Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1026: 1026: Dilemma (2)

Hearing Gu Ting’s words, Ling Leyuan just disdainfully smiled: “Pretend, you continue to pretend! Although this tomb of King Wu is also under the prohibition, we are now in the tomb. This underground tomb has a natural barrier, so the judges and major Even if the family members want to use the formation to watch the game, they can't see it, so... you are so hypocritical at this moment, it's really unnecessary."

Ling Leyuan's words were very mean. Gu Ting didn't get angry when he heard her words. He just smiled faintly and put away his magic weapon.

"Miss Ling, you are the daughter of the Patriarch of the Ling family. I am just an ordinary disciple of the Gu family. I don't want to hurt my peace. This is the truth, otherwise...Do you think I am really your opponent?"

After speaking, Gu Ting slowly turned around and walked towards Ning Huanxin.

"Gu Huan, where have you been? Have you seen Gu Shuang and the others?"

"I... I was trapped just now. I just came out, Brother Ting, is this the main tomb of King Wu's tomb? Is King Wu in the coffin?"

Ning Huan asked curiously, because after she entered here, she had already sensed the surrounding area with her spiritual sense, and she didn't find any particularly strong ferocity.

And who is King Wu?

He was a killer who killed countless people during his lifetime!

Even if he is dead, his coffin and bones should definitely be so fierce!

"This is indeed the main tomb."

Hearing Ning Huanxin's question, Gu Ting nodded.

Immediately, without waiting for Ning Huanxin to continue to ask, Gu Ting suddenly took Ning Huanxin's arm and walked in another direction. Ning Huanxin noticed that the main tomb had four entrances!

In other words, no matter which stone gate you chose, as long as you could pass through the organs in the stone chamber or the magic array, could you reach the main tomb?

And Gu Ting obviously came in through another door.

"Brother Ting, where are we going? Didn't you find the incense burner?"

Ning Huanxin felt that Gu Ting's behavior was a bit strange, and couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"Find Gu Shuang first and they are talking! This main tomb has been searched by me. There is only one incense burner. If the incense burner is still here, it must be..."

Gu Ting did not continue, but subconsciously raised his eyes to look at the wooden high platform that was not far away!

King Wu's coffin is on the high platform.

And if the real incense burner is here... it can only be hidden in the coffin!

Gu Ting did not open the coffin!

At this moment, Ling Leyuan also noticed the coffin on the high platform.

She was actually the second one to rush in. When she got here, Gu Ting was already here, and he was still looking around.

Later, when Ling Leyuan saw that Gu Ting had found an incense burner, the two of them fought!

However, this incense burner is actually fake!


Who can be sure that Gu Ting didn't secretly put away the real censer before he came in?

At this moment, Ling Leyuan was a little bit conflicted. Did he continue to search and risk opening the coffin? Or continue to pester Gu Ting and force him to hand over the incense burner?

Seeing that Gu Ting was about to leave with Ning Huanxin, at this moment, the wall on the north side of the main tomb suddenly moved slowly and pushed away. Several people filed in, and the person in the lead was the eldest lady of Mi's family. month.

"Oh, the environment here is good! Why are there three or two kittens? I thought it would be very lively here!"

As soon as Miyue walked in, she sneered coldly.

"Ling Leyuan, why is this face black? Where's the incense burner?"

As Miyue said, she made a gesture, and the Mi family disciples next to her immediately surrounded her, blocking the path of Gu Ting and Ning Huanxin.


There was another door opening behind him, and Ning Huan was startled. That sound came from the direction where he had just entered. Could it be...

Ning Huan turned his head abruptly and saw Zhang Yuanjian's face as expected.

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