Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1069: 1069: Aftermath (3)

Jiang Lixing wanted to return to the underworld to restore his vitality, and more importantly, deal with the underworld affairs. Ning Huanxin knew all this.

She watched Jiang Lixing break through the air, leaving Ning Huanxin alone in the entire Jiang family's old house.

Of course, Ning Huanxin didn't worry about his own safety, because Jiang Lixing had long imposed restrictions on the Jiang family's old house, and there would never be any danger.

After Jiang Li walked, Ning Huanxin went upstairs alone and found a clean guest room. She took off the mask that Gu Qianchen had given her.

Seeing this mask, Ning Huan felt a little complicated in her heart.

Gu Qianchen is really a man who makes her unable to see through.

That man is indeed excellent in talent, both in ability and aptitude, are top-notch.

And this mask, including the Golden Dragon Compass, Gu Qianchen took very generous shots, which shows that he has really collected the best magical artifacts and the best exercises in recent years.

If it wasn't because he had cultivated soul cultivation...

I really don't know what the future will be like.


Ning Huan sighed heavily.

She put the mask in her purse, then took out her mobile phone and called Cui Can.

Cui Can has always been worried about Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin. When Ning Huanxin finally called himself to report safety, Cui Can relaxed.


Putting down the phone, Ning Huanxin sat on the bed alone, practicing quietly.

While Ning Huanxin was practicing meditation, the entire Yanjing was turned upside down again!

Gu Xiao took Lin Qiuhan and the others to follow what Jiang Lixing said, and found people from other families and the Xuanxue!

Fortunately, everyone was shocked, but Gu Xiao also noticed that the vice president of the Profound Society and some people have disappeared. I'm afraid those who disappeared are all Gu Qianchen's people, right?

More than that, Gu Xiao feels that every family will have Gu Qianchen's spies more or less, and the Gu family is no exception!

"What happened? Where is Yun Xi?"

At this time, Yun Ye suddenly stood up and found Gu Xiao.

They actually don't know what happened.

A group of people suddenly fell into a coma. When they woke up, they found that their whole body was sealed off and locked up in this mysterious place. Until Gu Xiao showed up with someone, everyone was actually dumbfounded!

Many people looked at Gu Xiao subconsciously when they heard Yun Ye's question.

"This matter is very complicated to say. Actually, I don’t understand what happened. Each of our families received a mysterious black gift box not long ago. Only then did we know that something happened to you! Because our family is the closest to my family, I I'll be the first to arrive. As for Yunxi, I haven't seen anyone else, so I don't know."

At this time, Gu Xiao would never admit that Gu Qianchen kept them here.

Gu Qianchen was severely injured by Jiang Lixing, and Yun Xi should not show up again in the short term with him.

And this time in the Xuanmen Newcomer Contest, many elite disciples of all major families have died, and even the newcomer disciples of some families have been annihilated!

If Gu Xiao told everyone that everything was done by Gu Qianchen, then even if Gu Qianchen betrayed the Gu family, other families and sects would definitely take the opportunity to unite and attack the Gu family!

Gu Xiao will never give others this opportunity!


Just when everyone looked thoughtful, Zhou Han's expression in the crowd suddenly changed: "Where are the disciples participating in the rookie contest? My junior sister doesn't know what's wrong?"

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