Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1089: 1089: Reunion (1)

When the sun went down, the Jiang family who went to Yancheng finally returned, and Gu Qianliang and Ning Huawei finally set foot on the land of Yanjing again and returned to Yuhai Mountain and Gu's family.

It has been thirty years.

It's been 30 years since Gu Qianliang left his home.

Standing outside the door of Gu's house, looking at the familiar Panlongzhu, tears of excitement filled Gu Qianliang's eyes.


"younger sister!"

At this time, both Father Gu and Gu Qianxu came out quickly.

"Dad, brother!"

Gu Qianliang yelled two excitedly, and rushed over quickly.

Seeing his wife crying like a child, Ning Huan was full of mixed feelings in her heart——

Qianliang, we are finally back.

You can be reunited with your family.

We can also reunite with our children!

"Dad, mom!"

At this time, Gu Xiao and Ning Huanxin also walked out slowly.

Hearing Gu Xiao's voice, Gu Qianliang immediately raised his head, his entire body trembling.

"Gu Xiao, Gu Xiao, come over and let my mother take a good look at you."

Take a good look at you, look at your eyebrows, everything about you.


Gu Xiao looked at Gu Qianliang tenderly, walked to her and let her look at herself inch by inch.

"My son, my son."

Gu Qianliang murmured subconsciously, his fingers trembling every time he said a word.

"Son! You are much handsomer than your dad and I!"

At this time, Ning Huawei also walked up and hugged Gu Xiao with open arms. At the moment of hugging, he slightly raised his chin, squinted his eyes, and tried his best not to cry.

After all, this was the first time in his life to visit Gu's house seriously, and Father Ning didn't want to be too gaffe.

"Dad, I also want to hug."

Seeing her family reunited, Ning Huan's eyes flickered, and suddenly flew up, hugging Gu Qianliang and Ning Huawei.

A family of four, hugged together, is so warm and happy.

"Okay, it's getting late. The dinner at home is ready. It's all Qianliang you like to eat. Let's go in for dinner first!"

Mr. Gu greeted everyone to the restaurant of the house.

Over the years, nothing in the Gu family has changed much. Gu Qianliang has a lot of feelings in his heart as he looks at everything familiar and unfamiliar.

When they arrived at the restaurant, everyone was sitting around a big round table. For Mo Yu, Mo Xiao, Gu Qianliang and his family were also familiar with them.

Needless to say, Jiang Lixing was the prospective son-in-law they had approved.


Gu Qianliang looked at Lin Qiuhan who was sitting next to Gu Xiao, and couldn't help but glance more.

This thousand-year female ghost has a very high cultivation base!

Of course, this is not the point. The point is why she is holding her son's hand?

It is said that father-in-law is the most sad.

in fact……

There is a more terrifying creature in this world called-mother-in-law.

"Gu Xiao, she is..."

Gu Qianliang didn't even bother to eat, looked at Lin Qiuhan, and asked in a low voice, with a serious tone.

"She is Lin Qiuhan, my contracted ghost servant, and... my woman."

Gu Xiao smiled at Gu Qianliang, her gaze didn't dodge halfway.

"Big Brother Domineering!"

Gu Chen on the side secretly gave Gu Xiao a thumbs up.

Lin Qiuhan subconsciously shook Gu Xiao's hand. She had experienced thousands of years of wind and rain, but she had never been so nervous and nervous like now.

just in case……

What should Gu Xiao's parents do not agree that they are with him?

Gu Xiao left home since childhood, so longing for family affection, longing for family reunion.

How can I bear to put him in a dilemma?

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