Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1021: 1021: Tomb of King Wu of Murderous Step by Step (8)

Ning Huanxin withdrew from the memory, her expression a little weird.

The invisible man in the memory, he was...

Jiang Lixing.

Ning Huanxin had a strong feeling that that person must be Jiang Lixing.

And Jiang Lixing...is that King Qin Guang?


Ning Huanxin's expression was complicated, and she shook her head slightly.

It was not the time to think about these things, Ning Huanxin came to his senses, stood up, and carefully looked at the stone room he was in. It was different from the stone room just now. It was very big, and there were many things in the stone room.

However, there is no coffin here.

Ning Huanxin walked around the stone room a few times. The layout in this room was very simple and it looked like it was a few years old. There were even some tea sets on the table beside it. The year was not visible, but it was well preserved.

Ning Huan frowned and thought of the task of this assessment. Everyone needs to find a funerary object, which is the gold censer on the scroll!

Must the incense burner be placed with King Wu's coffin?

Ning Huan wondered in his heart that everyone was looking for incense burners during this test, but there might not be only one incense burner. Moreover, Ning Huan doubted that among the many incense burners, most of them might be fakes, and only one would be true!

Thinking about this, Ning Huanxin simply searched in the stone room and turned over the entire stone room. Finally, Ning Huanxin found a gold censer under the slate in a corner of the stone room. This censer looked like the old man. The incense burner on that scroll is exactly the same!

Ning Huanxin simply sat on the stone bench beside him, quietly observing the incense burner in his hand. At first glance, the incense burner really looked exactly like the one on the scroll, but...

Look closely, it seems to be slightly different!

Sure enough, there were pits everywhere in this game!

The president took out the picture scroll for everyone to see, it was to test everyone's observation and memory. As a person in the Xuanmen, because of his cultivation, his memory is naturally much stronger than ordinary people.

However, if some people are inattentive, they may not observe carefully. If they do not observe carefully, they will never see the difference between the fake and the genuine product.

Ning Huanxin closed her eyes and recalled every detail on the scroll. Although she only glanced at it, the characteristics of the golden censer were quite obvious.

And now this one in her hand, although it looks very similar to the one on the picture scroll, the censer base of the two is completely different.

"The president is really cunning."

Ning Huan fiddled with the incense burner in his hand helplessly. He wanted to put it back in place, but after thinking about it, he still stuffed it into his pocket of space.

Keep this thing for now, it might be useful later.

"the host."

At this time, Mo Xiao, who was in his purse, suddenly floated out, floating in the air, his expression a little nervous.

"Master, I seemed to have lost contact with you just now, and it shocked me."

"It's okay. Just now, my consciousness seemed to be trapped in an illusion. Fortunately, I came out soon, Mo Xiao, why did you come out?"

In fact, before coming here, Ning Huanxin had passed through with Mo Xiao. She was Ning Huanxin's secret weapon. If it weren't for an emergency, she didn't intend to let Mo Xiao show up so early.

"I worry about you."

Mo Xiao's body wandered around the entire stone room, turning around to look at Ning Huanxin and speaking again: "Master, don't you feel it? Here, the murderous intent is very serious."

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