Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1013: 1013: Cooperation (3)

Ning Huan believed in Yang A Nuan, and needed Ling Leyuan, a powerful foreign aid. If Ye Jiuyan and Xindie were unwilling to cooperate, then they would have to use some means, such as...trap them, or short Limit the freedom of two people in time!

At the moment when Ning Huanxin's voice fell, Gu Ting and Ling Leyuan on the side had unanimously released their auras!

Sure enough, they are all elite disciples, and their ideas are surprisingly consistent!

"Okay, we cooperate!"

At this moment, Ye Jiuyan suddenly stepped forward and nodded.

However, Xindie remained silent, glanced at Ning Huanxin with cold eyes, and continued to lower her eyes. She did not agree, but she did not object.

"Everyone is a fellow of the profound sect, and I believe in your integrity, so let's prepare. We take care of the family and are responsible for the formation, and you are responsible for blessing the spiritual power!"

Ning Huanxin said, glanced at Gu Ting, and Gu Ting on the side nodded.

"and many more."

At this time, Ling Leyuan on the side spoke again.

"Although you have the Golden Dragon Compass, but... how do you prove that your ability is better than me? What if you fail? Wouldn't our spiritual power be wasted!"

Ling Leyuan didn't believe in Ning Huanxin a little, even if she was the best magic weapon, it was not her own strength.

At this time, Ye Jiuyan and Xindie also walked over slowly.

"Are you sure, you can?"

Xindie still looked cold and frosty, she walked directly to Ning Huan's body, suddenly raised her eyes, and stared directly into her eyes coldly.

Like Ling Leyuan, she didn't believe in Ning Huanxin.

After all, the geniuses in the Xuanmen have always been rare. If there is really any genius in the Gu family, why would the outside world not know it? Other families have never received a little bit of wind!

Hearing the two people's doubts, Ning Huanxin didn't get angry, but still had a calm look on his face.

"If I can't, neither will you!"

While speaking, Ning Huanxin's aura became very powerful, very powerful.


how is this possible?

Ling Leyuan has always regarded himself very high, thinking that he is already the best of his age, and he can stand out from the crowd!


The female disciple of the Gu family in front of her, why, her breath and spiritual power would make herself feel nervous, even a little... scared?

How could this be?

Ling Leyuan's face finally changed.

The core butterfly on the side also condensed, and a gleam of light flashed in the always cold eyes.

Several people present fell into silence.


"Well, I believe in your ability, then, let's get started!"

In the end, Ling Leyuan was the first to release his aura, and several others also released aura in turn. Gu Ting took Gu Shuang, Ye Ling and Huo Yin, and the four of them used the Gu family's aura formation together. The spiritual energy blended together, covering the entire area of ​​the tombs of King Wu's tombs, and Ning Huanxin was standing among a few people at this time.

She cleared all the distracting thoughts in her mind, and slowly injected her aura into the Golden Dragon Compass.

"Roar", like a dragon yin!

A golden shadow suddenly flew out of the compass!

Ning Huan's expression remained unmoved, as he still used his aura to control the compass with a calm expression. The golden shadow flew into the air, and the surrounding aura was shaking!

The eight people on the side looked ugly, struggling to support!

The aura of this Golden Dragon Compass is also very powerful, forming a strong hedge against the aura of the entire Wu King Tomb!

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