Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1140: 1140: Mu Yuxin's purpose (2)


Ning Huanxin was surprised when she heard Mu Yuxin's words, because she had seen a picture of Yang Wan. Yang Wan and Mu Yuxin really didn't look the same at all, and they had different surnames.

"We are all orphans. We have lived in an orphanage since we were young. Sister Wan'er and I grew up together, better than our biological sisters."

As if seeing Ning Huanxin’s doubts, Mu Yuxin said faintly: “Sister Wan’er is six years older than me. She took me and protected me since I was a child. The orphanage... is not peaceful. At that time, thanks to her, in those years, she helped me a lot and taught me a lot. More than six years ago, she was admitted to Yanbei University. At that time, we were so happy. She said that she was waiting for her to graduate. Earning money can provide for me to study, but I didn’t expect that the day I sent her away would be a farewell. Back then, when Yanbei University called and said she was missing, I didn’t believe it at all. I'm not willing to accept it."

As Mu Yuxin was talking, her eyes turned red.

"She is my only relative and the best person to me in the world. I wanted to find her, but at that time I was just an ordinary junior high school student and I couldn't do anything. I have been thinking about it for the past few years. I have been looking for her everywhere and collecting news about her. I studied desperately and applied for the Department of Architecture of Yanbei University to find her. The rumor about 808 was actually known before I enrolled, but I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it. What cannibalistic dormitory exists in this world, Sister Wan'er must be alive! She must be alive!"

Mu Yuxin's tone was firm, she didn't want to believe that the person who treated her best in the world had already left.

"It turned out to be so."

Ning Huanxin nodded and looked at Mu Yuxin with complicated eyes: "If 808 is really evil, it is really dangerous, aren't you afraid?"

"I am not afraid, as long as I can uncover the secret of 808, I am not afraid of any danger!"

Mu Yuxin's expression was very firm.

"okay, I get it."

Ning Huanxin nodded. Maybe it was because things were a bit heavy just now. Seeing that Mu Yuxin hadn't recovered, Ning Huanxin took the initiative to pat her shoulder two steps: "Let's go, run, 808's matter , It can always be solved!"


Mu Yuxin nodded, and the two of them ran towards the stadium together. Together, the two major beauties of the architecture department are really a unique landscape in the morning...

I don't know if it was because Ning Huanxin knew her biggest secret, but Mu Yuxin and Ning Huanxin's relationship got closer instead.

When eating in the morning, Pan Yingying and her boyfriend went out to eat together. Ning Huanxin and Mu Yuxin went directly to the school cafeteria. In the cafeteria, two people sat in the same seat and talked and laughed, as if they were already very good friends.


When the two were eating, suddenly a somewhat familiar voice came over. Ning Huan turned his head, and it was Lin Jianping. He looked awkward, his face was pale and dark circles were heavy. But seeing the two big beauties, Lin Jianping's eyes were shining.

Ning Huan's eyes flickered. She didn't think Lin Jianping was so excited when she saw him. His eyes seemed to stay more on Mu Yuxin's body.

Lin Jianping and Pan Yingying are very familiar with each other, and Mu Yuxin is Pan Yingying's roommate. They must have seen each other often before.

Ning Huanxin knew it in his heart, and beckoned Lin Jianping to sit next to him.

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