Xu Wish came to the jungle far away from Biyou Village, carefully confirmed the existence of absolute surveillance around him, and then began to experiment with the abilities of the three heroes he had just acquired.

The first one is [Rampage Agency—Liu Chan]!

Make a wish to activate the godhead mask, and choose Liu Chan as the target of becoming a god.

Just like when he transformed into the god Mozi, the Qi in Xu Wish's body was quickly extracted.

These Qi transformed into a round mecha, with two extremely thick mechanical arms.

Although the shape of the mecha is round, and the main body of the mecha is depicted in the shape of a panda, there is no cuteness at all, and instead it is full of ferocity!

However, unlike Mozi, Liu Chan's mecha is extremely large, and the entire mecha does not completely fit the limbs and torso of the wish. Instead, it wraps the wish in the cockpit.

If Mozi is the bronze version of Iron Man, then Liu Chan is the bronze version of "Iron Overlord"!

In the cockpit, there are several joysticks for wishing to control.

Perhaps an excavator is more appropriate to describe Liu Chan’s mecha!

As for Liu Chan's ability.

Xu Wan felt that if one day she couldn't survive in the company, she could join the demolition team...

Everyone said that Adou couldn’t be helped.

If a mecha of this size falls down, I'm afraid it's really not something that ordinary people can help up...

Moreover, according to Liu Chan's combat effectiveness when driving a mecha, he has control, damage and recovery, and can also run away.

I'm afraid the legend that he was one position ahead of General Zilong even though he was seven in and seven out at Changbanpo is true!

Xu Yuan shook his head, put back his complicated thoughts, and felt the consumption of Qi in his body.

He now has a rough idea of ​​the consumption levels of these heroes related to mechanisms or mechanism creations.

The law of conservation of all things also exists in these heroic characters.

Energy does not disappear or appear out of thin air.

These mechas or mechanical creations that appear after transforming into gods are very powerful, but transforming the mechas into energy consumes a lot of energy!

But fortunately, whether it is Mozi, Liu Chan or Master Luban, the consumption of the embodied mecha or mechanical wings is one-time, and will not extract a large amount of Qi from the wishing body all the time.

If you do not use the ability to transform into a god, you only need to consume a small amount of Qi to maintain the state of transforming into a god.

And after canceling the transformation of gods, those mechas and mechanical arms transformed from Qi will once again turn into Qi and return to the wishing body!

And if you want to use the ability to transform into a god, the energy you need to consume is another matter, and it needs to be determined according to the intensity of the battle.

After figuring out the ability of [Rampage Agency - Liu Chan], Xu Wish changed the target of his transformation to [Fortress Builder - Miledy].

Before Xu Wan transformed into a god, he still looked around at the surrounding woods and sky with some suspicion.

He had already confirmed that there was no one around, not even Chief Ma's mosquito magic weapon.

But for some reason, he always had a vague feeling that someone was still watching here.

But this feeling is extremely weak!

Make a wish and confirm again that there is no one around, just treat this feeling as an illusion.


A set of tight-fitting equestrian clothes like those of European medieval nobles was put on the wishful body.

A girdle was also tied around the wishful waist.

At the same time, a pair of high heels and two black stockings also appeared on his lower body.

Make a wish:…

I'm torn apart!

After the black stockings and high heels appeared, a simple cane and a pair of black eye masks with golden patterns also appeared on the wishing hands and eyes.

In fact, Xu Yuan's appearance was originally very handsome, but because he had always been indifferent, the focus of Xu Yuan's face was never focused on Xu Yuan's face.

But now after putting on this "Miledi Women's Clothing", the advantages of wishing in terms of appearance are finally highlighted!

But just looking at the overall image, you can’t tell that Xu Wish is a man at this time!

At most, she is a handsome girl with a neutral figure and hairstyle...

Xu Yuan silently felt that his brother was still there, and then he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

It seems that the transformation of the god only changes the costume, and will not change the actual details.

He is still a man with a Diao Chan waist!

However, as a mechanism master, the Qi consumed by the god-turned-god Miledy is far weaker than that of other mechanism heroes such as Mozi or Liu Chan!

