Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 91 The sudden visit to Daluo Cave (please vote for me)

Make a wish and walk out of the airport quickly.

Although he was in a hurry, he didn't attract anyone's attention.

After all, most of the tourists coming in and out of the airport are on their way and have no time to pay attention to others.

Of course, except for the girl from Chengdu Tianfu Airport...

After leaving the airport with a wish, he ignored the taxis soliciting customers on the roadside and went straight to the airport gate.

He doesn't know the identity of the other party, but he can be sure of two things.

First, this feeling of being watched followed him all the way from Kyoto Airport to Handan Airport. The other party spanned nearly a thousand kilometers and was definitely coming for him.

The second point is that this feeling of surveillance cannot come from the network surveillance of Gao Erzhuang, a temporary worker in the Northeast Region!

After all, he had known about the existence of Gao Erzhuang for a long time. Given the company's temperament, key personnel like them must have been included in Gao Erzhuang's monitoring scope, even if he was a temporary worker affiliated with the Kyoto headquarters.

The only difference lies in the intensity of monitoring.

I have never felt like this when making a wish before!

Handan Airport, like most city airports, is built in the suburbs.

Except for the slightly inhabited highway from the airport to the city, most of the surrounding areas are uninhabited wilderness.

Xu Yuan carried her luggage and rushed all the way to the wilderness thousands of meters away from the airport.

Until he made sure there was no one around him.

Xu Yucai looked around and said to the air.

"Friend, you have been following me from Kyoto Airport until now. Come out and let's talk in person if you have anything to do."

Although he didn't know what the other party's purpose was when he made a wish, he could still sense the existence of that line of sight.

At the same time, he was also ready to take action.

If the other party comes with bad intentions, ordinary people won't find out if they do it here.

As for whether he has considered that he might not be able to defeat the opponent...

I really haven’t thought about making a wish at this point.

With the trump card in his hand now, even if the most powerful Heavenly Master comes, it will take at least five blows to kill him completely!

If the other party has the same strength as the old Heavenly Master, why would he use such devious methods?

After the words of the wish fell, the surrounding wilderness remained silent, as if he was just talking to himself when he made the wish, and the so-called feeling of being watched was just an illusion.

But making a wish made my heart sink.

Only he knew in his heart that this was absolutely impossible.

Now that the other party doesn't come out, I'm not sure what method the other party used to hide his figure.

All he can do is try to force the other party out!

Without any hesitation, he made a wish and directly activated the divine mask to transform into Sikong Zhen, the God of Thunder!

His casual clothes were instantly transformed into Sikong Zhen's shirt!

"I am heaven and earth! Thunder!"

With a wish and a low cry, he slowly rose from the ground into the air, transforming into the King of Thunder, and the five thunder drums reappeared behind him.

At the same time, with the roar of the five thunder drums resounding throughout the sky, sharp and violent thunders blasted from the thunder drums towards a certain place in the void!

As Xuanyuan's cultivation continues to increase, and after he transforms into a hero, his heroic abilities become more and more powerful!

When Xu Yuan saw the void that was being bombarded by thunder one after another, his eyes froze!

"Got you!"

This is exactly what Xuanyuan came up with!

Neither the heroes nor the equipment he has drawn have any anti-stealth capabilities, while Sikong Zhen can automatically attack nearby enemy targets after activating his ultimate move.

It just so happened that there was no one else in this wilderness except him and the guy following him.

The power of thunder represents divine punishment!

Unless neutralized with the same power of thunder, there is no way to defend!

As for escaping the lock of the power of thunder? I have never heard of such a thing in the alien world since ancient times!

It turns out to be hidden in the void, no wonder no trace can be found!

When the stalker hiding in the void saw his position exposed, he stopped hiding and jumped out of the void!

The opponent's speed is very fast, and his movement skills are very strange.

With a few consecutive dodges, he dodged all the thunder and lightning that bombarded him!

These thunderbolts struck the nearby ground, leaving several deep craters in the wilderness, with traces of smoke rising from the craters.

It is enough to show the power of the sky thunder that Xu wish can control now!

But Wishes is not in the mood to pay attention to these right now!

He looked at the stalker with a solemn expression.

