Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1070: 1070: Aftermath (4)

Yang A Nuan is the only female disciple of Bai Yunguan, and also the younger sister of Zhou Han and his brothers, and is everyone's darling.

Thinking that Yang A'nuan might be in danger, Zhou Han rushed out quickly, and he wanted to contact the junior sister or other talents of the division as soon as possible!

The current situation is weird and critical, and people from other families have left Gu Xiao one after another, preparing to go out to contact their disciples and other family elders.

But some people did not leave.

"I say……"

Chang Ziang touched his bald head and walked slowly to Gu Xiao's side: "But your children from the Gu family are back?"

Chang Ziang suddenly asked Gu Xiao.


Gu Xiao shook his head: "Are you busy?"

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay."

Chang Ziang smiled: "My apprentice also went this time, but the little monk gave him a calculation before, he should be able to get help from the nobles, and everything is fine."

Hearing Chang Ziang's words, Gu Xiao's eyes flickered slightly: "Why didn't you fortune yourself for good or bad?"

"Um, I actually did fortune-telling too! But with the chaos of heaven, I can't see whether it is good or bad."

Speaking of this, Chang Ziang's eyes immediately became serious and fierce: "I think someone may have been in Yanjing long ago and blocked the secret! This person's cultivation must be very against the sky, at least, I can't Arrived."

As he said, Chang Ziang glanced at Gu Xiao again: "Gu Xiao, your Gu family has the deepest roots in Yanjing. Do you know any hermits near Yanjing?"

"I am not sure as well."

Gu Xiao sighed: "My uncle is also missing, and I am also very worried."

Gu Xiao's acting skills are also top-notch, often mixing with wealthy families, which one is not possessed by the Oscar actor?

"Gu Qianchen is also missing?"

Hearing Gu Xiao's words, Chang Ziang was stunned for a moment. There were so many people just now, he really didn't notice who was missing.

"This is troublesome. Brother Qianchen's cultivation level is very high. Even he was taken away. I wonder if it would be dangerous?"

Chang Ziang and Gu Qianchen have known each other for many years, and even the two of them are good friends.

At this moment, Gu Xiao sighed deliberately when he heard Chang Ziang's words.

"I don't know what's going on right now. Let's go back first. I want to look back home and wait for the news. I have already sent someone to contact Zhaocheng's disciples. Gu Ting and the others should have news back soon!"

Hearing Gu Xiao's words, Chang Ziang nodded.

"Then let's go together, I just happened to wait for Yuan Jian."

Chang Ziang is not worried about Zhang Yuanjian's safety, but this time things are a bit strange, he always feels that something is wrong...

The people of the major clans eventually dispersed, and at this time, new news came intermittently from Zhaocheng. Those who survived the tomb of King Wu, and those who were lucky enough to not enter the tomb of King Wu. We are also on the way back.

To say that the most embarrassed are Mi Yue and Ling Leyuan.

Both of them are the arrogant daughters of heaven, who should have been the strongest in cultivation, but now they have become the most injured.

Miyue escaped from the tomb of King Wu, her cultivation base was hit hard!

But Ling Leyuan was trapped by Su Yuan, and the two people fought fiercely for an hour. Finally, because Su Yuan took the initiative to leave, it was the end of the story——

"Okay, okay, I won’t fight, I can’t fight you, and you can’t escape. You can see that the sun has set. The time I agreed with that person has arrived. I should go. The world is not fun at all. !"

Su Yuan took A Lu and went away, leaving only Ling Leyuan, who was overdrawn with aura and physical strength.

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