Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 90 Biyou Village Undercover Plan (please vote)

Faced with Ding Ziheng's sudden visit.

Both Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye showed corresponding vigilance.

Especially after the two heard from each other that the other party deliberately dared to visit here while Xu Yuan was away.

The two of them were actually ready to fall out.

There is no way, who made Xu Yuan famous at Luotian Dajiao and killed so many Quan Xing.

There are probably quite a few people who are secretly watching or trying to kill Xu Wish!

The two also included Ding Ziheng in this category.

"Full sex?" Wang Ye lightly stepped on the ground with his left foot and quietly activated the Fenghou Qimen.

Zhuge Qing also tacitly integrated into Wang Ye's Fenghou Qimen, ready to take action at any time.

Although the three of them cheated on each other, Zhuge Qing was beaten by Wang Ye last night, and Wang Ye was beaten by Xu Wan again.

But that's just a joke between friends. When an enemy appears, you still have to be consistent!

But what Ding Ziheng said next stunned Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing.

"I'm not a perfect person, and our leader has no ill intentions towards Mr. Xu Yuan. It's just that the two parties have different identities and it's inconvenient to meet." Ding Ziheng seemed to have noticed the unusual atmosphere, and quickly shook his head, and threw it at Wang Ye. A file was created. "Master Wang, this is the sincerity our leader gives you."

Later, while Wang Ye was checking the files, Ding Ziheng looked at Zhuge Qing again.

"Zhuge Qing, our leader wants to have a phone call with you."

After saying that, Ding Ziheng took out his cell phone from his pocket, dialed a number, and then handed the phone to Zhuge Qing.

"Hello? Who are you?" Zhuge Qing asked weakly after taking the call.

In fact, he drank a pound of soy juice the morning before, which made him vomit a little uncomfortable.

"Zhuge Qing, my name is Ma Xianhong. I now sincerely invite you and Taoist Master Wang Ye to join Biyou Village. If you agree to join and help me complete a great cause, I can use one of the eight magical skills of the gods. As a reward..."

Village Chief Ma said to Zhuge Qing directly without any nonsense.

Zhuge Qing was suddenly shocked.

The magic machine is perfect!

Like the Fenghou Qimen mastered by Wang Ye, it is also one of the eight magical skills!

Another eight magical skills!

It would be false to say that Zhuge Qing is not greedy for the Eight Wonders.

What's more, the Zhuge Qimen of the Zhuge clan is actually divided into two schools internally.

Bagua Technique and Divine Machine Technique!

The Bagua Technique is the Qimen Technique used by Zhuge Qing, while the Divine Machine Technique is weapon refining!

The Zhuge clan also knows how to refine weapons!

It just so happens that Shen Ji Bai Lian is another Eight Wonders skill that is closely related to weapon refining!

When he lost to Wang Ye at the Luotian Jiao, most of the reason was because of the Qimen's secret technique of Feng Hou Qi Men Tian Ke Wu Hou Qi Men!

Why don't you transform yourself into a magical machine?

If the wish had not appeared, Zhuge Qing would have agreed without hesitation.

However, as Zhuge Qing's contact with Xu Yuan became longer and longer, he seemed not to be so obsessed with the Eight Wonders.

Because making a wish uses oneself to explain a truth to Zhuge Qing.

Whether it is skills, means, or the Eight Wonders, it is not these things that determine the final power, but the user himself!

Xu Wan has always used techniques from a niche genre such as the Divine Mask, and he can also suppress Wang Ye, who possesses the Eight Wonders of Techniques.

The same was true when the Heavenly Master led them to kill indiscriminately in the mountains behind Longhu Mountain.

Zhuge Qing was deeply impressed by his simple golden light spell.

Of course, don’t underestimate the allure of the Eight Wonders.

That's why Zhuge Qing fell into hesitation.

Wang Ye, who received the file bag, also looked through the contents of the file bag at this time.

It's a stack of photos.

Among the photos were those strangers who had spied on his family before.

All these people died, and their deaths were miserable.

"What does it mean?"

Wang Ye's tone became colder.

Even if it was a deceptive wish, it would only scare them away and lure them into confessing, but now the leader the other party was talking about had killed all of them!

