Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1072: 1072: Pluto Order

The hall of Hades was dark, and it took a long time to see the bright hall.

Heiwuchang's footsteps were very slow. When he walked into the hall, he saw the man in the black robe sitting on the sofa in the hall at a glance.

Jiang Lixing leaned on the large sofa, holding a crystal glass in his hand. There was a scarlet liquid in the glass. This was definitely not wine, but a kind of juice unique to the underground palace.

"grown ups!"

Hei Wuchang stepped forward and nodded at Jiang Lixing respectfully: "My lord, do you have any instructions?"

"You did a good job this time."

Jiang Lixing slowly raised his eyes and glanced at Heiwuchang.

Had Heiwuchang not reported the anomaly in Yangjian in time, Jiang Lixing might not have known for the first time that Ning Huanxin had something wrong with them.

Hearing Jiang Lixing's praise, Heiwuchang was a little flattered.

"My lord, this is what the subordinates should do."

"This king has always rewarded and punished clearly. If you do well this time, you will naturally be rewarded. I don't know what you want?"

Jiang Lixing looked at Heiwuchang and spoke lightly.

"Subordinates dare not take credit."

Heiwuchang really didn't dare to ask for rewards, who didn't know that His Highness King Qin Guang was moody?

Do you want a reward? It may be punishment!

Even though this adult and Huanxin are in a sweet love period, Heiwuchang is still afraid of his moody temperament.

"My lord, the subordinates won't ask for any rewards, but... the end of the year is coming soon. At the end of this year, there are many places in the underworld where the points are not up to the standard, and there are many more wasteful ghosts in the city of waste this year. , I don’t know how to arrange exile. Although Yangjian looks very peaceful, more and more people die every year, and the age of death is getting younger and younger. Those slackers, gnawing on the old before they are alive, and after death Many, many would rather stay in Fengdu City forever than reincarnate. If this continues, our Fengdu City will soon be overloaded due to too many ghosts."

Heiwuchang has always been very concerned about this matter, after all, this is a major event in the underworld.

"On this matter?"

Jiang Lixing smiled faintly when he heard Heiwuchang's words.

"Come on, take my seal of Hades!"

Jiang Lixing called out coldly.

After a while, a ghost servant respectfully came over with a tray on which was placed a delicate seal.

"Your Highness, your seal of Hades!"

King Qin Guang’s seal of Hades is also called the seal of life and death!

Hades asked you to die for the third watch, how can you keep you until the fifth watch?

The lives and deaths of everyone in the mortal world are recorded in a book of life and death, and the book of life and death will be sent to King Qin Guang after being checked by the judge. Only King Qin Guang has his own seal of the King of Pluto, this book of life and death. Will take effect!

At this moment, Jiang Lixing suddenly raised his hand and waved in the air. He wrote a few words. After finishing writing, he immediately summoned his seal of Pluto and stamped it in the void.

At the same time, in the entire Fengdu city, every ghost appeared in front of a Pluto order!

The content of this Pluto Order is very simple. It is to make all souls in Fengdu City who can be reincarnated and reach the standard of reincarnation, try their best to reincarnate before New Year's Eve, it is out of date!

If after New Year's Eve, there are still ghosts that meet the requirements but have not gone to reincarnation wandering in the capital city, then... kill without mercy!

Soul flies away, by no means the most miserable end!

King Qin Guang's Hades!

As soon as this Pluto order came out, the entire capital city immediately became strange.

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