It wasn't until Wishing casually released a [Forced Invasion] to summon the first mechanical servant.

Only then did he realize that it was not the small amount of Qi that Milady consumed, but the bulk of the Qi that she consumed, which was used on these mechanical servants!

A half-human-tall mechanical servant fell from the sky and landed in front of Xu Yuan. It made a shallow hole on the ground in front of Xu Yuan, which was enough to show the weight of the mechanical servant.

The mechanical servant has arms and legs, and its entire body is filled with a metallic dark matte. The robot's face is replaced by three glowing red light strips, which flash slowly like breathing light strips.

Although the shape of the mechanical servant is weird, its whole body is filled with a unique metal industrial aesthetic.

Part of the Qi in Xuanyuan's body was instantly withdrawn!

Probably one-tenth of his current total energy.

You know, with Wish Now's energy, if you use other heroes' magical abilities, you can use them at least dozens of times!

The energy consumed to summon mechanical servants is several times that of other magical abilities!

Of course, high energy consumption also brings greater power to the mechanical servants.

The mechanical servant's attack power, durability and even movement speed are all linked to the wish's spell strength!

According to the attribute bonuses of the magic equipment that Wishes now has, the strength of the mechanical servants is not weaker than some of the players in the first round of the Luotian Dajiao competition!

The upper limit of the existence time of the mechanical servant depends on the strength of the wish itself. If the mechanical servant is not killed after the existence time, then the mechanical servant will explode and cause damage to surrounding targets!

Moreover, if you make a wish, you can also control the self-destruction time of the mechanical servant to advance!

After Xu Yuan figured out the ordinary abilities of the machine, he felt more and more that he needed to increase the upper limit of energy and equipment to restore energy!

According to his current energy attribute plus the energy recovery attribute, he can probably summon up to eleven mechanical servants.

Now his cooldown reduction has reached as high as 65%!

And if he has enough energy and enough mana recovery speed, he can summon a small army of mechanical servants in a short time alone!

It goes without saying that a small army composed entirely of "dead soldiers" who can self-destruct is terrifyingly lethal.

But Xu Yuan looked at the number of draws he had left and could only shake his head helplessly.

He has now found the law that the power of faith can guide the results of the heroes that can be drawn in the lottery.

But I still have no idea how to get the equipment I want.

However, for the time being, eleven small mechanical servants are enough, and it is not impossible to even demolish Biyou Village!

After all, those flower-like dolls that Village Chief Ma studies will not self-destruct!

As for Milady's other abilities, they are also not weak!

[Air Power] can summon a small flying robot to attack enemies in the specified direction and cause a deceleration effect.

[Calamity Magnetic Field] can mark the enemy as an attack target, and strengthen the mechanical servant again to carry out siege. It can also cause damage after the mark disappears.

The power of technology! Very strong!

However, achieving technological power through alien means is not without cost.

All of Milady's abilities consume a lot of energy.

If the first hero drawn when making a wish was not Sikong Zhen, but Milady, he might have been drawn to death!

Make a Wish is very satisfied with Milady's abilities.

Although every time he wants to use Milady's ability, he has to dress as a woman...

But these abilities are worth the price of admission!

In order to avoid social death, he either hides his true form every time he transforms into a god, or kills people and silences him every time he uses his abilities.

As long as everyone who knows about it is killed, the secret will remain a secret.

After wishing to check Milady's abilities, he set his sights on the hero list.

But he first looked at the first female hero character he drew [Charming Fox - Daji]

Before, he had kept Daji in the cold palace because of his image and never used it.

but now……

Anyway, no one can see here now, why not try it here?

Just do it, make a wish and switch the goal of becoming a god again.

Still wearing high heels and black stockings, but unlike Milady just now, this time Xuanyuan's clothes turned into a cheongsam...

Animal ears, tail...

As for Daji's abilities, charm and fox fire...

Xuanyuan tried to transform into the god Daji for a while and then quickly canceled the godhead mask.

It is really……

It was so awkward for him!

