Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1042: 1042: The tomb collapsed

Everyone is thinking subconsciously, to go out, to see the exit immediately!

Sure enough, there was light ahead of me without going too far!

When the ten people finally came out of the tomb of King Wu, they all sighed involuntarily--

This is the real aftermath!


Just after they left the tomb of King Wu, a huge sound suddenly came from behind, and the entire mountain top was shaking!

"Be careful!"

Gu Ting subconsciously protected Ning Huanxin behind her, and several other people also put up spiritual protection in an instant.

"Wow, what happened?"

At this time, a girl's surprised voice suddenly came from another direction on the top of the mountain.

This voice is a little familiar.

Ning Huanxin looked up and saw Mao Qiqi wearing a thick sweater with a pocket of things, standing not far away from the crowd with a look of curiosity.

"You... are you a disciple of the Mao family?"

Seeing Mao Qiqi's attire and dress, everyone was taken aback.

And Gu Ting suddenly asked at this moment.

"Um, it's me, I'm Mao Qiqi, that...what happened to the tomb of King Wu? Why did it collapse?"

Mao Qiqi came to participate in the competition alone, because there was an accident on the road, so she arrived later than the others, and because her grandfather ordered her to put safety first, the little girl brought all kinds of tools and artifacts with her. ...Climbing the mountain with so many things, the speed must be slower.

Therefore, when she climbed up the mountain, she only saw the tombs of King Wu's tomb that collapsed and ten people standing in front of the tombs.

"I... am I late? Oh, will I be eliminated?"

Mao Qiqi immediately became nervous.

too terrifying! too terrifying! She hasn't started the game yet!

"You should feel lucky."

Hearing Mao Qiqi's words, Ling Leyuan suddenly whispered coldly. She turned around with complicated eyes and looked at the ruins behind her——

The tomb of King Wu collapsed, so what about those people in the main tomb?

Did they come out?

Miyue, did you just die inside?


"Except for the lucky ones who came late like you, dozens of others are buried in the tomb!"

Ling Leyuan retracted his chaotic thoughts, looked up at Mao Qiqi, and walked forward slowly while talking.

"I am the only one left in our Ling family. Now that we are all safe, I will leave first!"

Before he finished speaking, Ling Leyuan suddenly took out a small jade box and threw it into Ning Huanxin's hands.

"This is the Kaikai Dan I promised you, our cooperation ends here!"


Seeing Ling Leyuan about to leave, Gu Shuang immediately stopped her coldly: "You, you don't speak credit! Sister Huan is still very weak. At the beginning, we clearly said that we would leave together and protect her thoroughly!"

"Isn't she safe now? Do you think there will be any danger if you leave here and go to the city?"

Ling Leyuan frowned lightly: "Isn't it enough for your group to protect her? I do have something and must go back immediately. If you are unwilling, I will pay more!"

While talking, Ling Leyuan raised his hand, and there were a few more pills and spells in his hand.

"These are all good things."

Ling Leyuan's face was indifferent and indifferent.

"In this case, I would like to thank Junior Sister Ling!"

Seeing the things Ling Leyuan had taken out, Ning Huanxin suddenly smiled: "We have accepted the things, Junior Sister Ling, walk slowly and don't give them away, there will be a period later!"

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