Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1135: 1135: The unjust case of the year (3)

Hearing Chen Anwen's complaint, the workers on the side began to comfort him.

"Okay, Old Chen, come and have a drink! Drink a glass of wine and calm down! Your kid is smart since he was a child, and he will definitely be promising in the future, maybe he can still go to Yanbei University! Then you You can tell him, the buildings in this university! You also have the credit of Old Chen!"

"Hahaha, yes, yes!"

A group of people talked and laughed, pulling Chen Anwen to sit and drinking together, but Chen Anwen was irritated, where could he drink?

He drank two cups and felt too uncomfortable, so he went out to get some breath.

After leaving the place where he lives, Chen Anwen walked quietly on the campus alone. He is a big boss and uneducated. He doesn't want his son to go his own way.

In this era, only by going to university and having a culture can you be successful!

Look at Yanbei University, it's really big! quite splendid!

This school is so good!

Chen Anwen sighed in his heart. He walked far away before he knew it. He took out his cell phone and wanted to call his son again, but... the call has been unable to get through, this stinky boy must still be angry!

What a bad temper!

Chen Anwen was also a little angry, and he walked forward again, and walked to the woods near the school.

Perhaps because he had drunk some wine, he suddenly came to pee and looked around. There were no shelters here, let alone public toilets.

Chen Anwen looked at the small woods that were not far away, thinking that he might just go to the woods to solve it.

After Chen Anwen walked into the woods, he found a place and eagerly untied his belt to make it more convenient.

After being convenient, I really feel comfortable.

At this moment, Chen Anwen suddenly heard a strange noise coming from the woods, as if someone was struggling to call for help?

Although his voice was very low, Chen Anwen's hearing was very good, and his alcohol immediately faded.

In the middle of the night, in the woods, could something happen?

Although Chen Anwen was just a rough person, he was kind-hearted and very helpful, so after hearing the voice, Chen Anwen rushed over before he could tie his belt.

At this time, it is important to save people. How can he care about these little details?

Chen Anwen ran wildly in the woods for a while, and finally he saw a figure in the grass under the willow tree, white flowers.

That person, no clothes?

Chen Anwen was taken aback. It seemed that the figure was a girl. At this moment, she was lying on the ground, showing her white back, with a lot of bruises on her back!

He can't see the girl's face.

Is this... alive or dead?

"Girl! Girl, are you still alive?"

Chen Anwen yelled a few times, and the people on the ground seemed to be unconscious.

He boldly walked over, gently squatted aside, raised his hand and turned the girl's body over. At this moment, the girl just woke up.


This girl, he has an impression, he has seen it before! A student of this school!

Just as Chen Anwen wanted to ask, the **** the ground suddenly screamed and pushed him away——

"Ah! Help! Help!"

The girl yelled, grabbing the clothes on the side and fleeing desperately.

Chen Anwen froze in place, still not knowing what happened.

"Later... she called the police and told the police that I had baoshan her."

Speaking of this, Chen Anwen suddenly looked at Ning Huanxin: "Am I looking like a bad person? Although I am a migrant worker, I only use my labor to make money. I just want to raise a family in a big city like you. , Just repel us like this?"

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