Indeed, it is difficult for men to refuse cheongsam with animal ears and fox tail.

But what is hard to refuse is that these things are worn on women, not on themselves!

Xu Wishan couldn't help but get goosebumps just by imagining her own image.

And just when Wish was experimenting with heroic abilities, a commercial satellite of the Bad Map located in the earth's atmosphere was locked on this forest.

The person operating this commercial satellite is none other than Gao Erzhuang...

Because of the special circumstances of the sophomore high school student, she could only participate in the collective action of temporary workers in a special way.

After Xu Yuan and other temporary workers entered Biyou Village, although they did not completely cut off contact with Gao Erzhuang, they were undoubtedly much less connected than before.

Gao Erzhuang was very worried about a temporary job, but she couldn't keep asking.

So he occupied a commercial satellite with a bad map and has been monitoring Biyou Village.

Naturally, Wicked Maps also noticed that a commercial satellite was offline, but even if their programmers could knock the keyboard out of Mars, they still couldn't defeat the high school sophomore Zhuang on the Internet!

Gao Erzhuang noticed him when Xu Wan left the area of ​​Biyou Village.

He also controlled the satellite's perspective and kept his sights locked on Xu Yuan's body.

Originally, the sophomore in high school was just worried that Xu Wish might be in danger if he acted alone.


When she saw Xu Wish wearing "women's clothing" twice in succession on the satellite surveillance, she suddenly seemed to have opened the door to a new world!

With her ability, the entire Internet can come and go freely, not to mention those shady websites, even the website of the building on the other side of the world, as long as she dares to connect to the Internet, she can come and go at will.

It stands to reason that with the diversity of content on the Internet today, what kind of scenes have you not seen in the second year of high school?

But after she saw the wish-making "women's clothing".

She also shouted in her heart that she had never seen such a scene before!

Zhuang, a sophomore in high school, is also a stranger himself, so he naturally knows that this is the ability to make wishes.

Ever since she got acquainted with a group of temporary workers, she had made up her mind that she would not report the situation about these temporary workers unless necessary.

But these don’t delay the high school sophomore Zhuang’s screenshots!

Gao Erzhuang looked at the "women's clothing" wish and used the fastest thinking speed to operate the system and keep taking screenshots!

Tsk, it’s really beautiful!

Even the system on the satellite suffered some lag due to its speed.

Zhuang, a sophomore in high school, carefully stored the more than 500 captured pictures in a server that was only for his own private use.

After doing all this, Gao Erzhuang's spiritual incarnation on the Internet suddenly changed his expression.


If Brother Xuyuan finds out about this, will he kill himself to silence him?

But Zhuang, a sophomore in high school, thought again, it shouldn’t be a big problem!

After all, even he doesn't know where his body is hidden now!

Brother Xuanyuan probably won’t be able to find out!

piece of cake!

Although Gao Erzhuang thought so, he still quietly re-set a password for the private server...

Xu wish knew nothing about Gao Erzhuang, who conducted high-altitude observations through commercial satellites.

The height of the satellite is really too far from the ground!

Let alone him, even the Heavenly Master might not be able to clearly perceive the line of sight from outside the atmosphere.

Xu wish calmed down in the woods for a long time, and made sure that he had not awakened to any weird hobbies after going through "women's clothing" twice.

Only then did he relax and prepare to test the ability of the last hero - [Mechanism Creation - Lu Ban]!

Activate the godhead mask and choose Luban as the god-transformation target.

This is the first time that Wishes has obtained a shooter hero, and it is also a shooter hero that is directly related to arms and firearms.

Even if you make a wish, you don’t know what unexpected situations will happen.

After activating the Godhead Mask, the Qi in his body was extracted again.

But this time is different.

A trace of wood-colored lines appeared on the wishful body!

Xu Wan looked at his arm in surprise, and it gradually turned into a material similar to that of a puppet!

His whole body turned into a large Luban No. 7!

The body made of puppet material looks very fragile.

Of course, it just looks very fragile.

In fact, according to the bonuses of many defensive equipment on Xu wish, the current wish should not be called a braised egg.

And it's called a spiked steel egg...

