Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 103 Even the Patriarch can’t stop me, I said so!

Xu Yuan looked at Luban No. 7, which was drawn for the second time in ten consecutive draws, and was a little speechless.

[Organ Creation - Luban No. 7], was given the nickname Little Braised Egg.

Putting aside this heroic ability, the ability to attract hatred is definitely a natural mocking face - just like Wang Zhenqiu!

As for seniority...

It's a big deal, after all, he is the "son" of Lu Ban, one of the ancestors of the weapon refiners.

But it's still small.

In the final analysis, Luban No. 7 is just a machine creation.

What is the seniority of a robot?


The most important thing is that all the abilities of Luban No. 7 are related to firearms and firepower!

Not long ago, he said that Chief Ma was an arms dealer in the alien world for building a self-cultivation stove.

As a result, he is now illegally possessing guns and ammunition?

It's hard to imagine what a ghostly scene it would be if you "invite" Luban No. 7 to get on top of you with a godhead mask...

But now is not a good time to test your abilities, so let’s continue to draw ten consecutive draws!

The lottery screen continued to flash, and the third lottery of ten consecutive draws began.

【Calm Boots】

In the third draw, the icon of a shoe appeared in front of the wish-maker.

Make a wish:…


Why do you want me to calm down?

Xu Wish's expression was a little distorted, as if he was wearing a mask of pain on his face.

If he remembered correctly, the cooldown reduction brought by the Calm Boots in the game has an upper limit.

In any case, getting these damn boots of calmness was completely beyond his expectation!

However, after Xu Yuan saw the attributes of the Calm Boots, his expression calmed down.

[Boots of Calm: +15% cooldown reduction.

Divine Speed ​​(Passive): Increases movement speed by 60.

Tranquility (Passive): Cooldown recovery speed is accelerated by 10%]

Increase cooldown reduction without any restrictions!

Compared with the [Boots of Calmness] in the game, it is simply the difference between ambergris and shit!

They are both shit, one is worth a thousand dollars and the other is worthless!

Calculating this, his current cooldown reduction has accumulated to as high as 65%!

Unlimited firepower is not far away!

Results of the fourth draw.

[Frost Invasion: +30% attack speed, +600 maximum health.

Frost (Passive): Basic attacks reduce the target's movement speed by 3%, lasting for two seconds. The effect can be stacked five times. After the five stacks are full, the target's basic attacks and the magic ball can cause an additional 30% damage.

Precision (Passive): Basic attacks can cause additional physical damage. 】

The fifth draw.

[Lightning Dagger: +35% attack speed, +8% movement speed

Electric Arc (Passive): Basic attacks can cause additional magic damage. Every three basic attacks will release a chain lightning, causing additional magic damage. 】

The sixth draw.

[Blade of Sanction: +100 physical attack, +15% attack speed, +15% physical blood drain.

Resurrection (Passive): When own health is lower than 30%, recover 610 health points within 5 seconds.

Serious injury (passive): After hitting the enemy with basic attacks and skills, the target's recovery speed is reduced by 35%. 】

Six consecutive draws.

A total of one hero and five pieces of equipment were drawn.

Although these five pieces of equipment are not weak, the serious damage effect of Wish's current attack has been accumulated to 140%!

But this is not what Xuanyuan wants now.

However, these six draws seem to be just a cushion before "reinforcement success".

The next four draws.

The success rate of the direct wishing lottery has reached 100%!

The seventh draw.

[Rampage Agency——Liu Chan! 】

The eighth draw.

[Builder of the City—Milady! 】

Two heroes who are all related to machine creation!

Ninth and tenth draws.

It even directly emptied the prize pool of the "Ancestor of the Weapon Refiner"!

[Peace Watch——Mozi! 】

[Master Craftsman——Master Luban! 】

An irrepressible smile finally appeared on Xu Wish's face!

Biyou Village is not in vain!

Village Chief Ma, he’s a nice person!

During the ten consecutive days of making a wish, Ma Xianhong had been silently watching the wish.

After making a wish and remaining silent for a long time, even Village Chief Ma noticed the clues.

The expression on Xu Wish's face is really too rich.

From the beginning it felt like constipation, to later it became harder to press the corners of the mouth than AK, and it was as unpredictable as the face changing in Sichuan opera.

"Wishong, are you okay?" Village Chief Ma looked at Xuyuan worriedly. "Did you have a stroke last night without closing the window when you slept? Why don't I ask Bi Yuan and Bi Lao to come over and give you acupuncture?"

