Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1125: 1125: They are not dead

Ning Huanxin chatted with Gu Xiao again, and then hung up the phone. She thought that she had promised Shen Han to call Xu Chang'an, but Xu Chang'an's number never got through.

Is this guy in retreat? Or did you leave Yanjing again?

Putting down the phone, looking at the empty bedroom, Ning Huan fiddled with the phone, hesitated for a long time, and sent a message to Jiang Lixing——

"Axing, are you busy?"

"Well, just shooting an ad."

Jiang Lixing’s news is always within seconds.

"Daughter-in-law, did you miss me so soon? Would you like me to dine with you at night?"

Since getting engaged, Jiang Lixing has called Ning Huanxin "daughter-in-law". This title made him feel particularly comfortable.

"Aren't you shooting commercials out of town? Don't use your spiritual power indiscriminately. I have business to tell you."

Ning Huanxin told Jiang Lixing about the 808 dormitory.

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s narration, Jiang Lixing, who was filming in the backstage lounge, raised his finger subconsciously and gently touched the bridge of his nose——

Cannibal dormitory 808?

Countless information flashed through Jiang Lixing's mind, and he immediately returned the information to Ning Huanxin.

"The two missing girls are not dead, they are still alive!"

Still alive!

Seeing Jiang Lixing's news, Ning Huanxin's eyes widened.

Sure enough, something strange about 808?

"This matter is quite complicated, I can't tell you, Huanxin, do you know who arranged you to live in 808?"

Jiang Lixing's expression was very complicated at this time, because the complexity of the 808 thing was beyond imagination, and...why was Ning Huanxin?

Invisibly, there seemed to be two hands, pushing Ning Huanxin forward.

But those hands were not actually Jiang Lixing.

The man in the dark--

who are you?


Seeing Jiang Lixing’s question, Ning Huanxin was stunned for a while, and then he returned the message: "I don’t know, but I don’t think it should be Gu Qianchen, nor the person they organized, because they are now being surrounded by major families. , I can't take care of myself, I always feel...I have a pair of eyes beside me, that person, he may be...Master Yi!"

When typing these three words on the phone, Ning Huanxin exerted special force.

master Yi.

It was the first time that she used the WeChat system of Difu, and the man behind the scenes was Master Yi. Since then, this name has always been with her.

It's like fate.

master Yi.

Seeing Ning Huanxin's message, Jiang Lixing couldn't help squeezing his mobile phone.

Master Yi, who is it?

Even Jiang Lixing couldn't sense his existence. Could it be that he had already jumped out of the Three Realms and Six Paths, or...

Jiang Lixing did not dare to make rash judgments. After all, the existence of Master Yi was always just a code name, and Jiang Lixing had never directly contacted him.

Moreover, Master Yi hides extremely deeply, he can be anyone, anyone can be him.

"If it is really him, please be careful, beware of traps!"

Master Yi is different from Gu Qianchen. No matter how cunning and deceitful Gu Qianchen is, he is a mortal after all. He wants to live, and he wants to cover the sky in the profound door.

And Master Yi, is he an ordinary evil cultivator? Or is it the demons or immortals a thousand years ago? What does he want?

No one knows these.

"I know, I'll be careful. Go ahead and contact again."

Ning Huanxin finished sending the message and squeezed the phone in his hand——

How can you win if you don't enter the tiger's den?

Since this time, the black hand behind the scenes took the initiative to give himself a problem, and he had no reason to back down.

Whether it is Master Yi's masterpiece or not, Ning Huanxin must find out the truth about 808.

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