Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1094: 1094: Protective clothing

Ning Huanxin’s wedding dress was originally intended to be tailored for her by the Gu family, but Jiang Lixing denied it in the end.

Because, Ning Huanxin's dress, he had already prepared it.

When Jiang Lixing handed a set of aqua-blue fairy skirts to Ning Huanxin, Ning Huanxin was still surprised.

"This one?"

She was a little surprised because Ning Huanxin thought that Jiang Lixing would specially find someone to make herself a set of evening dresses. She did not expect that the clothes Jiang Lixing would give her would be a set of long skirts, and the style would be the same as that of "Mingyue Master". The costume is the same.

"Axing, do we want to wear costumes? This idea is also good, it's more suitable."

Ning Huanxin was very happy. Although makeup and styling were a little troublesome, to be honest, she hated cocktail parties and evening dresses.

"You go and change it first."

Jiang Lixing just said a little with a faint smile.

This dress is not a costume, let alone ordinary clothes.

This dress has accompanied him for thousands of years.


Hearing Jiang Lixing's words, Ning Huanxin nodded, and Ning Huanxin went to the bathroom to change into clothes. This long skirt is very easy to wear, and it fits perfectly on Ning Huanxin and the size is just right.

This dress...

Ning Huanxin raised his eyes and looked at himself in the mirror. This elegant blue dress seemed to be flowing with a touch of aura.

This is not ordinary clothes.

Ning Huanxin immediately understood.

Could this be a magic weapon?

She looked in the mirror again, always feeling that this dress was a bit strange on her.


What is missing?

Ning Huan touched her waist subconsciously.

There is obviously a very delicate belt on the waist, but...

No, it just feels wrong.

"Hai Xin, are you okay?"

It may be that Jiang Lixing suddenly asked outside the door when Ning Huanxin hadn't come out for a long time.

"All right."

Ning Huanxin agreed, lifting her skirt and walking out of the bathroom slowly.

Jiang Lixing's eyes suddenly brightened when he saw the familiar figure coming out.

"Does it look good?"

Ning Huanxin turned around in front of Jiang Lixing, and then she touched her waist a little tangled.

"Axing, do you think it's weird here? Is there something missing?"

What is missing?

Seeing Ning Huanxin frowning and touching his waist subconsciously, Jiang Lixing's eyes flickered.

There, of course, something is missing, just a chain of immortals!

Back then, she was tied with a fairy lock around her waist and crossed the fairy world. Who would dare not follow?

If you are not convinced, use the immortal lock to lock you until you are convinced.

"Okay, don't think about it."

Jiang Lixing took Ning Huanxin's hand and looked at her tenderly: "Do you like this suit? Do you feel...somewhat familiar?"


Ning Huanxin heard Jiang Lixing's words and couldn't help but nodded.

"It's a bit familiar, but I can't remember it, this...is it my previous clothes?"

Ning Huan was clever and guessed it all at once.

"Yes, it's your favorite set of clothes before. It took me a lot of work to...get it."

Jiang Lixing raised his hand and stroked Ning Huanxin's long hair: "As long as you like it, you can wear this dress on the day of your engagement. In fact, it is still a magic weapon protective clothing, and it is still the same The magical tool for recognizing the Lord, in this world, only you can drive it. You can try it if you don’t believe it.

With that said, Jiang Lixing told Ning Huanxin how to use his spiritual power to drive this body protection magic weapon.

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