Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1145: 1145: Memories of Liu Wenna (3)

"Life is not a detective novel. Once in a crisis, there may be no Prince Charming who will suddenly appear, and heroes will save the United States. So... why don't we choose a more stable lifestyle?"

Liu Wenna's voice was very soft, but it made sense.

"I can indeed change a dormitory, but...808 has other meanings to me."

Ning Huan smiled faintly.

The girl’s bedroom 808 was chosen by someone for Ning Huan’s heart. This is--

Exam questions? trap? Or some kind of hint?

Ning Huanxin didn't know, but in order to find the person behind the scenes, she could only go forward!

"Special meaning?"

Liu Wenna glanced at Ning Huanxin again, her eyes a little deep.

"In this case, what do you want to ask, I will try my best to answer you. In fact, 808 has nothing to hide."

Liu Wenna took a sip of water.

She seemed to be a little nervous.

Ning Huanxin took a deep breath at this time and started asking her own questions.

"Sister, I saw a message on the forum that seems to be left by you. You said...808 has a special magnetic field. What does this magnetic field mean?"

"magnetic field."

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Liu Wenna repeated in a low voice, and her whole body fell into memories.

In fact, 808’s memories are not terrifying, even with warmth and beauty, but unfortunately...

Yang Wan's disappearance cast a shadow over 808. This special dormitory is daunting!

"You are also studying architecture, and you also know that architectural feng shui, some places will have a naturally formed magnetic field, which makes people feel comfortable or uncomfortable to live in!"

Liu Wenna spoke softly again, her expression in a trance: "The previous 808 had such a magnetic field, but it was not an ordinary magnetic field. I have carefully experienced and observed it. Most of the time, the 808 is very ordinary, without any It’s special, but every once in a while, the magnetic field of 808 will change. That magnetic field is very mysterious and strong. It will make me feel uneasy and unable to sleep peacefully. Even...I occasionally have hallucinations and auditory hallucinations."


Hearing what Liu Wenna said, Ning Huanxin immediately asked a little nervously: "Senior sister, you have seen it all, what did you hear? Do you remember?"

"Remember, why don't you remember?"

Speaking of this, Liu Wenna raised her eyes and leaned against the sofa. Perhaps, this would make her feel more at ease.

"One week after school started, I felt the abnormality of 808 for the first time. I suffered from insomnia that night, but then it got better. I didn't care too much. As a result, a few days later, the feeling came again, and that day , I heard the sound and saw the image, just like a mirage. I saw a lot of people. It’s a pity... the image is very blurry, I can’t see what it is, but someone is screaming in my ears, I Hearing the sound of fighting, it seems to be... a battlefield!"

The battlefield is full of blood and blood!

Cruel battlefield!


Hearing what Liu Wenna said, Ning Huan's heart was concentrating. Was Yanbei University a battlefield before? This... The history is too long to be verified!

"Senior sister, are there others?"

Ning Huanxin asked again.

But Liu Wenna shook her head: "Not long after that, Yang Wan disappeared. You should have heard that? In fact, I was uneasy at that time, so I didn't want to live in the dormitory. As long as I had a holiday, I would definitely return. At home, I also persuaded Yang Wan to go to my house with me, but she didn't want to, Yang Wan, how should I say."

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