Village Chief Ma's words also brought the wish's attention back.

Make a wish:…

You just had a stroke!

A smile appeared on Xu Wish's face.

"Village Chief Ma, didn't you ask me before how to ask for the opinion of your weapon-refining master?"

"Yes." Ma Xianhong nodded, he was still a little confused.

"Master Patriarch is here!"

Make a wish and activate the Godhead Mask, and set the goal of becoming a god to the [Peace Watch - Mozi] you just obtained!

It’s just that this time it’s completely different from other heroes in the past!

The Qi of the wish is consumed quickly!

Although it is not as terrifying as [Supreme Creation - Nuwa], who will be sucked into you in an instant, it is far better than other heroes that Wishes currently has!

But fortunately, he has now drawn a lot of equipment. Although he has not drawn the Holy Grail, with the mana recovery attribute provided by the existing equipment and the accumulation of energy, it is not difficult to support the consumption.

The Qi that was extracted from the wishing body turned into pieces of bronze armor. These armors were combined at will, and finally formed a set of heavy armor like a robot!

The humanoid armor was put on Xu Yuan's body, covering him from head to toe, not even his helmet falling off.

Two azure light blades appeared on the wishing arms, and two lights also appeared on the shoulder armor. I don't know what their purpose is.

But the most eye-catching thing is the ball of light on the wishful chest.

Ma Xianhong stared blankly at the transformation of the wish.

This scene was completely beyond the scope of his imagination.

He remembered, isn't making a wish and cultivating a divine mask a godhead?

Why is it related to the art of weapon refining now?

When the wishful transformation was completed, the wishful face was completely covered by the mecha.

Ma Xianhong looked at Xu Yuan with strange eyes, and asked cautiously after a long while.

"This is...Iron Man?"

Make a wish:…

Hey! Don't say it, don't say it!

Now he looks like the god Mozi, looking a bit like the bronze Iron Man who was just dug out from an ancient tomb!

However, the specific shape of the hero could not be determined by making a wish, so he glared at Ma Xianhong angrily.

However, Xu Wish's face was also covered by the mecha at this time, and Ma Xianhong didn't see his expression at all.

Xu wish turned around and revealed the ink characters engraved on the back of the humanoid mecha!

"Look! Chief Ma, this is Mozi, the ancestor of your weapon refiners!"

Village Chief Ma looked at the ink characters on the back of the mecha with a look of disbelief.


He really couldn't associate this antique-style high-tech armor with the founder Mozi.

It’s hard to prove just by using the word “ink”!

"I don't believe it! This is not the Patriarch!"

Ma Xianhong shook his head like a rattle.

He was speechless.

Just now he said that Make a Wish is better than Zhang Chulan, at least it doesn't make any ethical jokes.

As a result, as soon as he turned around and made a wish, he got a big one!

Even the ancestors moved it out!

Sure enough, these temporary workers are not good people!

Now it was the wish's turn to be speechless.

This is really the first time he has encountered such a situation. In the past, when he transformed into a god, others took the initiative to recognize his ancestors...

However, this is really no wonder Ma Xianhong. After all, it is difficult for anyone to imagine what this mecha would look like in ancient times...

There is no other way to make a wish but to change the target of becoming a god again into [The Divine Craftsman - Lu Ban].

The mecha on Xu Wish's body was peeled off piece by piece, just as it appeared at the beginning, and then turned into nothingness in the air.

Then Xu Wan appeared in a black and white Jinshi robe, with a white half-armor covering the outside of the Jinshi robe.

But the most eye-catching thing is the mechanical wings generated behind him!

The mechanical wings are connected to the shoulder blades behind Wishing, and the entire body is made of white metal made of some kind of material.

"Village Chief Ma, this is Lu Ban." Xu Yuan pushed up the round glasses on the bridge of his nose.

This pair of glasses appeared together with the mechanical wings on his back.

Ma Xianhong:? ? ?

Are you kidding me?

Ma Xianhong didn't believe it at all.

But seeing that he was making a wish at this time and speaking in a very determined tone, he was a little unsure.

"How do you prove it?" Ma Xianhong asked, "Just changing clothes can't prove it!"

With that said, Ma Xianhong took out a bite bag from his arms.

As the light on the bite bag flashed, a flower-like doll appeared on the ground between the two.

Wishing to look at the flower doll in front of him, he fell into deep thought.

Logically speaking, he can prove this easily, it is nothing more than his ability to refine weapons.


As long as he transforms into the god [Fort Builder - Miledy], he can also summon small robots.

Small robots and dolls are pretty much the same.

