Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1115: 1115: New Year's Eve (2)

On New Year's Eve, the sky above Yuhai Mountain was full of brilliant fireworks.

"Fireworks are gorgeous but short-lived. However, there are still so many people who like it, even if it is death after being gorgeous, at least... it has been gorgeous, hasn't it?"

Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing were in the attic of Gu's family, watching the sky full of fireworks, Ning Huanxin's voice was very soft.

Hearing her words, Jiang Lixing lowered his eyes: "Why do you suddenly feel so emotional? It's not like you."

"Uh, just talk about it."

Ning Huanxin spit out his tongue at Jiang Lixing: "I have been cultivating during this period of time, and I left you out of the cold. You...do not blame me?"

"How come? I've been waiting for you for dozens of reincarnations, thousands of years. I have survived so many lonely years. What are these few months?"

Jiang Lixing put Ning Huan's heart in front of him: "In this life, do what you want to do. I just want to be with you and watch you happy!"

"Well, my eldest brother helped me get in touch with the school. I'm going to school next month. There may be fewer opportunities to meet at that time, but..."

Ning Huanxin suddenly dropped her eyes, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly: "When I graduate, we will get married, okay?"

"it is good."

Jiang Lixing lowered his head and lightly kissed Ning Huanxin's cheek: "When you graduate, we will get married."

Marriage was once a very distant term for Ning Huanxin.

But now, it's so close, and it's very close.

In the sky, there were brilliant fireworks blooming again. At this moment, Jiang Lixing waved his hand suddenly, and those brilliant fireworks freeze in the sky.

"Who says gorgeousness only has a moment? As long as you want, I will make these gorgeousness eternal."

Jiang Lixing whispered affectionately and tenderly. Hearing what he said, Ning Huan pursed his lips: "You are using your force again, aren't you afraid of being backlashed?"

She is sweet in her heart, but also a little worried.

"Don't worry, this level is nothing, do you like it?"

Jiang Lixing leaned against Ning Huanxin's ear, and the warm breath made her feel extremely throbbing.

"Like, this is your New Year's Eve gift."

Ning Huanxin suddenly whispered.

"Then what are you giving me?"

Jiang Lixing smiled meaningfully.

Hearing what he said, Ning Huan hesitated for a moment: "You remove the spell first!"

Jiang Lixing next to him waved his hand again, and the time finally flowed again, the fireworks scattered, and the countdown clock came not far away.

"Jiang Lixing!"

Ning Huanxin suddenly called out Jiang Lixing’s name, and he was slightly startled, the person in front of him had already stood on tiptoes and kissed his lips forcefully.

five four three two one!

When the bell of leaving the old and welcoming the new rang, and when the sky full of fireworks rose again brilliantly, Ning Huanxin still kissed Jiang Lixing very affectionately.

Dear, happy new year!

Thank destiny for letting you and me meet.

Thank you for reincarnation and live up to the millennium waiting!


Yanjing, Lishui Huayuan.

"New Year's Day. Zhou Han, Happy New Year." Xie Yudie stood at his window when he heard the bells of farewell and welcome to the new year, watching the sky full of fireworks, wondering where Zhou Han is now, how is he?

Why is there no news recently? Xie Yudie was a little worried, but she knew she couldn't do anything for him, so she could only silently hope that he would be safe.

Sometimes a new year is a new beginning, which will bring us new weather and new expectations.

And sometimes, the new year will also be the beginning of an unfortunate, which will lead people to despair and fall into the abyss...

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