Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1027: 1027: Dilemma (3)

Zhang Yuanjian's face was gray at this time, and he seemed to be in a bad spirit. He noticed Ning Huanxin's eyes, Zhang Yuanjian's eyes suddenly brightened, and he strode towards her and walked over!

"Are you... Miss Ning?"

Zhang Yuanjian did not expect to meet Ning Huanxin here. Although her appearance has changed, her life span is so special, which is rare! Therefore, Zhang Yuanjian only tentatively asked, but he was not sure whether this was Ning Huanxin.

"You got the wrong person."

Before Ning Huanxin could answer, Gu Ting on one side stared coldly and looked at Zhang Yuanjian warily.


Zhang Yuanjian froze for a moment, and scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Hey, I said, didn't you see the situation clearly? You still tease girls at this time, don't you feel bored?"

At this time, Miyue, who was not far away, suddenly raised her chin at Zhang Yuanjian: "I know you, you seem to be... the apprentice of the monk Chang Ziang? It is indeed the upper beam that is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, just like your master. Lecherous and shameless."

Miyue's memory is very good. When she was in the Xuanxue training ground, she almost remembered everyone's appearance, especially Zhang Yuanjian, who was among the few young monks, who was particularly conspicuous.

Hearing Miyue's words, Zhang Yuanjian didn't get angry. Although he was not very old, he was very calm and mature.

"This is indeed not the time to identify people randomly, because..."

Zhang Yuanjian glanced at Miyue, then looked at Gu Ting, then set his gaze on Ning Huanxin and smiled meaningfully at her: "Because... I have a foreboding that all of us will be buried in Wu today. Tomb of the King! Don't even think about... leave alive!"

completely annihilated?

Actually Zhang Yuanjian didn't know, but he saw that everyone's lifespan was changing and flickering.

Heaven is impermanent, even life span and life and death can be changed at will. This tomb of King Wu is really evil!

And why is this newcomer contest set up here?

Is there anyone behind the scenes controlling all this?

Zhang Yuanjian's mind was very smart, and he thought of a lot in an instant. He deliberately glanced at Ning Huanxin more, just to confirm Ning Huanxin's identity again.

Because he can see the lifespan of others, he only told his master, and there is another person, Ning Huanxin!

Sure enough, when he heard Zhang Yuanjian's words, everyone else looked disdainful, looking at him like a lunatic.

Only Ning Huanxin, her eyes flickered.

Ning Huanxin thought of what Zhang Yuanjian said to herself in the fantasy array. Although that Zhang Yuanjian was fake, the fantasy array absorbed the memory of the real Zhang Yuanjian, so...

His words should be true!

in case……

Zhang Yuanjian’s words are really truthful, so what kind of incense burner are you looking for? What match?

Ning Huanxin doesn't want to lose her life for a game!

Even if you can't get the Kaiqiao Pill, it doesn't matter if you don't get the first place, she mainly wants to save her life!

What could be more precious than life in this world?

"Brother Ting, let's go!"

Ning Huanxin turned his head and glanced at Gu Ting, and whispered in a low voice: "I also think today's game is a bit weird. This tomb of King Wu doesn't seem to be such a good place to enter and enter, so let's go find Gu Shuang and the others. ,leave here!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, I didn’t expect that the disciples of the Gu family were all cowardly rats! I was scared by this lay disciple, and they were leaving? So, you smashed the jade amulet for the competition, so I let you go. What do you think? ?"

Miyue's voice came coldly again at this time.

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