But the problem was Milady.

The hero Milady is a female character...

Still wearing high heels and black stockings...

This kind of picture is really eye-catching!

Wishing doesn't mind this at all, after all, as long as the opponent is killed, no one will know about this scene.

But right now, he has no plans to kill Ma Xianhong, so Milady can only pass.

"How about? Let's talk about weapon refining." Xu Yuan shook his head, spread his hands and said

It seems that the trick of asking the other party's ancestor to get on the body is really not easy to use every time.

"Village Chief Ma, you know that I know nothing about weapon refining, so it should be proven that I hired the ancestor of your weapon refining master."

Ma Xianhong glanced at Xu Wish suspiciously.

"What are the three major steps in refining a weapon?"

"Control objects, transform objects, and refine weapons."

It was completely beyond Ma Xianhong's expectation.

Xu wish can actually answer questions about weapon refining fluently!

It’s not just about the basic issues of weapon refining.

Even for some questions that were so profound that he didn't even understand them, Xuanyuan was able to answer them fluently!

Although Ma Xianhong was not sure whether the answer Xu Yuan said was correct, he tried to reason it out in his mind, and was shocked to find that what the other party said actually worked!

Now Ma Xianhong finally believed that making a wish could really bring about the master!

However, as a member of the alien circle, he still understands the truth that people cannot be resurrected after death, so even if his wishes are answered smoothly, Ma Xianhong is still skeptical.

"...So, what is the Patriarch's attitude towards the Self-cultivation Furnace?"

Ma Xianhong finally asked this question

"The Patriarch said that the Self-cultivation Furnace is against the harmony of heaven and should not appear in this world." Xu Yuan said with a smile.

Ma Xianhong:......

"Okay! Make a wish! Stop pretending!" Ma Xianhong rubbed his forehead, "It's really beyond my expectation that you know so much about weapon refining."

"But don't say it's not the real Grandmaster. Even if it is, the Grandmaster can't stop me. That's what I said."

Xu Yuan sighed helplessly.

It seems that good words cannot persuade the damn ghost.

Xu wish did not say anything more, but canceled the godhead mask, turned around and walked towards the door of the worship hall.

Now that Ma Xianhong has said these words.

Then there is only one way left to go.

That's a fight!

Destroy Biyou Village and Xiuxian Furnace, and capture Ma Xianhong and Chen Duo alive!

As for the knowledge about weapon refining that he and Ma Xianhong just talked about...

It is indeed true, but it is not the ability of the wish itself, but the passivity of [The Master Lu Ban].

[Jixia Technology: Gain a shield when using spells and spells to hit, and strengthen the next basic attack every once in a while to cause additional damage.

Jixia Technology (Passive): Proficient in all knowledge of weapon refining. 】

The skill of another weapon refiner, the [Peace Watch - Mozi], also mutated after it materialized.

[Love non-attack: Gain a shield when releasing the spell, and the fourth basic attack will cause additional damage and knock back the target.

Mohist secret skill (passive): Proficient in all knowledge of mechanical arts. 】

However, even if the two ancestors of the weapon refining masters made a wish and transformed into gods, the passive skills he mastered were limited to the theoretical knowledge of mechanism skills and weapon refining skills.

It cannot change the fact that he has no talent for refining weapons.

In other words, when these two heroes make a wish and transform into gods, they are equivalent to the theoretical dictionary of mechanism art and weapon refining art.

You can ask him if you don’t know, but you can’t refine the weapon yourself!

When Xu Yuan had just reached the door of the worship hall, Ma Xianhong shouted to him.

"Make a wish!"

Xu Yuan turned around and looked at Ma Xianhong.

Could it be that Lao Ma regrets it?

"Do you want to join Biyou Village and help me? With your help, the Slimming Furnace should be perfected soon!"

Make a wish:…

Okay, okay, it seems that the self-cultivation furnace has become an obsession for Ma Xianhong!

There is really no need to persuade anymore!

From a certain perspective, the company's camp and Ma Xianhong have now turned into an "orthodox battle"!

Let’s fight!

"I'm going back first, Village Chief Ma!" Xu Yuan shook his head and stepped out of the worship hall.

Ma Xianhong looked at Xu Yu's back and smacked his lips with some regret.

He originally wanted to invite Xu wish to join, but he just wanted to invite Xu wish to become a furnace bearer.

After all, the cultivation system of the Godhead Mask is still very special, related to the power of faith, which may make the cultivation furnace more perfect.

However, the weapon refining theory shown in the wish just now really gave Ma Xianhong an even bigger surprise!

