Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1060: 1060: The identity of the mysterious man (3)

Zhiyang bloodline, the daughter of the nine suns, this is the bloodline of the gods that will only appear in the legend!

This bloodline only appeared once in thousands of years. Back then, he really thought Gu Qianliang was that person, but unfortunately, he still looked away.

Fortunately, God treats him very well, he waited for more than 20 years, and finally waited for Ning Huanxin!

"You...what did you do to my mother?"

Hearing what the mysterious person said, Ning Huanxin frowned and asked sharply.

"What did I do? I just attacked her and chased her while she was going out. I don't want her life, I only want her blood. Unfortunately... she is not!"

Speaking of the past, the mysterious person's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he thought of. He raised his hand slightly, passing his fingers through the flying silver needles, as if he wanted to touch Ning Huanxin's face.

"You and your mother really look alike. You look a lot like her when you were young."

Seeing the man's finger close at hand, Ning Huanxin suddenly took a half step back. She suddenly took out something from her purse and threw it out. At this moment, Mo Xiao's figure appeared ghostly, she He Ning Huanxin surrounded the man in tandem.


Ning Huanxin raised his hand, and the red lotus in his hand bloomed, and the silver needles around them all landed!

Her spiritual power has recovered!

this is……

At this time, Gu Xiao and Jiang Lixing, who were standing under the ring, were staring at the two people on the stage. The thing Ning Huanxin threw out just now was a bit strange to Jiang Lixing, but to Gu Xiao, it was familiar. s things.

That's...Gu's entry and exit card!

Waist card?

Why is it a waist card?

At this moment, Gu Xiao's face also changed. He stared in disbelief and looked at the tall figure on the ring——

is it you?

Why, why are you!

"This waist card..."

At this time, the waist card fell from the sky, but was firmly held in the palm of the hand by the man in black.

"The waist card is very beautiful, don't you like it?"

He suddenly asked Ning Huanxin gently.

"I like it, but what's the use? This belt seals my spiritual power, I have to abandon it, no...or should I say that it is returned to the original owner, what do you think? Uncle Gu?"

Ning Huan stared at the man in front of him, coldly, calling out his name word by word: "Gu, Qian, Chen! I know it's you."


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, the man in front of him smiled. He slowly raised his hand and took off his mask. A gentle, elegant, and very familiar face appeared in front of her.


Gu Xiao couldn't help screaming.

"Why, why are you?"

Gu Xiao also thought about whether the Gu family had that power and an inner ghost, but he never thought that the inner ghost of the Gu family would actually be Gu Qianchen!

Gu Qianchen is a direct descendant of the Gu family, and is Gu Xiao's uncle!

"Why can't it be me?"

Gu Qianchen turned his head and looked at Gu Xiao: "Gu Xiao, do you know why the old man took you home? Is it really for your safety? For the safety of your parents?"

What do you mean?

Gu Xiao was taken aback, looking at Gu Qianchen with some unknown reason.

"Because... the Gu family has no successor! The eldest brother was injured decades ago and has not healed, but Gu Chen is in poor health and is born with a deadly pulse, and can't practice at all!"

Speaking of this, Gu Qianchen’s elegant face showed a hint of cold resentment: “The old man had fancyed your talent back then and wanted to train you to be the successor of the Gu family, so he took pains to take you away from your parents. Let you not recognize each other and reunite for many years!"

[I saw someone guessed right in the book review area, the little fairy is really awesome]

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