"No, it's impossible."

Gu Xiao slowly shook his head. At this time, Lin Qiuhan on the side gently held Gu Xiao's hand.

"Master, don't be confused by him.


Hearing Lin Qiuhan's words, Gu Xiao's eyes lit up, and his whole body instantly became sober.

"Gu Qianchen, is it interesting for you to say so much?"

At this time, Ning Huanxin suddenly spoke indifferently from the side: "Why did my grandfather take my brother home to inherit the Gu family? Because there is no successor in the Gu family? Then who are you? You...not the blood of the Gu family! Are you?"

If it is really connected by blood, it would not do such an outrageous thing.

Just like Ning Huanxin has a strong blood connection with Gu Xiao, but her and the rest of the Gu family, especially Gu Qianchen, have a very weak and very weak connection.


When Gu Qianchen heard Ning Huanxin’s words, his expression was still indifferent: “Just because I’m not of the Gu family’s blood, so even though I’m the best gifted since childhood, the old man still prefers Gu Qianliang and promoted her to The first person in the young generation, and I’m just a container that the old man raised in Gu’s family. The most powerful and dangerous spell in the Gu’s family is soul cultivation, but this spell has been a long time since no one has practiced, because all those who have practiced die Now! What a weird and terrifying spell? And in order to make the family prosperous, and to save the lives of his own children, Mr. Gu forced me to practice!"

"I have been practicing soul cultivation since I was seven years old. Who of you knows these?"

Soul cultivation.

Ning Huanxin thought of the book he had seen in Gu Qianchen's study. That day... he must have deliberately let himself see that book. There would be a strong resonance and resonance between that book and Zhiyang's bloodline.

Just because I had a feeling with that book that day, so...

Gu Qianchen only further confirmed that he was the Sunshine Bloodline he was looking for!

"After cultivating the soul cultivation technique, in addition to being backlashed, it is to be obliterated. The only way out is the Supreme Yang bloodline. I need your blood.

Gu Qianchen stared at Ning Huanxin at this time, with an unprecedented madness in his eyes.

For decades, he used his own cultivation to suppress the Yin Qi of Soul Cultivation, and he has been looking for a solution.

"Over the years, I have been going north and south, always looking for the secrets of various parties. I even accidentally inherited the puppetry skills of the puppeteer and became a puppeteer. I am still recruiting strange people and cultivating them. His subordinates are spread all over the country, but unfortunately... I still can’t find a way to solve the negative effects of soul-raising. I can only wait and wait for Gu’s family to reappear with a Sunshine Bloodline! God treats me well, and finally sent you to me In front of you!"

At this point, Gu Qianchen smiled.

At this moment, his mood is very excited!

"Everything should be over, I will ruin Gu's family and ruin you!"

Gu Qianchen suddenly raised his hand, and countless people in black poured in from all directions. These people surrounded the entire training ground.

"Today, since you are here, stay here forever! Joy, I just need your blood, don't worry, it won't hurt very much, you will fall asleep soon."

Gu Qianchen's tone suddenly softened.

He is very confident in his cultivation base. Over the years, he has been hiding his strength. Therefore, even if he faced Gu Xiao and Lin Qiuhan, Gu Qianchen was not afraid.

As for Jiang Lixing...

Because he always wore a mask, Gu Qianchen did not see the identity of Jiang Lixing, nor did he feel any dangerous aura in him!

Gu Qianchen subconsciously ignored Jiang Lixing. At this moment, he didn't know that this was the existence that threatened him most...

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