Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1141: 1141: Information found by Lin Jianping

"Look at you, didn't you sleep all night?"

Mu Yuxin also noticed Lin Jianping's expression and asked softly.

"Fortunately, staying up late in our computer department is commonplace!"

As Lin Jianping said, he suddenly took out his mobile phone mysteriously, looked at the two big beauties next to him, and said meaningfully: "Guess what I did last night?"

"You invaded the Yanjing Security Department?"

Ning Huan endured a laugh, and asked seriously.

Lin Jianping:...

Sister, you think too much!


Lin Jianping coughed twice at Ning Huanxin and Mu Yuxin, and then quickly tapped his finger on the phone screen. Soon an account appeared on Lin Jianping’s phone screen. It was a social account and the account’s avatar was a young person. The woman who looks like a twenty-four or five-year-old, dressed very fashionable and delicate.

"Now, this is Liu Wenna's Weibo account. It contains many details of her daily life, as well as her community address, and even her social circle. I have found it too. Great!"

Lin Jianping raised his head, looking for praise.

It's hard to be able to perform well in front of a girl who has a good impression. Little Brother Lin really did his best last night. It took a lot of effort to check this!

Look at this dark circle, it is the best proof!

"Awesome, so amazing!"

Mu Yuxin sighed and looked at Lin Jianping with a look of admiration. Ning Huanxin nodded and gave her thumbs up: "That's great. Give you thirty-two likes. Send these Here it is, I will study it during class in the morning!"

"it is good."

Lin Jianping nodded, and then sent all the information about Liu Wenna he found to Ning Huanxin.


Yesterday Lin Jianping sent a lot of information to Ning Huanxin. In the evening, because of Chen Anwen's affairs, Ning Huanxin didn't have the first time to study those information.

But today, taking advantage of the morning class, Ning Huanxin took out his mobile phone and opened the mailbox, downloaded and looked through the information.

As a scumbag, there is no pressure for Ning Huanxin to do other things without listening in class.

She lowered her head slightly, put the phone in the book, and looked at the information in the phone seriously.

Ning Huanxin has basically read all the gossip messages on the forum. She took a closer look at the personal information of Yang Wan and Zhuang Xiaoqing. The birthdays of the two people are nothing special, and they are not pure Yin characters. Of course, everything on the information is not done quasi.

Spring city people.

Ning Huanxin saw that Yang Wan's information stated that she was from Spring City. It seemed that Mu Yuxin hadn't lied. She really came from the same place as Yang Wan.

After reading Yang Wan's information, Ning Huanxin went to read Zhuang Xiaoqing's information again. Zhuang Xiaoqing is from Ninghai City, far away from Yanjing.

It seems that Yang Wan and Zhuang Xiaoqing have nothing in common, whether it is birthdays, place of birth, or other information.

The only thing they have in common is that they both live in 808.

Ning Huanxin sighed. Zhuang Xiaoqing disappeared in the winter ten years ago, and Yang Wan disappeared in the early autumn six years ago. The two people even went missing on different dates.

This is really strange.

Could it be... Is there really no pattern to follow in the disappearance of 808?

The time for one class passed quickly, and Ning Huanxin heard the next get out of class bell, and then she came back to her senses—he actually missed a class? What a sin! Be sure to listen carefully to the next class!

[Published book "Quick Pass: A Guide to Raising a Queen" is a half-life Qianxia work, a good friend's book, which has more than 300,000 words, and it is very beautiful. If you like to watch fast, you can check it out. 】

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