Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1015: 1015: Tomb of King Wu of Killing Step by Step (2)

Huo Yin and Ye Ling both grew up with Gu's family since they were young, and there was a tacit understanding between the two. Hearing Yang A'nuan's words, the two immediately took up positions.

Then he looked at her unanimously.

Yang A'nuan's eyes flashed, she stepped back, and pointed carefully at the two ordinary-looking grooves in the stone gate pattern.

"That's it, I'm calling 321! You two urge your spiritual power to open this stone gate together!"

Speaking, Yang A Nuan raised his eyes and looked at the two people, both of whom nodded.

"Okay, three! Two! One!"

Before Yang A’nuan’s words came to an end, Huo Yin and Ye Ling had already released their spiritual powers. Both spiritual powers poured into the stone gate at the same time. With a “boom”, the entire tomb seemed to be shaking. The heavy stone gate slowly Open slowly!


When the Shimen opened slowly to allow only one person to enter, Gu Ting, who was closest to the door, immediately took Ning Huanxin with his eyes and rushed in.


Ling Leyuan and Ye Jiuyan also rushed forward, but they were blocked by Gu Shuang on the side.

"what are you doing?"

Ling Leyuan's eyes immediately cooled down.

"I'm not doing anything? How about you first? Shimen opened, all by their own ability!"

Gu Shuang glanced at Ling Leyuan, and gave her way.

Ling Leyuan glared at Gu Shuang, before rushing in before he could think about it.

"Sister, let's go!"

At this time, Xindie at the door suddenly took out a charm and stuck it on her body, pulling Ye Jiuyan and suddenly disappeared!

People in Liuyun Valley are local tyrants, and throwing spells is like throwing waste paper!

"Okay, let's go in too!"

At this time, Yang A Nuan looked at Gu Shuang, then at Huo Yin and Ye Ling on the side.

The stone gates of the tomb have all been opened at this moment.

"Two brothers, let's go in together, this Shimen will be closed immediately if it loses spiritual support!"

Before the words finished, Yang A Nuan grabbed Huo Yin's arm, while Gu Shuang on the side took Ye Ling's hand with his eyes flashing.


The figures of four people instantly poured into the stone gate, and the stone gate of the entire mausoleum, after losing the support of spiritual power, suddenly closed suddenly!

At this time, the entire group of King Wu's tombs returned to the initial tranquility, as if they had never appeared before.

A strong wind blew, and even the footprints on the ground were buried by the wind and sand on the top of the mountain.

After a few more minutes, suddenly five figures appeared on the top of the mountain, four men and one woman, led by a young girl. This young girl had short hair, which was different from other girls. Her dress was very neutral, even OK. Use handsome to describe!

Wearing a thick black sportswear, after the girl went up the mountain, she moved her limbs, and a surprise flashed in her eyes.

"Huh? I clearly felt the breath of that fellow Ling Leyuan, why did it disappear?"

The girl squinted her eyes in surprise.

"Little Lord."

At this time, the people behind him suddenly spoke in a low voice: "Young Master, will Miss Ling's family have... entered the tomb of King Wu?"


The girl smiled disdainfully when she heard the words of the people behind her.

"Ling Leyuan? She thinks she has a high level of cultivation, and the person who left the Ling family alone came up alone. I don't believe that she can enter the tomb of the King of Wu alone. She doesn't have that ability. Our four big families have been able to Isn’t it the power of the family to stand by?"

While talking, the girl raised her right hand suddenly and slowly, and suddenly a few black beetles crawled out of the sleeves of her clothes. The appearance of this beetle is very special, and there is a blood-red color on the shell. origin.

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