Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1138: 1138: The Mysterious Shadow

"Well, I see. Thank you Uncle Chen!"

Ning Huanxin nodded, her instinct told her that the girl in Chen Anwen's memories must be Liu Wenna!

At this time, Chen Anwen looked at Ning Huanxin uncomfortably, and hesitated: "Girl, you said you live in that dormitory now, are you... not afraid? You should be careful! There are many mysteries in this world. Powerful, besides demons and ghosts, there may be even more magical existences!"

Chen Anwen's words are very serious. In the past few years, as a ghost, he has also experienced many adventures.

Feeling Chen Anwen's concern, Ning Huan smiled faintly: "Uncle Chen, I'm fine, it's late, I should go back, there will be classes tomorrow morning, I will see you again when I have time!"

With that said, Ning Huanxin turned around and left, looking at the back of Ning Huanxin leaving, Chen Anwen looked comforted.

After six years, he finally met someone who could chat with himself, and he finally met someone who believed in himself.

Chen Anwen was sighing, and suddenly felt a strange breath. He suddenly turned around and looked at the depths of the forest coldly.

A black shadow came out slowly.

"Have a good chat?"

The black shadow stood not far away, under the night, he couldn't see his face, but Chen Anwen could feel the fierce and dangerous aura exuding all over him.

"It's you!"

Chen Anwen knew this dark shadow. Every year for the past six years, this dark shadow would appear. He would appear once a year, but the time of appearance was not fixed. Chen Anwen didn't know who he was, and never even looked at his face.

This guy is very mysterious and powerful. Why does he appear here? Why does he appear here?

Chen Anwen didn't know anything, maybe this person already existed before he became a ghost.

"It seems that you still remember me, haven't seen me for another year."

The dark shadow seemed to be an old friend, and even chatted with Chen Anwen lightly, and his voice was a bit complicated and unpredictable: "Do you like that girl just now? I found her specially, maybe I can help you!"

"You got it?"

Chen Anwen was a little uneasy when he heard Sombra's words, Ning Huanxin that little girl looked very good, she... wouldn't be in any danger, right?

Because the dark shadow in front of him looks terrifying, like a person but not a person, like a ghost but not a ghost!

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Chen Anwen asked anxiously.

"I don't know who I am."

Hearing Chen Anwen's words, the shadow suddenly sighed quietly: "Maybe...she can find...who I am."

While talking, the shadow suddenly disappeared like a mist, as if he had never appeared before!


Girls' bedroom, Block B, 808.

At this point, Ning Huanxin had already returned to the dormitory. She did not practice tonight. After returning to the room, Ning Huanxin closed the window, put on her pajamas and lay on the bed——

808 really has a mysterious magnetic field? Will it cause insomnia?

Ning Huanxin slowly closed her eyes, after which...she fell asleep.

the next day.

Before dawn, Ning Huanxin still woke up early, sleeping really well. Ning Huanxin opened her eyes and stretched out her arms lazily. After that, she stunned suddenly--

How did I fall asleep last night?

What about insomnia?

Is it because my spiritual power is so strong that the magnetic field of 808 can't affect me?

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