Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1134: 1134: The unjust case of the year (2)

As the male ghost said, he slowly closed his eyes. Even if his soul was gone, he felt it was worth it.


Hearing what the male ghost said, Ning Huanxin stood aside and sighed heavily: "Actually, I'm just here to complete the task. I want to help you. Helping you is also helping myself. You...must be there. What is your wish?"

In fact, after doing so many tasks, Ning Huanxin is also used to it.

The task is the task.

There is no talk of helping ghosts.

However, it can be considered a practice to help those ghosts who are lost when doing tasks.

"Once a ghost has a wish, and worry about the sun, it will not be able to enter the underworld and cannot be reincarnated. You are in this situation now. My task is to help you. Actually I don’t know what happened, but my task tells me , You are innocent."

Ning Huan looked at the male ghost, without the slightest concealment.

"It turned out to be so."

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, the male ghost nodded and was not angry. He just looked at Ning Huanxin seriously: "Are you a ghost? Actually I don’t know what I want. I can’t live without this. , I am more anxious than anyone! Because I don’t know how my wife and son are now, how are they doing well? I don’t want them to become family members of Gong Sujian. Yes, I wish, this is me My wish! I want everyone in the world to know that I am innocent! I have not done anything bad!"

This has been his obsession.

He died on his own, and he couldn't let his relatives suffer injustice and humiliation along with him!


It turns out that this is his obsession.

Ning Huanxin immediately nodded seriously when she heard the words, she could understand it completely.

No one wants to be wronged, let alone such a big grievance?

"My name is Ning Huanxin. I don't know what you call Uncle?"

Ning Huan's thoughts turned and started chatting with the male ghost.

"My name is Chen Anwen."

The male ghost answered Ning Huanxin, and the ghost spirit around him had calmed down.

"Then I will call you Uncle Chen."

Ning Huanxin smiled at Chen Anwen: "Uncle Chen, can you tell me what happened back then? Tell me everything and I will find a way to help you!"


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Chen Anwen's eyes became very complicated and deep.

"That was about six years ago..."

That is Chen Anwen’s most painful, but also the clearest memory. After all, that experience changed his life, and it can even be said that it changed the life of his entire family——

"That summer, Yanbei University built a new dormitory building. I worked on the construction site of the school together with some people from the same village. It was the summer vacation. There were not many students staying in the school. We lived in the school temporarily. In the dormitory we built, we had to work overtime every day because we had to catch up with the construction schedule and could not delay the normal start of school. The day that happened...that day, the weather was extremely hot and the night was too stuffy. I was angry. When I was eating, I called home because I knew my son was not going to the cram school, so I quarreled with him again."

Chen Anwen whispered softly, bringing Ning Huanxin back to that summer six years ago——

"Old Chen, what's the matter? Did your **** annoy you again?"

Seeing Chen Anwen hung up the phone cursingly, the workers beside him couldn't help but ask.

"Hey, why did you say that I worked so hard to make money on the construction site? This kid, I really owed him in my previous life!"

Chen Anwen sighed. Although he scolded fiercely on the phone, he actually loved his son very much.

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