Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1023: 1023: Tomb of King Wu of Killing Step by Step (10)

The life span has changed?

Hearing Zhang Yuanjian's words, Ning Huanxin's eyes suddenly widened, and the expression on his face became tense: "You mean...everyone will die?"


Zhang Yuanjian nodded and continued to whisper: "I see many people whose lifespans are very short. To be precise, they only have a few hours of lifespan left, which means...their lives will remain in the tomb of King Wu. in!"

The changes in the life span of so many people have also had a great impact on Zhang Yuanjian!

Is this tomb of King Wu really a dead Jedi? Killing every step?


"Is this stone room different? There is no mechanism?"

At this moment, Zhang Yuanjian looked around suddenly, and asked Ning Huanxin with complicated eyes.


Ning Huanxin blinked and looked at Zhang Yuanjian: "I think you didn't seem to have anything unusual after you came in? Actually, the moment I just came in, I encountered a phantom formation, but it was not very fatal. Could it be that the phantom formation here is a one-off? of?"

Magic array?

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Zhang Yuanjian's young handsome face flashed suspiciously. Then he sighed lightly: "Hey, forget it, I don't want to, since I met you, let's walk together. If you don't talk secretly, I can't die. I still have things to do. Take care of Uncle Shen and them. Therefore, I want to save my life, and with the cultivation base I just started, there must be little hope for a person, so I can only follow you. You will definitely be able to get out alive. I can feel it."

Hearing Zhang Yuanjian’s words, Ning Huanxin smiled faintly: “It doesn’t matter if you follow me. If you encounter danger, I will protect myself first, and I have a reason to live. If you really encounter a life and death crisis, don’t expect me to be altruism."

"Yes, I know."

Zhang Yuanjian nodded from the side, and then he turned to look at the layout of the stone room: "This looks like a place to rest and live, but how can anyone live in a grave? Is it for ghosts?"

"Maybe it's for ghosts."

Ning Huanxin smiled faintly at Zhang Yuanjian, then walked to the other side, knocked **** the stone wall, and said with serious eyes: "I don't think this stone room is that simple, there should be other institutions."

Ning Huanxin was talking and tapping the stone wall. At this moment, she suddenly felt a tremor in her hand.

There really are institutions!

Ning Huan's heart was overjoyed, and cautiously, he touched the stone brick that had just shaken with his hand again, and the stone brick turned slowly!

At the moment the stone brick turned, countless arrows flew from all directions of the stone room!

The overwhelming cold arrows make it impossible to hide!

This change came too suddenly, and suddenly Zhang Yuanjian hadn't had time to react!

"help me!"

Zhang Yuanjian fought against Leng Jian, while embarrassedly trying to move closer to Ning Huanxin. At this time, layers of spiritual energy surged from Ning Huanxin's body, and that layer of spiritual energy protected her in the center. All Lengjian touching the spiritual energy looked like It fell to the ground feebly just like touching the wall.

It's just that Ning Huanxin's aura is always limited, and this cold arrow seems to be endless, still flying out overwhelmingly!


Why are there so many cold arrows?

At this time, Zhang Yuanjian had fled to Ning Huanxin in embarrassment.

"Miss Ning, save me!"

Zhang Yuanjian at this time has long lost his former calmness.

In the face of death, who can calm down?

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