Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1116: 1116: Yanboku University

Soon after New Year’s Eve, the major universities in Yenching began to start school. This semester is already a semester. Ning Huanxin is going to school, so naturally it is a transfer student.

Generally, those who can transfer at this time will naturally have to spend a lot of money.

Ning Huanxin originally wanted to ask Xie Guang to help her transfer school, but Gu Xiao had already managed everything for her sister.

As for the younger sister's affairs, Young Master Gu did everything by himself and did not slack off.

Yanbei University is regarded as a well-known institution in Yanjing, and it is also the school where Xie Yudie is located. Ning Huanxin chose architecture because only this department can major in architectural Fengshui.

On the first day of school, Ning Huanxin was very low-key. She refused Jiang Lixing and Gu Xiao's request to send herself off, and drove directly to the school by following the navigation.

Because it is a famous Yanjing school, many luxury cars have been parked in the school's parking lot at this time. Ning Huanxin's car is not very conspicuous in these cars, but she is too dazzling.

After all, she is a student after entering the school gate. Ning Huanxin wore a comfortable spring outfit today and carried a simple and generous shoulder bag. She did not wear a hat or sunglasses. She just **** her hair neatly, with a pure face!

Even with such an unadorned dress, Ning Huanxin still attracted all the attention——

Passerby: Look, there are beautiful women!

Passerby: Oh my god, this beauty looks like a female star!

Passerby C: Do you think...she looks like Ning Huanxin?


With a group of alumni watching and following, Ning Huanxin took his transfer certificate and went directly to the office of the dean of the Department of Architecture.

"Is Director Li here? I am Ning Huanxin."

The door of the director's office was open, Ning Huanxin stood at the door and knocked on the door, and asked respectfully.

The people in the office slowly turned around. This was a woman in her early forties. She was wearing a black professional suit and black-rimmed glasses. From dress to face, she was in full compliance with Ning Huan's dean of training.

"You came."

After seeing Ning Huanxin, Director Li said coldly, "Have you brought your transfer certificate?"

"Well, I brought it."

Like a good baby, Ning Huanxin offered the proof she had brought with her hands.

She feels that she is more nervous than the first time she was filming. Sure enough, the most magical place in this world is the school. The most magical profession is called a teacher.

"Well, okay, there is no problem, I will take you to the instructor of your department in a moment."

Director Li has always been stern and cold.

Ning Huanxin followed her silently and came to the office of the instructor of the Department of Architecture.

"This is your instructor Sui Yushu, Teacher Sui, this is a new transfer student from your department, Ning Huanxin."

Director Li said that Sui Yushu is an uncle who seems to be in his fifties. He is not very tall, but he is in good spirits and has good eyes.

"Oh, there are new classmates at this time, still a big beauty, our architecture department is blessed."

Sui Yushu smiled faintly, and habitually raised his wrist to check the time: "It just so happens. Let me take you to the classroom first. The first lesson will be in our department's small classroom."


Ning Huan responded, and followed Sui Yushu respectfully.

In fact, Ning Huanxin breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. It seems that Director Li and Director Sui don't pay much attention to the entertainment industry? Maybe you don’t like to watch TV shows?

Otherwise...it's impossible not to know yourself?

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