Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1022: 1022: Tomb of King Wu of Murderous Step by Step (9)

murderous look?

Hearing Mo Xiao's words, Ning Huan's heart was absorbed for a while, and then he glanced at Mo Xiao, and said softly: "It is indeed murderous here. It is said that King Wu was a **** of murderer, who killed countless people in his lifetime, and many people were buried after his death. Over the years, this tomb of King Wu has also buried many people who came to archaeology and tomb robbers. It is naturally very murderous here."


Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, Mo Xiao’s expression was a little weird: "Master, I am a ghost, and I have more sensitive feelings for the same kind than you monks. I think there are a lot of ghosts in this tomb, and they are all just dead. not long!"

The fierce ghosts who had just died, the fierce aura in them was different from other ghosts, and Mo Xiao could feel it very clearly.

The ghost who just died?

Hearing Mo laughed, Ning Huanxin fell into deep thought again.

This tomb of King Wu should have been blocked by people from the selected society recently. This is the examination room for this Xuanmen Newcomer Competition. The entire scenic area is shrouded in the ban, and the incense burners in the tomb of King Wu should be all Xuan The masters of the Society are here. If there are so many newly dead ghosts in the tomb of King Wu, why haven't the masters of the Profound Society discover it?

Could it be...

After the masters left, did anyone enter the tomb of King Wu and die here?

Ning Huan had some guesses in her heart, but she was not sure--

Could it be that someone from the mysterious organization made the move?

Would they have mixed into the tomb of King Wu long ago?

Ning Huanxin was thinking about it. Suddenly, she heard the sound of Shimen turning!

someone is coming!

Ning Huanxin immediately waved his hand. Seeing her movements, Mo smiled and nodded. The whole figure spread out like a mist, and she was once again attached to Ning Huanxin's purse.

At this moment, Ning Huanxin stood up and stared at the Shimen not far away. The Shimen slowly turned, and then a familiar figure came into Ning Huanxin's eyes.

This person who came in suddenly is still an acquaintance!

"Hello there."

Ning Huanxin greeted the visitor.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's voice, the person who had just entered was slightly stunned. He did not expect that there would be someone here, and this person...

"Ning Huanxin?"

Zhang Yuanjian looked at the strange face in front of him, with a strange expression on his face: "Are you Ning Huanxin?"

Although she changed her appearance, her voice did not change, and...Zhang Yuanjian's eyes could see the life span of different people.

For people like Ning Huanxin whose life expectancy is negative, Zhang Yuanjian does not believe that he can meet two at a time in a short time, so...

The girl who looked a little strange in front of me must be Ning Huanxin!

"Tsk, you found it."

Ning Huanxin smiled lightly: "Sometimes I really hate people like you who are born with plug-ins, can we still play happily?"

"I really can't play happily, I think something is going to happen!"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Zhang Yuanjian carved the first few steps and walked to her: "This year's game is tricky. Do you know what I saw when I just came in?"

Zhang Yuanjian's face was particularly ugly and solemn, and it was the first time that Ning Huanxin saw such an expression on the face of this high IQ teenager.

"What do you see?"

"I saw the lifespan, everyone's lifespan!" Zhang Yuanjian's tone became lower and lower: "Before entering the tomb of King Wu, everyone's lifespan is still normal. The moment I entered the tomb of King Wu, I saw...a lot The life span of a person has suddenly changed!"

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