But the most important thing is that after transforming into the god Luban No. 7, he transformed into three weapons with Qi at the same time!

A small machine gun, a large shark-tooth heavy cannon, and a backpack carried by Xu Wan behind his back...

After making a wish and transforming into Luban No. 7, he used the machine gun in his hand to try to shoot at the trees in front of him.


The gunshot was as crisp as a slingshot.

But the power is extremely amazing!

The giant tree fell down in response!

Moreover, at the break of the giant tree, there are also lights of lightning, frost, and fire surrounding it - from the magic ball attack equipment in Wishing's hand.

Terrifying power!

But the wish-making expression at this time was a little hard to express.

Firearms are indeed the essence of science and technology that human civilization has developed for thousands of years.

However, the consumption is also amazing!

The Luban 7 machine gun fires not physical bullets, but bullets made of Qi!

The same is true for rockets, blowfish grenades and the ultimate move to summon blowfish yachts for air support!

All need Qi as support.

If it is supported by infinite energy, it will be a very terrifying firepower output point.

But what I am missing now is Qi!

In fact, there is another way to replenish ammunition.

Those are the magical weapon bullets and magical weapon grenades refined with the weapon refining technique!

The power is even more amazing than ordinary energy bombs.

The backpack on the back of Luban 7 is a space backpack used to carry ammunition supplies. It has a large capacity!

However, there are very few weapon refiners in the alien world, and every time a magic weapon is refined, it takes a lot of time. It is normally impossible to keep up with the speed at which Luban No. 7 consumes ammunition!


When the word "refiner with a fast refining speed" appeared in Xu Yuan's mind.

The first thing he thought of was Ma Xianhong, the successor of one of the Eight Miracle Skills: Divine Machine Bailian!

Shenji Bailian's weapon refining speed is very fast, and the magic weapons and ammunition do not need to be too high-end and sophisticated.

With Shen Ji Bai's refining speed, it doesn't even take ten minutes to refine a piece of ammunition!

No matter how you look at it, Village Chief Ma meets this standard very well!

Old horse, old horse, even if there is no Xiu Shen Lu and Chen Duo this time, I will capture you alive and bring you back to provide you with employment opportunities!

Still working as a staff member and eating national food!

Wishing only tried the machine gun and puffer grenade. As for Luban 7’s rocket launcher and summoning puffer yacht, Wishing didn’t try it at all.

It's not because he doesn't have enough energy in his body. Even if he lacks mana, it's still enough to try these abilities again.

It's because the movement of these two weapons is too great.

He didn't know exactly where the range limit of the rocket launcher was, but it was beyond his line of sight anyway.

As for summoning puffer yachts for air support.

It's totally understandable to be a slow bomber.

When Biyou Village is demolished later, we can give it a try!

After Xu Wan found out about these newly acquired heroes, he canceled the godhead mask with satisfaction and returned to Biyou Village as if nothing happened.

However, Zhuang, a sophomore in high school who had been watching him through commercial satellites, also saw the "guns" that Xu wish had just tinkered with.

Although the two firearms in Wishing's hands have weird shapes, they can be called firearms from all aspects!

The sophomore in high school was a little hesitant.

Should she report this matter?

However, in the end, Gao Erzhuang still chose to side with Wishing.

Although even if she reported this matter, Xu wishing, as a temporary worker in the company, had a special status.

In addition, he is affiliated to the Kyoto headquarters and is directly responsible to the company chairman Zhao Fangxu.

Even if you have a gun, there shouldn't be any big problem.

But the second grade of high school student Zhuang decided not to cause any trouble to his brother Xu Wan.

Well, everything is Ma Xianhong’s fault!

I didn't see anything!

Xu Wan did not attract anyone's attention after returning to Biyou Village. He simply went back to his room and waited for other temporary workers to return from collecting information.

However, at this time, Village Chief Ma looked at the pig pen that had just been ravaged in front of him, veins bursting out on his forehead, and he gnashed his teeth and muttered in a low voice.

"Despicable foreigner! All the breeding pigs raised for me were slaughtered..."

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