It is no exaggeration to say that in terms of these theoretical knowledge, making a wish is enough to be called a master of weapon refining!

With the help of Wishes, he is confident that he can completely perfect the function of the Slimming Furnace within a week!

It's just a pity that Xu Yuan and Wang also rejected him.

However, on this point, Ma Xianhong is still very well-organized.

He would not hold a grudge against the two of them for rejecting him.

"Forget it," Ma Xianhong shook his head and retracted his thoughts, "Let's go back and see how Brother Zhuge's research on Brother Zhao Nian's interior is progressing!"

The other side made a wish after leaving the shrine.

He originally wanted to find other temporary workers to discuss when to start.

But no one else was in the room at this time, and they were all scattered around Biyou Village to gather information.

Even the king was not in the room.

To make a wish, you can only walk outside Biyou Village.

He planned to test out the rewards he just won from the lottery once.

Xu wish walked towards the outside of Biyou Village while checking his golden finger panel.

[King of Glory Mall System]

[World fit: 41%]

[Number of draws: 1 time]

[Heroes: Sikong Zhen, Zhao Huaizhen, Zhuge Liang, Yixing, Jin Chan, Zhong Kui, Zhang Liang, Zhuang Zhou, Yang Jian, Taiyi Zhenren, Jiang Ziya, Daji, Nezha, Mengqi, Nuwa, Mozi, Master Luban, Luban No. 7, Milady, Liu Chan]

[Equipment: Overlord Heavy Equipment, Sage's Asylum, Witch's Cloak, Extreme Shadow·Running Wolf·Star Spring, Nightmare Fang, Prophecy of Time, Book of God-Eating Gods, Clothes of Broken Cocoon, Red Lotus Cloak, Bath of Fire Wrath, Anti-injury Thorn Armor, Mask of Pain, Breath of Ice, Famous Sword Commander, Boots of Calmness, Frost Invasion, Lightning Dagger, Blade of Sanction]

After ten consecutive draws, there is only one draw left.

But the pieces of equipment he had just obtained gave Xu Wan some ideas for cool operations.

Now he has basically collected all the magic ball equipment.

Burn, slow down, serious injury, lightning...

Does this count as being able to use ice or fire? Is it...

If you let yourself get an A, you will suffer a lot!

However, what I wish to try most now are Milady, Liu Chan and... who just didn't have time to appear.

The first shooter hero drawn so far - Luban No. 7!

Especially Luban No. 7, according to his ability, the firepower of this thing is a bit too fierce!

If it can exert its full power, it will really mean that times have changed for adults!

After he had just transformed into the god Mozi and Master Lu Ban, Xu Wan had already discovered that heroes related to the art of mechanism are different from other heroes.

Even the battle armor on Mozi and the mechanical wings on Master Luban's back require extra Qi!

I'm afraid this thing isn't that simple.

At the same time that Xu wish was heading outside Biyou Village to test the new hero's abilities.

Ma Xianhong, who had just arrived at the Self-cultivation Furnace from the Enshrinement Hall, also learned the results of the research on Zhao Nian's inner scene from Zhuge Qing.

"It's okay, I'm not sick, no need for treatment!" Zhuge Qing climbed out of the self-cultivation furnace with a speechless expression. "The reason why Zhao Nian hasn't woken up is just because he was dreaming in the interior scenes!"

"Inner scenes are the only way for a warlock to practice. If you don't develop solid static skills, it's easy to get addicted to the inner scenes and be unable to extricate yourself."

"This guy was originally just an ordinary programmer. He accidentally got a book of spiritual practice. He dared to practice randomly because he had some understanding of strange magic. Now he is just addicted to the interior scenes. No other problems are considered the best result. ."

When Zhuge Qing said this, he was also stunned for a moment.

He suddenly understood Wang Ye's previous attitude of fearing the self-cultivation furnace!

Aren't those people who become strangers through the Self-cultivation Furnace the replica of Zhao Nian?

Without a solid enough mind, it is not only easy to go crazy after gaining power, but also easy to lose control and hurt others...

"Mr. Ma, regarding the issue of the self-cultivation furnace, would you like to reconsider..."

While Zhuge Qing was trying to seduce Ma Xianhong, Xu Wan also arrived outside Biyou Village.

After he confirmed that there was absolutely no one monitoring him in the surrounding environment, he activated the Godhead Mask and prepared to test the abilities of the three new heroic characters...

Thanks to Mr. Good and Evil Shura for the reward of 1176 points~

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