The king does not repay evil with kindness, but he feels that those people's crimes are not worthy of death!

"Daozhang Wang, this is my first gift to you," Ma Xianhong on the other side of the phone laughed heartily. "As a descendant of the Eight Wonders, I will help you deal with those villains who harm you or your family, and I will also get rid of those who approach you with ulterior motives!"

The expression on Wang Ye's face froze.

Although the other party's wanton killing behavior was unacceptable to Wang, the other party did so in the name of being good to him.

At this moment, he suddenly didn't know how to describe his complicated mood.

However, Wang Ye confirmed one thing through this phone call, that is, the other party is definitely a madman who has no sense of proportion and no boundaries!

That’s right, they’re fanatics!

Although the alien circle is not bound by the laws of ordinary people, the other party is so arrogant that they ignore the Matrix Company and go on a killing spree in the city.

If the sky is crazy, there will be rain; if people are crazy, there will be disaster!

Originally, Wang would never want to get involved with such a madman, but when he saw the hesitant expression on Zhuge Qing's face next to him, Wang still did not refuse immediately.

If Zhuge Qing insists on getting involved in this muddy water, he may be in danger if he goes alone...

"Master Ma, right?" Wang Ye said into the phone. "I want to discuss this matter with Zhuge Qing and then give you an answer."

"Okay! Taoist Wang, my promise to Zhuge Qing is also valid for you. If you are willing to help me, I can also hand over the Divine Machine Bailian to you, and let Ziheng wait there for you to complete the discussion and give me an answer. "

Wang Ye couldn't stand it anymore.

He felt more and more now that the Master Ma on the other side of the phone was actually mentally inferior to a child!

Let's not talk about whether he wants to have a magical machine or not, but just looking at the other party's level of generosity and simplicity, he has never seen it before!

Now that Ma Xianhong had spoken, Ding Ziheng, who was leading Ruhua, naturally had no objections and allowed Wang Ye to pull Zhuge Qing to the second floor of the villa.

After pulling Zhuge Qing to the room on the second floor of the villa, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing both set up their own strange doors in perfect agreement.

"Old Qing, what do you think of this Horse Leader?" Wang Ye asked Zhuge Qing with a solemn expression.

"How about..." After Zhuge Qing hesitated for a moment, he still gave the answer Wang Ye didn't expect, "Call me to ask about making a wish?"

Doesn't Zhuge Qing want the magic machine to be refined?

Obviously not!

However, he relied on his recognition of wishing's ability to deceive people, and the various "coincidences" that happened after he got to know wishing.

Zhuge Qing thought it would be safer to seek advice on making a wish.

"That's exactly what I meant!" Wang also nodded.

Now that the two of them have reached a consensus, there is no hesitation now.

He took out his phone and dialed Xuyuan.

However, it is worth mentioning here that Wang Ye's cell phone was used this time, and Zhuge Qing silently stuffed his cell phone back into his pocket.

The last time I posted that post on the foreign forum, I used his mobile phone...

And the other side.

Xu Wan was driving home while arguing with Wang Zhenqiu in the group chat.

Wang Zhenqiu deserves to be called the cancer of the southwest, this second chair is really cheap!

I wish I could get the ability to rush along the network cable and hit people right now!

These two brothers, who have never met before, are now in hot water!

All the other temporary workers in the group chat fell into silence. Even Feng Baobao, who was always nervous and clear-thinking, fell silent under Zhang Chulan's forced request.

In fact, the reason was just because Wang Zhenqiu robbed the 200-yuan red envelope given by Brother Xiao to make a wish...

"Second chair! Dead shemale! You Yang Wei..."

Just as Xu Yuan was scolding her heartily, Wang Ye called.

He also had to suspend the scolding war!

"Hey, Lao Wang, what's wrong?"

"You said that a man named Ma Xianhong sent his men to find you and Lao Qing..."

During the phone call, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing briefly explained the matter, focusing more on Ma Xianhong's mission to kill those strangers and the eight magical skills...

In fact, I know all these wishes.

But the only thing he didn't expect was that by such a coincidence, he had just received the mission from Fatty Zhao, and then Ma Xianhong found Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing, and also found his villa.

