Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1137: 1137: Memories of Chen Anwen

Chen Anwen was silent for a long while before he spoke lowly again.

"Girl, I understand your kindness. After all, it has been so long, and there shouldn’t be any possibility of reversing the case. You can believe me, I’m already very happy to hear my story, that girl... it’s possible now She has been living a normal life, maybe she will get married and have children. If the old things are brought up again, it will be bad for her, and it may ruin her life, and...when the police investigated and collected evidence, the criminal had no evidence of any crimes. Stay, even Jing, there is no night, otherwise they will not insist that I am the real murderer."

Hearing Chen Anwen’s words, Ning Huanxin’s eyes became deeper--

The crime scene without flaws!

The prisoner seemed to be well prepared, it should have been a premeditated crime.

"Uncle Chen, I said, this is my task. Don't worry, I will not destroy other people's lives. I will investigate it quietly."

Ning Huanxin looked at Chen Anwen with a serious face.

If possible, Ning Huanxin didn't want to ruin the girl's life, after all...she didn't want to remember that.

Moreover, she should have no impression of the real murderer.

There may be other investigation directions in this case, and there will certainly be.



Chen Anwen on the side took a deep breath and said lightly again: "Girl, go and investigate. If you can reverse the case, you can be regarded as understanding my wish. I can also explain to my wife and son! Girl, I know her name is Qin Meng, but I don’t know which department she belongs to. I only know her name. In fact, before that, I didn’t even know her name. I just met her in the school cafeteria. Twice, just a little impression."

There are not many students staying in school during the summer vacation. Qin Meng is young and beautiful, and he is quite impressive.

"okay, I get it."

Ning Huanxin nodded. At this moment, she suddenly thought of something, and suddenly looked at Chen Anwen again: "Uncle Chen, you said you have been here for more than six years, so... Six years ago, there was a girl in the girls' dormitory B 808. My son is missing, do you know about this?"


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Chen Anwen condensed: "I seem to be... a little impressed."

"Uncle Chen, can you help me think about what happened back then? I live in 808 now!"

Ning Huanxin looked at Chen Anwen earnestly.

Six years ago, 808...

Chen Anwen lowered his eyes and thought attentively for a long time, then suddenly raised his eyes to look at Ning Huanxin: "I thought about it, that year's freshman admission season, not long after school started, there was indeed a girl missing, and the police came. I went to the school to investigate. At that time, the construction site was delayed due to some finishing works, and the work was not completed until after the school started. The police suspected that the work was done by people on the construction site because of my case, and they all went to investigate one by one. After being put back, there was no news of the case soon after, but... after that, it was probably a month, yes, a month! One night after a month, a girl did not return to the dormitory in the middle of the night. A man wandering in the woods, talking to herself, she said she was afraid to go back because the dormitory would eat people."

Can eat people in the dormitory?

Is that girl... Liu Wenna?

"Uncle Chen, what happened later? Do you know the girl's name?"

Ning Huan asked anxiously.

Chen Anwen shook his head: "I don't know, but the girl seems to be really scared. She prefers to spend the night in the woods where the case happened, and she doesn't want to go back to the dormitory."

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