Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1058: 1058: The identity of the mysterious man (1)

The mysterious black robe man!

At the moment when he saw the black-robed man, a strange feeling suddenly rose in Ning Huanxin's heart.

It's him.

it's him!

The person who gave himself a black gift box, the person behind Li Luoshi!

That extremely powerful puppet master!

"I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The mysterious man slowly turned around, with the same face as Jiang Lixing, wearing a mask, the mask was red, as gorgeous as blood.

Gu Xiao saw that the person subconsciously used his aura and mental power to test, but he couldn't test the depth of the other party at all, and...

He can't see the face behind the mask at all.

Why is this person wearing a mask?

Gu Xiao’s first feeling was...

This person, he may know.

Of course, he would rather this person be a stranger.

"Who are you? Where did you hide my uncle?"

When entering the training ground, Gu Xiao released his mental power for the first time. I didn’t feel the familiar breath here. Gu Qianchen and the others shouldn’t be here, because Gu Xiao has been to this training ground of the Xuan Society many times. There is no place to hide so many people.

"Want to know the whereabouts of those people?"

Hearing Gu Xiao's words, the black-robed man smiled lightly, with a very brisk tone.

"Let her come up and compete with me. If you can beat me, I will tell you the whereabouts of everyone!"

The black-robed man raised his hand and pointed his finger at Ning Huanxin's face.


Ning Huan took a step forward and glanced at the mysterious man with some surprises and some curiosity.

"It shouldn't be the first time we have dealt with each other. You are the one who always gave me gifts before? Your gifts are really special."

Ning Huanxin was referring to the black gift boxes and the contents of the gift boxes, including the CD, the wedding doll, and the gift box that received the last report about Wen Yuqi.

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, the mysterious person still smiled: "Yes, I gave you those gift boxes. Although Wang Jiayu was killed by Li Luoshi, I gave you all those gifts and clues. , This is fun with games, isn't it?"

The mysterious man said that here was a little leisurely.

"Fun? Not fun at all."

Ning Huan took a step forward.


At this time, Gu Xiao immediately took her hand nervously.

"Big brother, I'm fine. I can."

Ning Huanxin smiled and brushed away Gu Xiao's hand.

"You want to compete with me? At least let me know your name and appearance? What kind of hero is hiding the head and showing the tail?"

Ning Huanxin took a few steps forward again, and she was already under the ring.

"Beat me and you will know everything you want to know, including... my identity."

The mysterious man made a please gesture at Ning Huanxin.

"You really are a big name!"

Ning Huanxin sneered and jumped into the ring.

Seeing Ning Huan's heart coming, a stream of light flashed in the mysterious person's eyes: "Let's start, I'll let you do it first!"

"Thank you so much!"

Ning Huan's eyes were slightly cold, and she had already shot out like lightning before her voice was over!

During this period of time, she also practiced against Xu Changan for a long time, so her shot speed and tricks were very accurate. With the blood forbidden red lotus move, she was very sharp!

However, the black-robed mysterious person on the opposite side is not in a hurry, no matter what moves Ning Huanxin makes, he responds indifferently, and he can resolve it every time!

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