Regarding the fact that Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei was able to secretly manipulate the candidates for the battle, it was completely expected by the wish.

It is said that the older generations in the alien world are more passionate than the others, and the young people are more sinister than the others.

But that’s just because the older generation no longer needs to play dirty tricks!

After all, the strength is there, and practicing for so many years is by no means nothing. Most problems can be solved by relying on strength.

But if you really think that those old-timers won’t play dirty tricks, I’m afraid you won’t even know how to die in the end!

The old Tianshi took Zhang Chulan to the core area of ​​Tianshi Mansion.

Then he opened a door and walked in.

In the room, there was an old Taoist man whose limbs were crippled sitting in a wheelchair, and next to him was a short Taoist boy who was serving him carefully.

"Xiao Yuzi, you go out first." Zhang Zhiwei greeted the Taoist boy, "I want to talk to your Master Tian."

The Taoist boy known as Xiao Yuzi glanced at Zhang Chulan who was following the old Tianshi out of the corner of his eye, then quickly withdrew his gaze and nodded to the old Tianshi.

"Yes! Heavenly Master."

Then he left the room without looking back.

Judging from the cautious appearance of the Taoist boy known as Xiaoyuzi, there is no way to connect people to the complete nature of the demon known as a demon in the alien world!

Xiao Yuzi...

It's Gong Qing!

Today’s head of Quanxing Generation!

He has been hiding in the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain for three years!

His current identity is Tian Jinzhong's personal Taoist boy.

It depends on this caution!

Otherwise, it would be difficult to hide it under the nose of the Heavenly Master for so long!

Zhang Chulan didn't know Gong Qing and only thought he was an ordinary disciple of Tianshi Mansion, but Gong Qing recognized Zhang Chulan!

In other words, he is very familiar with Zhang Chulan!

Even more familiar with Zhang Chulan’s life and past than himself!

After all, Quan Xing had exhumed Zhang Huaiyi's body not long ago under his command, and also followed Zhang Huaiyi's clues to investigate Zhang Chulan!

Now Zhang Chulan comes to the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain and meets Master Zhang Zhiwei. Everything is according to his plan!

The only thing that made Gong Qing feel slightly uneasy was the Wudang King whom Xia He and the four of them met back then...

Wang Ye has come into their sight since he came down from Wudang Mountain, but they still found nothing about Wang Ye.

But Gong Qing always has an inexplicable sixth sense, Wang Ye, something is not right!

I have to say that there must be something for Gong Qing to become the head of Quanxing.

His sixth sense was correct, but he found the wrong person.

What they are looking for is actually a wish...

Obviously, the real Wu-Tang King also took the blame again

In the room, Zhang Zhiwei brought a chair and placed it next to Tian Jinzhong's wheelchair.

Zhang Chulan stood in front of the two of them, looking a little confused and uneasy.

"Chu Lan, this is my junior brother Tian Jinzhong next to me. He is also your grandfather's senior brother. We have a very good relationship with Grandpa You. You should also be called Master..."

Zhang Zhiwei introduced Tian Jinzhong to Zhang Chulan, as if he was really introducing his family members to a long-lost relative.

"Grandpa Jinzhong! Then let me kowtow to you!"

Zhang Chulan didn't hesitate at all and knelt directly on the ground. The whole process was so smooth.

At this time, both Zhang Zhiwei and Tian Jinzhong looked closer and closer to Zhang Chulan!

This ancestral talent for slipping and kneeling really has the flavor of a true inheritance from Tianshi Mansion...

Although it was Zhang Chulan who was taken away by the old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei, Feng Baobao still followed him.

Feng Baobao followed, and Xu San and Xu Si naturally followed.

The three people did not enter the room to disturb the grandfather and grandson, but stood outside the door waiting for Zhang Chulan to come out.

"This kid Zhang Chulan is really good at reincarnation..." Xu Si lit up a cigarette and sighed.

Xu San also nodded in agreement.

This time the master shouted out, I am afraid that from today on, no one will dare to have any wrong thoughts towards Zhang Chulan.

At least no one dares to attack him openly!

His master is Zhang Zhiwei, the master of heaven. He dares to openly attack Zhang Zhiwei's disciples. Are you tired of living?

On the other side, Xuanyuan, after continuing to wait all afternoon, finally saw Xiao Zizi's figure!

It’s just that this time Brother Xiao appeared with Dou Le, the head of the East China branch of Nadutong Company!

Longhu Mountain is located in JX Province and is naturally managed by the East China Branch. Dou Le will naturally come in person for the Luotian Dajiao, a major event in the entire alien world.

Not only to give face to Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei, but also to ensure that no trouble will occur!

He knows very well what those aristocratic families and sects are planning!

Brother Xiao was right next to Dou Le, wearing glasses and looking like an ordinary middle-aged social worker.

After Xu Yuan saw Brother Xiao appear, she waved to him from afar.

Xiao Zizai also nodded to him and responded to the wish.

Before Xu Yuan came forward to chat with Brother Xiao, a text message from Xiao Zizai was received on his phone, which made Xu Yuan give up his plan to come forward.

Xiao Zizai explained the reason in the text message.

He is now attending the Luotian Dajiao with Dou Le as a staff member of Nedotong Company.

Xu Wan's current identity is that of a contestant participating in the Luotian Dajiao Competition.

It would be fine if it was him, but now he is here with Dou Le. If the two parties are too close, it can easily be misunderstood as the company's intention...

Of course, even if you deliberately draw a clear line, some people will inevitably think of this, but speculation without evidence is just speculation, at least they cannot be based on facts!

Xuanyuan also expressed his understanding of this.

After all, Mr. Dou didn't seem to be an easy person to get in touch with, even though he tried his best to be amiable to me.

After Xu Yuan said hello to Brother Xiao in the air, he did not stay here anymore and turned back to the residence arranged for him by Tianshi Mansion.

After all, he is an official member of the Nadutong Company, so Brother Xiao also has to accompany Mr. Dou to some official activities.

There is no time to see him in a short time.

It's better to go back and practice.

Tomorrow, the Luotian Dajiao will officially begin!

On the way back to his residence, Xu wish clicked the golden finger again.

[King of Glory Mall System]

[World fit: 25%]

[Number of draws: 14 times]

[Heroes: Sikong Zhen, Zhao Huaizhen, Zhuge Liang, Yixing, Jin Chan, Zhong Kui]

[Equipment: Overlord Heavy Equipment, Sage's Asylum, Witch's Cloak]

Today’s world compatibility has increased to 26%!

The lottery opportunities have also accumulated to 15 times!

Nowadays, the number of contestants and spectators who come to participate in the Luotian Dajiao is almost the same, and they have basically reached the limit of the Luotian Dajiao's popularity in the world through key figures!

As planned in advance when making a wish.

The next thing that may cause the world's compatibility to increase is the emergence of the Eight Wonders or the Celestial Master, or he can really get the first place in the Luotian Dajiao as he wishes.

Quanxing, the company, Tianshi Mansion, and many sects and families in the world have all joined the game and returned to their positions one after another!

From now on, this chess game officially begins!

Xu wish originally thought that the first person to come to him would be Brother Xiao, but when his door was knocked at night, the person standing outside his door was somewhat beyond his expectation.

"Zhang Chulan..."

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