Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1071: 1071: Kitchen recipes

Seeing Su Yuan floating away, Ling Leyuan sat on the ground, panting and breathing.

At this moment, Ling Leyuan still remembered the words Gu Huan said before the Gu family left!

Gu Huan!

She has to count this account on Gu Huan's head. When she returns, her injury is healed and her cultivation stabilized. She must go to Yanjing, go to Gu's family to find Gu Huan, and come to a close!

Ning Huanxin still didn't know that "Gu Huan" had become Miyue and Ling Leyuan's thorny and biggest opponent at this time.

After Jiang Li walked, Ning Huanxin focused on cultivating in the bedroom of Jiang's old house.

When cultivating, his perception of the outside world was very weak, and Ning Huanxin could not feel the passage of time.

I don't know how long it has passed before it gets dark and lights up again.

It was noon the next day when Ning Huanxin opened his eyes again.

She touched her belly subconsciously, she was so hungry!

Ning Huanxin went downstairs in a daze and went to the kitchen on the first floor. The kitchen was very clean. Ning Huanxin didn’t know how often Jiang Lixing would come back here, let alone what to eat at home, she just gave it a try. He opened the refrigerator with his attitude, and was really taken aback.

The refrigerator is full.

The upper, middle and lower floors of the entire refrigerator are filled with things, and all kinds of ingredients are used to the fullest.

"Wow, does Axing eat so much on weekdays?"

Ning Huanxin was a little surprised, and couldn't help opening his mouth wide, and picked up the ingredients in the refrigerator.


This is good, she likes it.

Oh, this is good, she loves to eat it.

Ning Huanxin discovered that the ingredients in the entire refrigerator were actually his favorite dishes, and they were all made by Jiang Lixing most often for himself.

Could it be...

Does he practice cooking at home as long as he has time to come back on weekdays?

Thinking of this, Ning Huan immediately turned around and observed the whole kitchen carefully for the first time. The kitchen was very clean and spotless, and there was a booklet hanging on the tiled wall of the kitchen.

Ning Huanxin took a few steps forward and took down the booklet. It turned out to be a recipe. There were so many dishes on the recipe that Ning Huanxin had never eaten.

On the front page of the booklet, many recipes were marked with crosses. Ning Huan couldn't help but look at it a few more times. She found that all the dishes with crosses were dishes that she didn't like or couldn't eat.

Is this the recipe for Jiang Lixing's cooking?

Ning Huanxin read many pages, and she found that Jiang Lixing seemed to be still studying, and he drew a lot of question marks. He hadn't cooked these dishes for himself.

However, this booklet has very detailed cooking steps.

Ning Huan looked at it with heart, and suddenly his eyes brightened——

Since Jiang Lixing can study food for himself, he can study it for him too?

Ning Huanxin has actually paid close attention to Jiang Lixing's tastes and preferences when eating together on weekdays.

So, she simply found a good-looking dish in the booklet, followed the recipe, went to the refrigerator to choose the ingredients, and then started the preparations.

She will also cook a meal for Jiang Lixing.

She can do it even if she goes to the hall and goes to the kitchen!


Underworld, Hades Palace.

Hei Wuchang stood outside the gate of the Hades Hall, and the expression on his face was a little worried.

The first time he was recruited into the Hall of the Hades alone, Hei Wuchang's heart was actually very nervous-I don't know what the lord has to tell him?

After hesitating outside the door for a long time, Hei Wuchang took a deep breath and pushed the door slowly and walked in.

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