Because after the other party jumped out, he suddenly discovered that the other party's face was exactly the same as the security guard who tried to stop Wang Ye from beating Zhuge Qing at the airport!


It was the "security guard" at that time!

Da Luo Cave View!

At that time, Xu Wan did not take action against the other party because she had no issues with the other party and did not want to get into trouble.

But Xu Yuan never expected that the mysterious man who was supposed to be targeting Wang Ye would now be targeting him!

And he even followed me all the way from Kyoto Airport to Handan!

Faced with the question of making a wish, the mysterious man did not give any response.

Neither deny nor admit.

But what you want when making a wish is not the other party’s answer.

He doesn't want to get into trouble that won't benefit him, but he is definitely not afraid of trouble!

He was not sure if the other party had malicious intentions, but by following him in this way, the other party definitely had no good intentions!

In this case, don't be polite when making a wish and take action decisively!

Although the other party's methods are very mysterious and difficult to understand, making a wish can confirm that the other party is definitely not as strong as the Heavenly Master!

At this time, Xu Wishan was still in the state of transforming into the King of Thunder, and several rays of sky thunder were shot out from Xu Wishan's hand, and bombarded towards the mysterious man!

The mysterious man's Daluo Cave is indeed extremely mysterious, but he never wants to directly receive the power of so many heavenly thunders!

The mysterious man dodged one after another, his figure flickering in the air like looking at the moon in the water or flowers in the mist.

In a blink of an eye, all the power of the promised thunder failed, and then bombarded the nearby wilderness ground, leaving deep pits!

This is the first time Wishes has encountered this situation!

If I had to use words to describe the other party's ability, it would be a slippery loach!

It is indeed the most mysterious Daluo Cave among the Eight Wonders!

And this is not over yet, as Gu Jiating's figure keeps flashing, the other party is also quickly approaching the wish!

If the other party is really Gu Jiting, then this will be the first time that Xuanyuan has a formal fight with an older generation of strangers!

Moreover, even among the older generation of strangers, Gu Jiating can be said to be amazingly talented!

Even if his talent is not as perverted as that of the old master Zhang Zhiwei, he can understand one of the eight magical skills that can cause chaos in the alien world. He is definitely not mediocre!

Make a wish and suddenly feel the pressure increase suddenly!

No wonder Wang Ye, who also mastered one of the Eight Miracles, Fenghou Qimen, in the original plot, was almost powerless to resist in several battles...

But it's a pity that this time the other party is targeting him, so he can only be considered unlucky!

Although I don’t know the Eight Magic Skills, some of the hero’s abilities are even more perverted than the Eight Magic Skills…

The opponent's intention is very obvious, obviously he wants to close the distance and fight with him!

Although Xu Yuan didn't know why the opponent didn't run away but wanted to close the distance and fight with him, Xu Yuan knew better.

That is, in the face of this extremely flexible "assassin", Donghuang Taiyi and Zhang Liang are the only ones to come up with!

Specifically restrained from all the bells and whistles!

He didn't draw Donghuang Taiyi, but Zhang Liang did!

Just when the mysterious man gradually approached the ten-meter distance of Wish, and was about to get close to Wish, Xu Wish, who had been using the power of thunder to pour out firepower, suddenly raised his head and grinned at him.

"You've been fooled!"

Then, Make a Wish and quickly switch the target of becoming a god from Sikong Zhen to Zhang Liang!

His battle robe also turned into a golden warlock robe!

At the same time, a book of words and spirits that exuded golden light and was engraved with strange runes appeared out of thin air in front of Wishing.

This series of actions is a long story, but in fact it is completed in an instant!

The mysterious man grinned when he saw the wish, and there was a warning sign in his heart!

For so many years, the reason why Daluo Dongguan, one of the Eight Wonders of Skills, has remained mysterious is not only because of the function of this ability itself, but also because he is a low-key and cautious person.

Just in case, the mysterious man planned to turn around and retreat, and it would not be too late to take action when he had the opportunity in the future.



"Now, accept the dominance!"

【Word Spirit·Manipulation! 】

Following Xu Wish's cold command, the Book of Word Spirits in front of him began to flip through quickly.

Follow your words!

Immediately afterwards, a golden chain shot out from the Book of Words and Spirits, targeting the mysterious man!

