Since Ling Leyuan was leaving, Ning Huanxin didn't want to stop him at all. Besides, she is willing to pay extra, and it is good to get something!

Don't do it for nothing!

Seeing Ning Huanxin's consent, Ling Leyuan couldn't help but glance at her more, and then left the medicine and charms, Ling Leyuan swaggered away.

Seeing her leaving behind, Gu Shuang gritted her teeth fiercely: "Junior Sister Huan, why did you let her leave so easily? Is it really cheap for her?"

"Cheap her?"

Hearing Gu Shuang's words, Ning Huanxin just smiled somewhat complicatedly: "Since Ling Leyuan's heart is not here, I am afraid that it will be the biggest trouble to leave her barely."

With that said, Ning Huanxin suddenly raised her eyes and glanced at Ye Jiuyan and Xindie: "I don't know you two......"

"We will not go."

Xindie answered very happily this time.

The first time she was robbed by her junior sister, Ye Jiuyan was stunned for a moment, and when she recovered, she nodded slightly and whispered: "Our junior and sisters have no ambitions. Originally, I came to meet and meet you. It's fate, not to mention that everyone has lived and died together. Why don't we go back to Yanjing together."

"Yes, how lively people are?"

At this moment, Yang A'nuan's eyes flashed, and she sneaked up to Ning Huanxin and stuffed something into her palm.

"Sister Huan, can we still take a helicopter when we go back? It's really exciting!"

Ning Huanxin:...

The little girl is really heartless.

"If I can get to the city smoothly, I can ask my friend."

Ning Huanxin smiled at Yang A Nuan, is it all right after leaving the tomb of King Wu? Who knows!

"Okay, let's go!"

When talking, a few people planned to leave together, and the Gu family naturally subconsciously protected Ning Huanxin among the few people.

"Um... what happened?"

Mao Qiqi is still standing in place. It is forbidden to ask for help from other people in the martial arts during the competition.

Now Mao Qiqi looked at the ruins in front of him, her whole person was dazed.

When she came back to her senses, she found that Ning Huanxin and the others had already gone far!

"This... Oh, what is going on?"

Mao Qiqi lowered her head subconsciously and took out her jade medal for the competition from her pocket.

Should I give up the points in the first round?

After struggling for a while, Mao Qiqi finally decided to turn around and leave, first go back to Yanjing and talk about it!

When I go back, I will always know what happened!

After Mao Qiqi left, there was no one on the top of the mountain, and gusts of cold wind blew by, and layers of black dust gradually rose from the ruins all over the ground.

From under the ruins, small insects suddenly crawled out, all of which were purple and black.

The small insects were densely packed, and abruptly opened a wide gap in the ruins, and a figure covered in blood crawled out of the ruins in embarrassment.

This figure looks very slender, her face is covered with blood, she can no longer see her true color, she can only judge from her figure, she is a woman!

"Gu Huan! Ling Leyuan!"

The figure whispered coldly, his tone full of resentment.

"I am full of moon, absolutely... I will never let you go!"

This figure turned out to be Miss Miyue from Xijiang Mijia!

Ning Huanxin and the others didn't know what happened in the tomb of King Wu collapsed. It seems that everyone was buried at the bottom of the tomb except Miyue.

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