Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1059: 1059: The identity of the mysterious man (2)

How could this be……

The two played against each other for dozens of rounds, and Ning Huanxin was firmly suppressed, but the other party did not seem to be doing their best.

In fact, it is not the most terrible thing that the opponent is strong. The most terrifying thing is... the other party knows you, but you know nothing about the other party!

Why is he so familiar with everything about himself?

Ning Huanxin's heart became more and more surprised.

Because even Jiang Lixing didn't necessarily know all the tricks and routines of Ning Huanxin, but the mysterious person in front of him seemed to know everything about Ning Huanxin.

"who are you?"

At this moment, Ning Huanxin's voice was trembling.

Because there is only one possibility for someone who can be familiar with all her tricks, that is... someone from the family!

And she is a very familiar person!

Hearing Ning Huanxin's question, the mysterious man just gave a low smile.

"Who am I and who are you? Do you know...who are you?"

While he was talking, he raised his arm violently, and countless silver needles flew out of the sleeves of the man in black. Those silver needles densely surrounded Ning Huanxin.

Ning Huan subconsciously wanted to break through the siege, but immediately her expression changed.

"What happened to Huanxin?"

At this time, Lin Qiuhan, who was under the ring, suddenly asked, she felt that something was wrong, something very wrong.

"Little sister, she seems... spiritual power is sealed!"

Gu Xiao was also anxious and surprised at this time--

Those silver needles looked ordinary, why did they seal Ning Huanxin's spiritual power?

There is something strange in this!

At this moment, Ning Huanxin couldn't use any spiritual power, so she could only stand in place with a complicated expression.

Something seemed to suppress his spiritual power!

Are these silver needles?

No, that's not right!

Is there anything that I have ignored?

Something... is interfering with your spiritual power?

Ning Huanxin's thoughts were moving fast, and the mysterious person was not in a hurry, but walked slowly to Ning Huanxin's eyes.

"You don't know who I am, but I know who you are. You are Gu Qianliang's daughter, and Gu Qianliang was Yanjing's first cultivation genius thirty years ago!"

Gu Qianliang.

Ning Huan was startled when he heard the mysterious man's words.

It turns out that my mother's full name is Gu Qianliang, so...

Grandpa Gu is his grandfather, but Uncle Gu is actually his uncle?

Ning Huanxin frowned and looked at the mysterious man. At this time, the two were already very close. Across the flying silver needles, Ning Huanxin quietly looked at the man with the red mask in front of him.

"Why are you telling me this? What is the feast between you and Gu's family? What happened that year?"

Ning Huanxin didn't know what happened back then, but she already had a hunch that it must have something to do with her mother.

"The Gu family is actually a family of the Zhiyang bloodline. Very few outsiders know about this. And for thousands of years, the Gu family have been practicing and exploring the secrets of soul cultivation."

The mysterious man spoke again, slowly telling Ning Huanxin, even Gu's past that Gu Xiao didn't even know.

Soul cultivation...

Ning Huan couldn't help holding her breath when she heard the mysterious person mentioning soul cultivation. She wanted to know what else this person would say next.

"Do you know how to raise souls? You should know, because you are also of the Supreme Yang bloodline."

Speaking of this, the mysterious man suddenly smiled: "The cool and beautiful Gu Qian of the year was very famous, and he was famous for Yanjing! At that time I always thought she was the Zhiyang bloodline I was looking for, but unfortunately... she is not, her daughter is only Yes!"

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