Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1041: 1041: Non-existent steps

"I...I can't use spiritual power right now, it probably takes...two hours to recover!"

Ning Huanxin looked at the crowd at this time and whispered softly.

In fact, the period of weakness is only one hour, but Ning Huanxin subconsciously said twice the time.

after all……

She couldn't immediately determine whether any of these people were dissatisfied.

"It's okay, the few of us will stay together until you get better."

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Ye Jiuyan smiled slightly: "Don't worry, our disciples in Flowing Cloud Valley have always made promises! By the way, I have some spells here. You take them first. After all, you are very weak now."

While speaking, Ye Jiuyan handed a few spells to Ning Huanxin. They were all defensive and accelerator charms, and they were indeed necessary spells for defense and escape.

"Thank you."

Ning Huanxin smiled at Ye Jiuyan.

"Okay, let's go!"

At this time, Ling Leyuan spoke lightly.

"Yeah." Ning Huanxin also nodded. She raised her eyes and looked at the surrounding environment. The stone room they were in was the same stone room where Ning Huanxin encountered the illusion, but it seems that there is no danger here anymore!

Ten people left the stone chamber, and the journey back was unimpeded. They successfully reached the largest vacant stone chamber in the tomb, and several of them couldn't help but frowned.

There are four doors around this stone room, besides that are the cold stone walls.

Here, it looks like a dead end, there is no exit at all, and no steps to go up!


Obviously, when they came down, they did get here after leaving the steps!

"Don't panic everyone."

At this time, Ning Huanxin suddenly took out her golden dragon compass.

Now she can't use spiritual power, but the compass is a magical tool that can help people find directions even without inputting spiritual power!

The pointer on the Golden Dragon Compass turned rapidly, and finally stopped gradually, pointing to the northwest!

"It's here, everyone and I close our eyes, calm down, and imagine in our hearts that there is a step out here. As long as we climb up the steps, we can walk out of the tomb of King Wu!"

With that said, Ning Huanxin slowly closed his eyes, and outlined the appearance of the steps in his heart!

I still remember that when she walked down, she found that this step was strange, and it seemed to change with people's minds.

and so……

This step may be "invisible", but it can be sensed with your mind.

At this moment, in the bottom of Ning Huanxin's heart, the appearance of the steps gradually became clear, and she took a step forward without hesitation!

When her left foot landed on the steps, Ning Huanxin's expression changed slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes!

This is the step! Finally appeared again!

"Go down this step, we have to think together, we will see the exit soon! We will go out soon!"


At this moment, everyone was standing on the steps and nodded subconsciously when they heard Ning Huanxin's words.

Xindie walked at the end without saying a word, her eyes shone with a strange light——

Gu Huan?

What kind of person is she? Why does the Gu family have such a powerful disciple, but the outside world has no idea?

Is she Gu's secret weapon, or...

She's not a caretaker at all?

Xindie became suspicious of Ning Huanxin's identity, but she didn't have time to think about it. She knew that going out now is the most important thing!

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