Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1093: 1093: That promise

Poster topic, super long film, after two rounds of bombing, with the eager anticipation of millions of viewers, the crew of "Mingyue Master" finally released the ultimate big move——

On the day when the episode was first broadcast, the grand engagement banquet for the goddess of the goddess opened!

Do you want to get close to your male **** (goddess)?

Do you want to personally send your blessings?

Do you want to watch the premiere of "Mingyue Master" with Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin?

Please scan the QR code quickly and vote for "Mingyue Master". The official will randomly select 100 lucky spectators to come to the engagement banquet.

Will you be the next lucky one?

As soon as this gimmick came out, fans from all walks of life were really cool.

Oh my God, the crew is really big!

It is said that the wedding banquet between Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin took place in the most luxurious No. 7 Hall in Yanjing!

It is said that since the opening of the No. 7 Hall, it has never organized a large-scale wedding banquet for others. This is absolutely unprecedented!

What are you waiting for? Quickly scan the QR code to give "Mingyue Master" a five-star review!

Dear, can you lend me your phone?


Ning Huanxin was also a little surprised, this time the engagement banquet will be held in Hall Seven.

Until now, Ning Huanxin still remembers that when he first entered Yanjing, his first meal was eaten with Xiaodie, Wu Yi, and three of them in the No. 7 Hall.

Unexpectedly, this time I was engaged in the 7th Hall.

Of course, this time she will still invite Xie Yudie and Wu Yi, and they must bring their families to attend!

Ning Huanxin didn't know that Wu Yi and Xia Zhenzhen were not going smoothly, but Xie Yudie and Zhou Han seemed to have a stable relationship, and Xie Guang and Lin Jing's couple were also very satisfied with Zhou Han.

Ning Huanxin doesn't have many friends in Yanjing. She wants to contact Yuye and Wu but can't get in touch. If they see the news, they will always come.

As for the others, Ning Huan thought for a long time and called Yue Xinyi and the others.

Yue Xinyi did not expect that Ning Huanxin would really invite them to the engagement banquet, so she was naturally very happy.

This engagement banquet is not an ordinary engagement banquet, this is the entire century wedding banquet of Yanjing!

After all, the families invited by the Jiang family are all top wealthy families, and the only way for other people to participate in this wedding banquet is to buy the wedding banquet invitation letters drawn by lucky fans at a high price outside.

Nowadays, an invitation letter to a wedding banquet has been fired so much that it is priceless and hard to find!

Many iron fans have used countless mobile phones and scanned countless QR codes to get an invitation letter. For them, their idol engagement scene can't be bought for much money!

So, even though there are a hundred invitations out of the box, there are only 20 or 30 people who are really willing to do it.


Jiang Lixing was engaged, and the entire Jiang family was more generous than giving the old man a big birthday. Seeing all this in Jiang Yanran's eyes, she felt very dazzling.

"Miss, your dress is here."

At this time, Jiang's servant put the dress that had just been shipped back from abroad in front of Jiang Yanran.

The bright red dress, reflecting her pupils, was slightly dyed red.

Jiang Lixing...

I just see how long you can be proud of!

Jiang’s side courtyard, in a quiet garden, Jiang Lixuan sits quietly on a stone chair. In the cold winter, he still wears very thin clothes. At this time, Jiang Lixuan is holding his mobile phone. The poster shot by Li Xing and Ning Huanxin--

The love of a thousand years will eventually become fruitful.

Jiang Lixuan watched, suddenly a heavy sadness flashed in his eyes——

Fengguanxiamen, meet you.

But by the bridge, see or leave.

After all, he... missed the appointment.

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