Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1088: 1088: Gu Xiao's Confession (3)

It's you who escaped!

Gu Xiao's words echoed in Lin Qiuhan's ears, and Lin Qiuhan was stunned in place——

She has always been so active, how could she be the one to avoid?

"Gu Xiao, don't quibble, you obviously don't respond to me, you..."

Lin Qiuhan looked at Gu Xiao angrily.

"I thought you understood. My silence is the best response to you, you should understand."

Gu Xiao smiled and looked at Lin Qiuhan——

Who has been close to him all these years?

Who has got his only tenderness?

Who makes him feel uneasy at the moment of life and death?

Except for Ning Huanxin, this sister, she may be the only one.

Gu Xiao has always been a straightforward man, straightforward and sad.

Over the years, it’s not that no one has expressed goodwill and love to him, but Gu Xiao refused without hesitation——

He doesn't know what Lianxiangxiyu is.

He only knows that if he doesn't like it, he must immediately refuse it, and leave no room for him to let the other party not have any impossible illusions.

And this time, he did not refuse.

He thought that with his many years of getting along with her, she could understand and she could understand her own thinking.

However, she was so restless and worried about gains and losses.

The more Lin Qiuhan was like this, the more silent Gu Xiao was.

He was waiting, waiting for when she couldn't bear it.


At this time, Lin Qiuhan finally recovered.

Gu Xiao is really too cunning!

"You...you badass!" She bit her lip and looked at Gu Xiao with complicated eyes.

"Qiu Han, these years, I really don't understand your intentions. I am really slow."

At this time, Gu Xiao suddenly looked at her and smiled again: "And this time, I understand."

At the moment of life and death, the sudden kiss, the sudden heartbeat.

Let him understand--

It turns out that the loved ones are always around, never far away.

"So... I beg you, please stay with me for the rest of my life until I die. Even if I become a ghost, I am willing to go to the underworld with you to be tortured and reincarnated with you. How do you think? "

"it is good!"

Hearing Gu Xiao's words, Lin Qiuhan nodded without hesitation.

At this moment, the original gray in the entire garden was covered by a layer of greenery, and bright flowers bloomed on the emerald green grass.

Gu Xiao lifted his finger, his fingertips flashing with spiritual power.


"It's really a misunderstanding, it turns out that Big Brother is a master of sultry sister!"

Misguided, really misguided!

Hiding outside the small door of the garden, Gu Chen shook his head and whispered.

"Tsk, I can't see it, but... so so."

The spoiled wife mad demon Jiang Dashao expressed dissatisfaction.

"Big Brother and Sister Qiuhan are finally married, so happy."

Ning Huanxin couldn't help but feel happy for her brother at this time.

After all, the trio of Pangqianggen didn't come in vain!


"Haixin, your parents are coming over tonight."

At this time, Jiang Lixing suddenly looked at Ning Huanxin with a dark and complicated gaze: "I heard that your Ning family is a ninth generation single pass? If your eldest brother is really with Lin Qiuhan... would your parents agree?"


Ning Huan was taken aback when he heard Jiang Lixing's words.

Gu Chen on the side waved his hand without hesitation: "What's the matter! Now that the technology is so advanced, you can spend money to find someone to replace Yun!"

"No, how can it work?"

Jiang Lixing interrupted Gu Chen's words, and then whispered solemnly to Ning Huanxin: "I think... in the future, it is safer for us to have more births!"

Ning Huanxin:...

Gu Chen:...

So you are such a brother-in-law!

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