Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1126: 1126: Pan Yingying

The night is still very long.

After Ning Huanxin had dinner, she was alone in her dormitory to practice with peace of mind. Although the aura in the school was not enough, it was very pure. After all, this is a famous university where students gather.

The breath of the students is very pure, so the aura on campus is different from the outside.

Ning Huanxin practiced all night, but she opened her eyes early the next morning and she was in good spirits.

After checking the time, Ning Huanxin changed his clothes and walked out of the dormitory building, and went to the stadium near the dormitory for morning exercises.

There are not many people running morning exercises in the stadium. Seeing Ning Huanxin's figure, everyone was taken aback. After all, she is now a well-known star!

"I saw a star!"

"Ning Huanxin actually belongs to our school?"

"I really want to know what kind of line Goddess Ning is!"


In the morning, the school forum and WeChat group were extremely lively, and soon someone from the Department of Architecture came out triumphantly——

"Student Huanxin is from our Department of Architecture!"

"Architecture Department V5!"


Ning Huanxin could feel a lot of attention to herself along the way, but these alumni were very reserved and friendly, and did not come forward to disturb Ning Huanxin.

On the contrary, if Ning Huanxin met someone while running, she would take the initiative to smile at the other person. So she soon gained a large number of fans at Yanbei University——

The goddess smiled at me?

The goddess is so approachable!

The goddess smiles so beautifully!

The relationship between people is sometimes so simple. A smile can bring many unexpected friends...

When Ning Huanxin finished exercising and was ready to go back to the dormitory to change clothes, she happened to meet Mu Yuxin and her roommate Pan Yingying on the stairs on the eighth floor.

"Ah! Ning Huanxin!"

Pan Yingying was very excited after seeing Ning Huanxin: "Huanxin, Huanxin, I am your fan! I really like you!"

Her excitement can't deceive anyone, but Pan Yingying is still a fan of Ning Huanxin.

"Thank you for your support."

Ning Huanxin smiled at Pan Yingying. Pan Yingying is tall and wears very tasteful clothes. It looks like the family environment should be good. In addition, she has a good appearance and fair skin. She is probably also a figure in the Department of Architecture. .

"Don't be polite with me, I will make you happy in the future, OK?"

Pan Yingying was very excited, her eyes were flashing.

"Well, okay, everyone is classmate."

Ning Huanxin didn't care much about the address, and after a few more conversations, she turned back to her dormitory.

"Wow, so happy."

At this time Pan Yingying was still immersed in excitement.

"By the way, Yuxin, didn't you say that you went to Huanxin's bedroom? Which bedroom was she in?"

Although Pan Yingying is a love madman and spends all day with her boyfriend, when she thinks that her idol is so close to herself, she still plans to take time to get in touch with Ning Huanxin.

Hearing Pan Yingying's words, Mu Yuxin's expression on the side was a little strange, and she whispered in a low voice: "She lives in 808!"

"Oh, what?"

Pan Yingying's face changed suddenly: "808? The legendary 808?"

Although they are only freshmen, the freshmen also know the various legends of Yanbei University!

"The school reopened 808? It also made our family live in happily!"

Pan Yingying stared: "Bullying! Humph! I'm going to complain!"

"Where are you going to lodge a complaint?" Mu Yuxin shook her head as she looked at the flamboyant appearance of her roommate.

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