"Zhang Chulan? Why did you come to me so late?"

Xu Yuan looked at Zhang Chulan standing outside the door and frowned slightly.

Although Zhang Chulan is the protagonist of the plot, he does not have the Guang Zhengwei of other protagonists.

Don't Bilian and Zhang Chulan's reputation is definitely not in vain!

In order to achieve the goal, he can use any means, not only to scheme against others, but even to scheme against himself!

The worst one can refer to Taoist Wang Ye in the original plot...

It can be said that compared with those so-called Quanxing disciples nowadays, Zhang Chulan is a true Quanxing!

Except for people other than Feng Baobao, Zhang Chulan is definitely not a suitable person to be friends with!

Of course, none of this matters when it comes to making a wish.

After all, he had already known and been wary of Zhang Chulan. It would be difficult for the other party to trick him. They would just use each other.

The important thing is, where are they now?

Longhu Mountain, Tianshi Mansion!

Zhang Chulan, as the disciple and grandson who has just met the old master Zhang Zhiwei, and the owner of the Qi Ti source stream that is coveted by the aristocratic families and sects in the alien circle...

Will Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei focus on this disciple?

The last thing I wish to attract now is the attention of Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei!

This was the real reason why Xu Wishong frowned.

Faced with Xu Yuan's obviously unwelcome attitude, Zhang Chulan didn't mind at all, but still licked his smiling face and spoke proactively.

"Brother Make a Wish, you are a temporary worker at the Kyoto headquarters. Make a wish. I have heard from many people in the Tianshi Mansion that you are a weirdo. I am from the North China branch. Aren't we all weirdos even though we know each other? How close are we? Get close, there is someone taking care of you at the Luo Tian Dajiao..."

I have to say that Zhang Chulan's shamelessness really makes it difficult to find the point of attack. He is very polite and deserves to be ignored by Bilian!

But for wishing, he heard another message in Zhang Chulan's words!

That is……

Many disciples of Tianshi Mansion say that they are a weirdo?

After hearing the information that he was interested in, Xu Yuan did not continue to shut Zhang Chulan out, but invited him into the room.

Although Zhang Chulan is illusory and always plotting against everyone in the world, he also has advantages that others do not have.

That is, there is a master who is a heavenly master!

Especially after the grandfather and grandson recognized each other, from a certain perspective, the Luo Tian Dajiao was a home battle for Zhang Chulan!

Soon, Xu Yuan got the information he wanted from Zhang Chulan's mouth.

Sure enough, the situation he least wanted to see happened.

He is already famous among the disciples of Tianshi Mansion - a weirdo!

Moreover, Master Jie Kong also came, and publicly declared to the other ten men that he was here to support him.

Plus the Zhuge clan...

Zhang Chulan came here for this reason and took the initiative to make friends with him!

However, one thing made Xu Yuan feel a little strange. According to Zhang Chulan, Feng Zhenghao, one of the ten men, seemed to be supporting him.

Not to mention that he had no friendship with Feng Zhenghao before, he had never even met him!

Why would he support himself? Shouldn't he support Zhang Chulan?

No matter what the reason is, I am afraid that Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei has noticed him now...

Plans don’t change as fast as they do!

My plan to use the conflict between Wang Ye and Zhang Lingyu to attract "firepower" may come to nothing!

The best plan in the world is to improvise!

If this is the case, then my plan will also change!

After thinking about it, a smile appeared on Xu Yuan's face.

"Zhang Chulan, although I am also a contestant participating in the Luotian Dajiao, theoretically we are competitors, but since we are also from Nadutong Company, I think we can form an offensive and defensive alliance and reach the finals."

"If we are really lucky enough to meet in the finals, then we can each rely on our own abilities. What do you think?"

Zhang Chulan was stunned for a moment, but quickly nodded, agreeing to the wish-making proposal.

He didn't expect it to go so smoothly, and Xu Wan, as a Luotian Dajiao contestant, would be so easy to talk to, especially with the support of two ten men and the Zhuge clan.

It is no exaggeration to say that among all the contestants today, Wishing has definitely the greatest influence at the top level!

But in fact, the words of making a wish were not entirely addressed to Zhang Chulan. The more important audience was Zhang Zhiwei, the old heavenly master who was probably secretly following Zhang Chulan!

Since the old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei may have noticed him now, let's change his approach!

Isn't the Luo Tian Dajiao a trap set up by you for Zhang Chulan? Then I will "temporarily" side with Zhang Chulan!

Before the finals, my presence can protect Zhang Chulan. In this way, you have no reason to attack me, right?

As for the day of the finals, even if the old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei wants to do something against him, he should be careful and not eat the food and water from the Heavenly Master's Mansion, plus the defensive equipment.

Under the watchful eyes of Master Jiekong and everyone, it shouldn’t be easy for the old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei to do something against him!

As Xu Yuan speculated, the old master Zhang Zhiwei, who had just met his disciple, was indeed secretly paying attention to Zhang Chulan, his disciple.

Zhang Zhiwei noticed the wish as early as Master Jiekong's arrival.

Now that I heard the wish, I touched my chin.

He was confident that no one would discover his whereabouts, and he naturally believed that the wish was true.

But he would never have imagined that from the very beginning, Xuanyuan knew everything about him and even his life!

It seems that this young man who wishes to make a wish is both an enemy and a friend of Chu Lan...

It can help Chu Lan deal with some opponents. After all, Chu Lan had a ten-year gap after the death of big-eared Zhang Huaiyi...

While thinking deeply, Zhang Zhiwei gradually made up his mind...

Xu Yuan did not exchange too many greetings with Zhang Chulan, but sent Zhang Chulan away after reaching an agreement.

After all, tomorrow is the day when the Luo Tian Dajiao officially begins. No matter how scheming Zhang Chulan is, he still needs to recharge his batteries. He can gain an advantage with his scheming, but in the end, hard power will determine the outcome!

Xu Wan also sat on the cloud bed again and began to practice.

He understands the importance of strength better than anyone else.

Only if you have absolute strength can you have the absolute right to choose freely!

Everything he is doing now, including getting first place in the Luotian Dajiao competition, is all for this!

Just like the old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei, if he is happy to follow the rules, he will be under the control of one person; if he is not happy and does not follow the rules, he will be under the control of one person!

Hmm... I can probably hold it for three times.

Speaking of which, he is not weak at all!

I made a wish and quickly adjusted my mentality in this dialectical psychology.

In fact, the strength of the old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei has always been shrouded in his heart like a dark cloud over the city.

He can understand the feelings of those who are of the same generation as the old Heavenly Master. With his golden finger, he still has the possibility to surpass the old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei, but those older generations can only live in the shadow of the old Heavenly Master all their lives. Got it!

They may not even live as long as the Heavenly Master...

Xuanyuan didn't wait too long, and soon his door was knocked again.

But the person who came was still not Xiao Zizai.

But a father and daughter...

Feng Zhenghao and Feng Shayan!

The first words Feng Zhenghao spoke made Xu Yuan freeze in place.

"Xiao Xu, do you want a wife or not?"

Dear parents and bosses, this section is foreshadowing, speed up the progress, and advance to the battle of Luotian Dajiao the day after tomorrow.

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