"Go! Why don't you go? Let's join in the fun!" Xu Yuan nodded on the phone and said, "But, Lao Qing, you really don't need the magic machine. That thing is full of trouble. Whoever sees it will be unlucky. Your family's Wuhou Qimen's complete enlightenment is no weaker than the divine machine's hundred refinements..."

Xu Yuan first persuaded Zhuge Qing as usual.

However, it’s not nonsense to make a wish based on the luck of the gods.

Let’s not talk about whether Ma Xianhong’s beating by temporary workers was a drawback of Shenji Bailian. Even if it wasn’t, after the company breaks through Biyou Village, anyone who has come into contact with Shenji Bailian will not be able to bypass the company’s investigation!

Then he didn't care whether Zhuge Qing heard it or not, and continued to speak to the two of them.

"I just happened to receive a task from the company, which may be related to Biyou Village and Ma Xianhong. You two can help me be undercover for a while..."

Wang Ye, Zhuge Qing:...

When the two of them heard that the company task they wished to take was related to Ma Xianhong, the two of them had already observed a moment of silence for the Ma Xianhong.

So far, from Quan Xing to the Wang family, whoever has been targeted by the wish has had a good ending?

After the two of them heard about Xu Wish's undercover plan, they both gave higher evaluations of Xu Wish's level of inhumanity!


It seems really exciting to be able to participate in this kind of plan!

"Okay, that's all for now. We can communicate via mobile phone at any time. You two should quickly pack your bags and go with that Ding Ziheng. I'll be there in a minute."

Xu Yuan hung up the phone without saying anything.

Now that Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing are acting as undercover agents, he is more confident of breaking Chief Ma's stove!

Village Chief Ma’s dream is right, and he is a good person.

But the Slimming Furnace must be destroyed!

Not only because the core of the Slimming Furnace is actually controlled by that woman Qu Tong, but also because this thing can destroy the balance!

Reality is not fiction and movies.

The best development of any real social system is stability and balance!

After hanging up the phone, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing looked at each other to confirm their tacit understanding.

Then the two of them removed their respective Qimen formations.

"Old Wang, I think we can go and have a look. After all, the other party is very sincere."

"Old Qing, you are right, but if this matter will cause big trouble, I will evacuate in time."


Although the two of them were talking, they were actually trying their best to suppress the smiles on their lips.

They both found out in a tacit understanding that the other had learned bad things from Xu Yuan!

They are all actors!

Since you want to be an undercover agent, you have to do a full set of acting!

This is to prevent Ding Ziheng downstairs from eavesdropping on their conversation!

However, the two guessed well.

Ding Ziheng was currently using his supernatural power to lie down on the stairs and eavesdrop...

And after he heard that Wang Ye would run away if he brought up trouble, he finally let go of the two of them!

Anyway, my mission is just to invite Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing back.

As for how to keep the two of them after arriving at Biyou Village, that is the leader's business!

And Ding Ziheng is confident that when Wang Daozhang and Zhuge Qing witness the miracle created by the leader, they will definitely stay in the village willingly!

When I made a wish and returned to my villa.

Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing had already packed their luggage and left with Ding Ziheng.

Xu Wan looked at the disposable water cup placed on the sofa as previously agreed, with a smile on her lips.

The Biyou Village undercover plan officially begins!

The Wang family is currently struggling under the pressure of public opinion. Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing have also infiltrated into Biyou Village, and there is no movement from the Longhu Mountain Master.


He could finally take advantage of these hard-won five days of free time to go to the Nuwa Temple to draw a lottery!

According to the information found before making a wish, the Nuwa Temple is located in Tangwang Mountain, She County, Handan City, HEB Province.

It is the oldest Nuwa Temple in existence, and its earliest date can be traced back to the Northern Qi Dynasty more than a thousand years ago.

Also known as the Wa Palace!

Although it is not a famous scenic spot, it is listed as one of the five sacred places for ancestor worship.

Thinking about it, I have accumulated enough power of faith!

HEB Province happens to be within the jurisdiction of the North China Region. If there is time, he should be able to go to Liupanshui with Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan after ten consecutive draws...