The mysterious man wanted to continue using that weird movement technique to dodge, but this time the golden chain targeted him.

No matter where he hides, the golden chains lock him tightly, and the speed is extremely fast, faster than the speed of Daluo Cave!

Even though the mysterious man tried his best to avoid it, the golden chain caught up with him in just one breath!

The chain split into two instantly and was fixed on the two arms of the mysterious man. At the same time, a formation appeared out of thin air under the mysterious man's feet!

The mysterious man was shocked and wanted to forcefully escape into the void, but he was horrified to find that his ability had failed!

In other words, he lost all ability to move!

This is the ability of Zhang Liang in the Book of Words and Spirits!

The ultimate move has an absolute suppressive effect like the power of heaven!

Not to mention Daluo Cave, even if Zhuang Zhou summons another world - Dream Realm, he can't get rid of the absolute suppression effect!

Immediately afterwards, the Book of Words and Spirits floating in front of Xu Yuan's hand turned over, and golden energy bombs were continuously fired from the Book of Words and Spirits towards him!

Before coming, the mysterious man used his unique ability to investigate the wish.

But even the mysterious man did not expect that in a certain sense, this junior Xu Wish's level of practice in the divine mask had surpassed that of Xia Liuqing, the omnipotent evil spirit!

At least, it is absolutely impossible for Xia Liuqing to switch between the gods in such a short period of time!

And the ability to make wishes is different from the normal godhead mask!

Invite the ancestors of many other sects to come forward...

Even the mysterious man couldn't help but secretly complain.

However, the ability Xu Wish displayed now was not included in his investigation results at all!

In fact, you can't blame him.

After all, after drawing Zhang Liang ten times in a row in the main hall of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, he never made a wish again.

On the one hand, there are no suitable opportunities.

On the other hand, it is also because it is not suitable to transform the god Zhang Liang on Longhu Mountain...

If you say that other heroic characters related to Taoism are gods or ancestors enshrined by Taoism, you can still fool them.

Then Zhang Liang is really the true and direct ancestor of the entire Longhu Mountain Celestial Master Mansion, including the old Celestial Master Zhang Zhiwei...

Zhang Daoling, the first generation Celestial Master of the Angel Mansion, is the eighth generation grandson of Zhang Liang...

It’s hard to imagine how explosive that scene will be when the time comes.

Therefore, this has led to the ending where the mysterious man overturned despite investigating in advance...

A stream of golden energy bullets were fired from the Book of Words and Spirits, hitting the mysterious man!

The mysterious man was immediately beaten until he vomited blood, and scars appeared on his body.

This is also one of Zhang Liang's abilities.

Words and spells!

Continuous attacks can cause real damage that ignores defense!

However, Gu Jiting is indeed an amazing genius of the same era as the old master Zhang Zhiwei!

Even if his car overturned due to his carelessness and ability restraint, the wishing attack was still not fatal to the opponent!

Until the duration of [Word Spirit·Manipulation] ended, with the real damage effect and the blessing of several wish-making equipment, Gu Jiating was only seriously injured.

The life cultivation accumulated over many years is by no means a wasted reputation!

Although Xu Yuan is not sure whether he can compare with Lu Jin who has practiced the third level of rebirth, Xu Yuan can be sure that Gu Jiating's life cultivation is definitely stronger than the other ten people except Lu Jin!

This is purely a gap in cultivation. At least for now, there is no way to solve the wish immediately!

The philosophy that Xu wish has always implemented is to kill people and silence them in one go. If you offend the other party, you must crush them and spread their ashes.

But Gu Jiating did not give Xu Yuan the chance to read the Book of Words and Spirits again.

It was the absolute suppression ability of Wish that really shocked him. Not even among the thirty-six thieves back then, nor during the pursuit and encirclement of the entire alien circle back then, he had never encountered such a predicament.

If he can't beat his opponent, he can at least escape!

At the moment when the absolute suppression effect had just disappeared, instead of taking the opportunity to launch a counterattack against Wishing, Gu Jiting ran away dragging his seriously injured body!

At least until he figures out how to deal with the wish-making ability that overwhelms him, he definitely doesn't want to face the wish-making again!

It is true that one move of making a wish cannot kill him, but who said that one move of making a wish can only kill him? What if there are others around to help while making a wish to suppress him?

