistical abilities are really eye-catching!

"Make a wish, I want to talk to you alone." Ma Xianhong looked serious.

"That's exactly what I meant, Village Chief Ma."

The two immediately sat down in the living room. Village Chief Ma took out a tea set from his pocket, and the two started chatting while drinking tea.

The atmosphere was so good that you couldn't even tell that the temporary workers and toppers who had been at the entrance of the village not long ago were tense.

Village Chief Ma personally poured a cup of strong tea for Xu Wan.

I can’t say enough about the tea in Biyou Village. Although I don’t recognize Xuanyuan, it is indeed very fragrant.

As for whether Village Chief Ma poisoned the tea?

Xu Yuan felt that if Village Chief Ma really had such a brain, he would not have realized that the target of these temporary workers is not just Chen Duo...

"I came to you to invite you to join Biyou Village!"


The first words Ma Xianhong opened his mouth caused Xu Yuan to spit out a mouthful of tea!

This village chief is really hungry for talents!

Are you invited now?

What a coincidence that he sprayed Ma Xianhong sitting opposite him in the face!

Because the wish for the tea was not malicious, it did not activate Ma Xianhong's protective magic weapon.

Ma Xianhong's face darkened.

But he still patiently stretched out his hand to wipe his face and took off the tea leaves hanging on his forehead.

"Make a wish, I know you are surprised, but don't be surprised yet, there is a reason why I invited you to join."

"Putting aside the current controversy about Chen Duo, I have been working on a great cause. This great cause can eliminate all disputes in the world and make the world unified!"

"Make a wish, I have investigated the information about you. Although there is not much information about you, the information I have found so far indicates that you do not necessarily have to be in the company to a certain extent."

"You studied under Xia Liuqing, the all-powerful villain. Because of your background, you may not have room to move up in the company. Joining Biyou Village and Xinjie Sect will allow you to directly become the deputy leader, or even the leader if you want. , I can also give it to you."

"Don't refuse in a hurry. The reason why I invite you to join is not only because of your mentorship, but also because of your ability. Although the Divine Mask Technique you practice is not the Eight Wonders, I have seen your competition videos. , you have used the Godhead Mask to a new level. To a certain extent, your Godhead Mask is no less than the Eight Wonders..."

I have to say that Village Chief Ma has a great personality and a very charming personality.

On these two points, Village Chief Ma is just like the protagonist in those comics. Even if he is an "enemy", he can stoop to invite.

Even the analysis of the wish was actually 80% correct!

But when Xu Yuan listened to Ma Xianhong's words, his face looked a little strange.

How should I put it, apart from the style and charisma, it’s really hard to judge!

Do you think Ma Xianhong is smart?

He hadn't noticed anything amiss until now.

If we just want to catch Chen Duo, do we need all the temporary workers in the company to go out together?

But to say that Ma Xianhong is stupid? That's absolutely impossible to say!

Regardless of its impact on the world, in terms of function alone, being able to develop something like a self-cultivation furnace is definitely a genius across the ages!

Behemoth in the beautiful country has gathered the scientific research power of the entire company, and the success rate of creating aliens is not even as good as that of a horse village chief!

Wishing finally came to an evaluation that was more suitable for Ma Xianhong.

A genius science man!

He has no understanding of the world and cannot understand the situation. He only knows how to keep his head down and do research to realize his ideals.

But he didn’t know that what he was studying might open Pandora’s box for all mankind...

"Village Chief Ma, when the power is out of control, the consequences are unimaginable." Xu Yuan persuaded.

As expected, it is just like the evaluation made by the wish.

Village Chief Ma immediately used the thinking of a man from science and engineering to refute.

"The Internet in the ordinary world was created based on the concept of sharing. Is the Internet also wrong?"

Make a wish:…

In terms of this concept of a man in science and engineering, Xu Wish really couldn't compare to the professional village chief Ma.

But it does not matter.

Wait a minute, I'll ask your ancestor to come down and talk to you.

"Village Chief Ma, let's pause the discussion on this matter for a moment. I would like to ask, since you are cultivating the Divine Machine Hundred Refiners, do you have a place dedicated to the Patriarch Mozi or Lu Ban?"

Ma Xianhong was stunned by Xu Yuan's out-of-the-box thinking.

But when he recalled the mental state of these temporary workers dancing at the entrance of the village, it was not surprising.

"Of course, all the weapon refiners in the world regard Mozi and Lu Ban as their ancestors, and I still worship the ancestors."

Make a wish and stand up.

"Okay, then take me to see the ancestor of your weapon refiner and ask your ancestor for his opinion."

"Ah?" Ma Xianhong was a little confused, "Ask the Patriarch? How?"

"You'll know when we get there." Xu Yuan waved his hand.

Otherwise, Ma Xianhong is one of the few honest people among the younger generation.

Although he didn't understand what the wish was for, he still went to the worship hall with the wish in person.

The worship hall was set up by Ma Xianhong in the center of Biyou Village. When he came here with his wish, he happened to bump into Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao wandering here (check out the spot).

Zhang Chulan didn't know where Ma Xianhong had hidden the self-cultivation furnace, but according to his speculation, such an important thing would most likely be hidden in the center of Biyou Village.