It happened to be that he had fulfilled his promise to go and play with Feng Baobao.

However, considering the fragile nerves of people like Xu San, Xu Si and Zhang Chulan when it came to Feng Baobao, Xu Yuan decided not to tell Feng Baobao for the time being. He went to the Wa Palace alone to draw the lottery.

To put it bluntly, if he really pulled out the goddess Nuwa, if there were any strange phenomena, it would be difficult for him to explain...

Xu Yuan simply packed his luggage, but because this time he had to travel between South China and North China, the change of clothes he had to carry this time was a little more complicated than when he went to Longhu Mountain.

The temperature difference between the two regions is not a problem for Wishing. After all, he is a "full of energy and blood" and can overcome the generally harsh environment.

But when you're out and about, at least try to look less weird.

At this time, when I was making a wish, I was a little envious of Ma Xianhong’s unique magic weapon - the bag-eating bag!

So far, only Ma Xianhong, who has mastered the magical machine, can refine this kind of thing.

A simple understanding is that it is the space ring in the novel, but unlike the setting of the space medium in the novel, the capsule can even store unconscious humans!

It’s simply a must-have for home travel and home plundering!

Why don't you let the two undercover agents, Lao Qing and Lao Wang, help you get one?

There is something moving about making a wish.

But he is not in a hurry now. Anyway, according to the undercover plan he made with Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing, the three of them will communicate at least once a day.

With the honest character of the village chief, he would probably not doubt Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing, let alone cut off their contact with the outside world!

After packing my luggage, I made a wish and went directly to Kyoto Airport.

After arriving at the airport, he purchased the nearest flight to handan!

Kyoto deserves to be called Kyoto. The transportation is very developed. You don’t have to wait too long even to make a wish. You can go through security check in half an hour.

However, this time the money spent on the plane tickets could not be reimbursed, so he had to pay out of his own pocket.

At this critical juncture, especially when Fatty Zhao was planning to "backstab" him to promote him, it was better to try not to cause trouble.

However, in order to maintain a happy mood and go to the Nuwa Temple for ten consecutive times, Xuanyuan still reluctantly bought a first-class ticket!

While waiting for the security check, Xu Wan was not idle. He took the time to exchange a few words with Southwest Cancer King Zhenqiu, and then blacklisted him, simply out of sight and out of mind.

But I have made up my mind to make a wish, and when the time comes, let this "named" senior brother feel the enthusiasm from a direct disciple!

It's so mean!

Later, Xu Wan visited the foreign forum again. Because of Village Chief Ma's sudden intervention, the Wang family was now almost like a rat on the street, and everyone was shouting for beatings.

The yellow mud falls off the crotch - it is either shit or shit.

The Wang family has no way to defend themselves.

However, the Lu family, the most powerful among the Wang family's allies, did not make any move, neither support nor objection, as if they knew nothing about this matter...

Xu Yuan was a little confused about the Lu family's attitude for a while.

Half an hour flew by.

Make a wish and start the official boarding process.

During this half hour, he always had an inexplicable feeling. He always felt as if someone was staring at him.

But when he turned his head to look for the source of his sight, he didn't find anything unusual!

After all, this is Kyoto Airport, and the number of tourists coming and going every day can reach about 200,000. People have eyes, so they can’t help but let people look at it.

He made a wish and didn't take it seriously. As expected, being handsome also has his troubles.

But when I landed at Handan Airport three hours after making a wish, this feeling of being watched not only did not disappear, but became even stronger!

This can be explained by more than just being handsome!

After looking around, he still couldn't find the source of his gaze.

He was sure that he was being targeted!

Xu Wishan's eyes were a little solemn. Based on his current strength, he basically had no rivals among the younger generation.

And even if they are from the older generation, unless they are as powerful as Lao Tianshi, they will never be able to reveal any flaws!

Is the Heavenly Master following me? There is absolutely no such possibility!

Then the only possibility is that the other party used some special means to hide his figure!

Thinking of this, Xu Wan's eyes gradually turned cold, and he quickened his pace to walk out of the airport, making up his mind at the same time.

Since I can't find you, I'll force you to jump out on your own!

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