Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1014: 1014: The Tomb of King Wu of Murder Step by Step (1)

Feeling that the surrounding aura began to become chaotic again, Ning Huan didn't panic, and was still very steady and calmly controlling the Golden Dragon Compass with her aura!

Time seems to be extended and slowed down by wireless, and every second is like suffering.

Ning Huanxin's face slowly turned pale, but she was still insisting that the spiritual power required by the Golden Dragon Compass was huge, and at the same time, she also needed her very precise spiritual consciousness to control the compass.

At this moment, in Ning Huanxin's eyes, everything around him disappeared.

She felt that she was in a gray mist, and there was a light floating not far away. As long as she could catch that light, she would be able to walk out of the mist and find the real way out behind the mist!

Closer, closer!

Just when the surrounding aura was about to be completely chaotic, Ning Huan's eyes lit up, and suddenly with a wave of his hand, the entire Golden Dragon compass flew out suddenly, and finally landed in front of an inconspicuous mausoleum among the tombs. Wandering!

"found it!"

Ning Huan's eyes lighted up, and suddenly she said in surprise!

The eight people around also recovered their aura at this moment.

At this time, the golden dragon compass was still spinning in front of the tomb, and the golden shadow seemed to feel some terrible aura, and unexpectedly consciously retracted back into the compass!

"It turns out this is the real tomb of King Wu!"

The mausoleum is unremarkable, there is no special sign, and the location is very remote.

Almost instantly, several people rushed towards the gate of the tomb at the same time.

The shape of this tomb is the same as other ancient royal tombs. The tomb behind the tombstone has two large stone gates with intricate patterns carved on the stone gates.

At this time, several people came to the tomb almost at the same time, and everyone did not move.

Although I know the location of the tomb, how do I open the stone door of the tomb?

Ning Huanxin was also thinking at this time.

"I'll try it."

At this time, Yang A Nuan, who had never had a sense of existence, suddenly stood up. She slowly walked to Shimen and brushed her hands on the patterns. Suddenly, Yang A Nuan's eyes changed color!

These eyes...

Ling Leyuan, Ye Jiuyan and Xindie from Liuyun Valley were all stunned. It was the first time they had seen such eyes.

Is this... the power of blood?

At this moment, several people were holding their breaths, they were very nervous, because time was limited!

Maybe soon, others will come over!

Just now, the nine of them, including Ning Huanxin, have consumed a lot of spiritual energy. If people from other families appear now, then a few of them will be very passive!

"found it!"

At this time, Yang A'nuan's eyes flashed, her eyes seemed to penetrate the stone gate, and she saw everything behind the door, even any pattern on the door, any mechanism, could not escape Yang A'nuan's eyes!

"Sister Huan."

Yang A Nuan turned and glanced at Ning Huanxin: "I have found a way to open the door, but it takes two people at both ends to release their spiritual power in a fixed pattern before the two doors will open!"

"Let's come!"

At this time, Huo Yin and Ye Ling involuntarily spoke. The Gu family had the largest number of people, and Ye Ling felt that they were weaker than Huo Yin, so it wouldn’t affect anything if they went in. On the contrary, Gu Ting and Gu Huan, both of them were strong. Must enter the tomb of King Wu the first time!

"it is good."

Hearing what the two people said, Yang A Nuan smiled, raised his hand and pointed at two different places: "Two brothers, it's up to you!"

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