But Zhang Chulan didn't expect that when he and Sister Baoer came to check out the spot, they would meet Village Chief Ma and Xu Yuan here together.

"Eh? Zhang Chulan, why are you here..." Ma Xianhong was also a little confused when he saw Zhang Chulan.

In order to prevent Ma Xianhong from becoming suspicious, Zhang Chulan immediately put on a mean smile.

"Of course I'm here to see you, my great nephew! My uncle is here. My nephew, why don't you arrange a nice meal to catch the wind?"

Ma Xianhong:......

He now regrets that when he was chatting alone with Zhang Chulan just now, he took the initiative to mention the origin between the two...

This bastard is engaging in ethical jokes!

In terms of seniority, Zhang Chulan's grandfather Zhang Huaiyi and his great-grandfather Ma Ben are sworn brothers, and Zhang Chulan is indeed his uncle...

Ma Xianhong turned his head and glanced at the wish beside him.

He now feels that compared with Zhang Chulan, a bastard, it is better to make a wish!

Although Wishing did not agree to his invitation to join Biyou Village, Wishing did not engage in ethical jokes before!

"Zhang Chulan, if you want to eat, go to the kitchen on the east side of the village to find Fu Rong. I don't have time to accompany you to fool around now..."

Ma Xianhong glanced at Zhang Chulan and finally decided to ignore him.

Now he is more curious about what Xu Yuan said about asking the ancestor's opinion.

Although he is a stranger, Ma Xianhong also has a common problem among men in science and engineering, that is, he is too curious.

Ma Xianhong ignored Zhang Chulan and walked into the worship hall with his wish.

Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that they had passed the test.

It’s Feng Baobao.

She rolled her eyes when she saw Xu Yuan walking into the worship hall.

Make a wish to be as witty as yourself, is there something good in this room...

Why don't you come over tonight and take a look?

The worship hall was empty, with only a few rows of seats placed on the altar.

It is the ranking of Mozi, Lu Ban and other juniors of the Mo family who are the common ancestors of the world's weapon refiners. There are still incense sticks in the incense burner in front of the ranking.

It can be seen that Village Chief Ma does worship on weekdays.

"Make a wish, what are you going to do?"

Ma Xianhong asked curiously.

Xuanyuan didn't say anything, but looked up and down at the rankings. The main reason was the power of faith gathered in the rankings.

How to do it?

Of course there’s a lottery!

The ancestor of your family will be drawn from the lottery and come out to draw you!

However, this time the wish was not made with much certainty.

Because although these tablets in the worship hall also have some power of faith, they are the ones with the least power of faith among the "temples" I have visited!

When it comes to the power of faith, we have to mention the special nature of the weapon refiner!

Ever since I made a wish and became a strange person, in addition to the weapon refiner in Biyou Village, I have also encountered other weapon refiners or strange people related to the weapon refiner's ability!

For example, Yun and Xi, who were the imperial ministers on Luotian's altar, and Quan Xing's two weapon refiners who died on Longhu Mountain - Yuan Tao and Handan'er.

Xuanyuan has encountered a lot of weapon refiners.

But that doesn't mean there are a lot of weapon refiners in the alien world.

On the contrary, the number of weapon refiners in the entire alien circle is very small!

It's rare.

If foreigners value talent, then weapon refiners are even more so.

If you don't have the talent to refine weapons, you just don't have it, and it can't be changed through acquired practice.

With such a small number of weapon refiners, there are even fewer people worshiping the ancestor.

Speaking of which, although the ranks of the weapon refiners in front of me have little power of faith, they are the most that I have ever seen.

After all, most people in the entire Biyou Village, including the Shanggenqi, have received the dividends of Ma Xianhong's divine machine, and they will come here to worship on weekdays.

Now that we are here, there is nothing to hesitate in making a wish.

I clicked on the lottery light screen directly.

After coming to Biyou Village, the compatibility of the wishing world has increased to 41%, and the number of draws has also increased to 11.

In order to have a higher probability of drawing the ancestors of Village Chief Ma, I made a wish and started drawing ten consecutive draws again.

The lottery light screen flashes rapidly in the wish-making perspective.

But in Ma Xianhong's eyes, Xu Wish was in a daze looking at the rankings on the altar.

Icons of heroes and equipment flashed in the wishing eyes.

However, the frequency of the lottery light curtain's flashing quickly slowed down.

Until finally it was locked on one piece of equipment.

Xu Wishan's face darkened.

Sure enough, if you don't draw the lottery in the hands of your own mother, this thing depends on your life!

However, Make a Wish is not that disappointing.

Because the result of the first lottery was unprecedented, and it was neither magic equipment nor defensive equipment.

But an attack suit!

[Famous Sword Commander: +60 physical attack, +5% cooldown reduction

Dark Curtain (Passive): Will not die immediately when receiving fatal damage, gain temporary invincibility and increase movement speed by 30%, lasting 1 second. 】


Now I can resist the old Heavenly Master for five times!

Make a wish and continue to click on the lottery, and the lottery light screen flashes again.

When the lottery light curtain stopped this time.

Making a wish is hard to say.

Because this time I really got a hero related to Lu Ban, the founder of the weapon refiner.


how to say?

[Luban No. 7], this is the work of the ancestor of the weapon refiner!

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