Gu Jiating was very decisive.

The speed of escaping into the void was so fast that even Wishes had no time to activate [Speech Spirit·Manipulation] for the second time!

Seeing the other party's figure disappear instantly, although the feeling of being watched before making the wish disappeared, but it was just in case.

After making a wish, he once again changed the target of becoming a god to Sikong Zhen, and activated [Thunder] again to try to find the other party's figure.

But this time, the attack from the five thunder drums behind the King of Thunder sparsely landed on the soil of the surrounding wasteland.

It seems that Gu Jiting and Juejuan really ran away!

But making a wish now is a bit of a headache.

It has to be said that any ability related to time and space is difficult to deal with.

Not only is it difficult to win, it is also difficult to kill.

Gu Jiting was so tricked by him that he could run away!

As for other people, let alone others, basically in the entire alien circle, as long as Gu Jiating himself doesn't fool around and seek death, basically no one can kill him head-on...

Even if Wang Ye uses Fenghou Qimen's Luanjin Tuo, he can't stop the opponent!

But making a wish is just a little headache, not even anything to worry about.

As long as Gu Jiating was not a fool, after suffering a big loss at his hands, he would not dare to appear in front of him before he figured out a way to solve it.

As for cracking Zhang Liang's [Speech Spirit·Manipulation]?

Wishing is not optimistic about this.

Taking a step back, even if there are some weird innate powers that can break the absolute suppression effect, by then I may not have enough strength or other means of restraint...

He came here this time just to win the lottery at Nuwa Temple!

Until the other party ran away, Xu Yuan still didn't understand why Gu Jiating came to find him. The other party didn't even say a word from the beginning to the end, and his mouth seemed to have been grown to death...

Inexplicably, he got into a fight with Gu Jiuting, which slightly strengthened the sense of urgency in Xu Yuan's heart, but the strength was still not enough!

The gap in strength between him and the older generation of aliens cannot be evened out by practicing in a short period of time!

However, before he went to the Nuwa Temple, Xu Wan still took out his mobile phone, added Feng Baobao's friends through the group chat of temporary workers, edited what happened here, and edited it into text according to the positioning and sent it to Feng Baobao.

Of course, in these descriptions of the situation, Xu Yuan did not mention the other party's Daluo Cave Viewing ability, but only said that he had just been attacked by a mysterious man.

As for finding traces of the other person through his face that he once passed by at the Kyoto Airport?

Stop making trouble, that face itself is not Gu Jiating’s own face!

Although it was Feng Baobao who made a wish, he knew that it would be Zhang Chulan, Xu San, and Xu Si who would ultimately handle the matter.

After all, this place falls under the jurisdiction of the North China Region, so I still want to say hello to the people here.

[Feng Baobao: Make a wish, have you come to North China? Are you here to play with me? Surprise·jpg】

Feng Baobao's focus is always so strange, and he replied to the message as soon as possible.

Xu Yuan glanced at Sister Bao'er's message, and finally, after thinking about it for a moment, he chose not to read it back.

According to Feng Baobao's character, it is very likely that he will kill him immediately.

As soon as Feng Baobao arrives, Zhang Chulan, Xu San, and Xu Si will follow.

Now he is going to Nuwa Temple to draw a lottery, which is really not suitable for other people to be there.

Xu Xu put away her cell phone, picked up her suitcase and ran back to the airport, pretending to be a passenger who had just landed and took a taxi.

"Master driver, go to Nuwa Temple in Tangwang Mountain."

After hearing the destination of the wish, the originally drowsy bald driver suddenly became energetic and almost jumped out of the window with joy!

Nuwa Temple! But it’s a big job!

It takes two hours just to drive there!

Xu Yuan glanced at the gradually darkening sky outside and added another sentence.

"By the way, Master, please hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

"Okay, buddy, fasten your seat belt! My bald head is not shaved for nothing!"

Xu wish nodded, not paying attention to the driver's bragging.

As the taxi gradually exited the airport expressway, he looked at the rapidly receding green belts on both sides of the window, his eyes full of anticipation.

Nuwa Temple, ten draws in a row, here I come!

It’s still a day to ask for monthly votes. Bosses and adoptive fathers can guess what will be drawn from Nuwa Temple in ten consecutive draws.

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